how does he consistently come up with 10/10 material?
How does he consistently come up with 10/10 material?
>inb4 seething magatards shit up this thread
you just know he has to smoke a dooby once in awhile to be that creative lol
this I bet he and the writers get zooted before writing these crazy gags
haha how did they come up with that they must have snorted lsd lol
my dude is probably at a solid [8] 24/7
Dan Gurgich was my favorite College humor guy and I’d like to think he’s responsible for a lot of the better material on this show
I dont get it. Who is he mocking?
>Favorite year: 2015
>Least favorite year: 2016
Shows decent but could do with a better host
Trumpets hate this shit cause they don't believe in facts and like to scream fake news at things that hurt their fragile feelings
Is not the guy who hates Brexit,Trump,Bolsonaro and so on?
Is mister [current year]?
Come on TV!, I vote for Trump thanks to this guy!
You aren't an American citizen, so you can't vote for Trump.
t. pic related
I'm so sick of this guy. His distortion of reality is pretty crazy. I saw his "serious" talk on warehouses and he's so off base. I've worked freight overnights before. Sure, the manual labor sucks but it's not absolutely devastating. He brought on an old grandpa who worked in the Amazon fulfillment centers, dude what the fuck did you expect when you took the job? That they'd give you special boomer privileges? Get fukt
Furry faggot degenerate.
His whole point was that the pickers are the ones getting wrecked, presented with facts, and if you did further reading into it you'd see multiple sources reporting the same shit. I think your reality here is distorted instead of his m8
I guess it's easy to please the unwashed masses aka you.
seething wagie
Youre absolutely pathetic, know that
did he shut the fuck up about janice yet
IT'S 2015
Not who you replied to, John Oliver is a worthless faggot with a trash show, but that's no excuse for you to suck amazon's corporate cock
Dude, they're walking around. If 7 hours of walking with intermittent breaks destroys you, then you're an absolute pussy or lying because you're lazy and don't want to not do your job. He didn't present facts just social media snapshits and articles talking about employee perspectives. Everyone just likes to shit on Amazon, while simultaneously using their services.
>i'm going to move to another country and bitch about it then make lots of money doing it
>Come on TV!, I vote for Trump thanks to this guy!
doesn't that actually make him based though?
I will forever be grateful to John Oliver for giving us DRUMPF desu
No u
Stop eating onions and learn how to into critical thinking
Nah, senpai. Had that job years back to pay for college. More than happy with my current engineering gig. Fuck am. I'll buy as much as I can from amazon just to spite those whiny cunts.
I know some Amazon pickers in great shape
Go try walking around for a full shift (look into their mileage btw) picking shit up, being constantly monitored to the point of barely getting toilet breaks
Imma take a big bong hit to celebrate this awesome post
>first fucking post
Yeah, I've dealt with the same shit. My phone had a built in pedometer and averaged around 14 miles each night. That doesn't mention all the heavy lifting I did. If you told me I could have done all that for $15 /hr back then I would have hopped right the fuck on that deal.
Go willingly take a job for an agreed upon wage and then bitch about it despite willingly staying there.
This. I spent two years working at McDonalds for far less money. Shit, my first job was carrying bricks up and down stairs all day for 20 a day in my mid teens. Fuck those pussies, it's a cushy job.
That's how unions started m8. People saw jobs where they could be treated better but were somewhat stuck in (Inb4 hurrr find another job durr). Amazon workers needa union up. Just cause you fags had it shitty doesn't mean it's bad to make things better for others.
I'm fine with them unionizing and getting a rep to fight for better conditions. My issue is all these workers are whiny liars and the media is perpetuating these lies because people have a hate boner for Amazon right now. They get $15, PTO, and I'm willing to bet benefits too. They have it MADE. They're just pissy Amazon enforces that they actually work.
Unions are for commies
remember that time he had an entire video proclaiming that there was nothing wrong with mass muslim migration into your country one week before the paris shootings? Haha real funny man 10/10 quality material.
that guy was the most forgettable of all
Rent Free
what the fuck are you even talking about?
Beat it commie. And go back to Venezuela while you're at it.
Commies don't believe in rent lmao
ausfag here. who is this and what is he mocking?
Some fag that poms and yanks constantly jerk over or sharpen blades to. Avoid learning about it. Can summarise all his jokes right here:
You just proved you never watched the show
Oliver hasnt talked about Trump in years, he isnt Colbert
His show is getting pretty decent. Still not prime Daily Show quality but watchable.
>he isnt Colbert
i genuinely thought it was
WEED in my ASS
Literally who?
you know I seriously can't believe it's been three years since the current year
I'm a leftist but even I don't really watch him anymore. Only if the topic is really interesting. Apart from the information aspect it's not funny anymore, the jokes have stayed the same for two years now
>goes of on wacky surreal tangents
>10/10 material
ffs any construction job is much harder than walking around with a box, and they're indoors, it's cushy
>People unironically defending exploitation of labour on the grounds that they were once victims of it themselves
Is this the true power of slave morality?