I like fat chicks but even I have my limits. I don't mean weight wise either, some women are like poisonous tree frogs. Everything about their outward appearance is there to remind you to get the fuck away from it.
Since its actually applicable for the first time ever, I'll give it a go. She looks like she fucks black guys.
Anyone else here besides me think she can't wipe properly?
Braphogus Satanus
I like fat girls but goddamn is she an edgelord
is anyone else actually amazed and a little worried that everything is getting more and more reveled that satan unironically is starting to rule the world
Edit: Gods bless you for the Gold
lemme wreck this piggy
That means it will all be over soon.
what happen to nipples?????????????
Give me 10 minutes with this cunt and I'll make her want to die for real
Based schizo
i think i killed one of these in Doom
>1st picture
Hell yeah (;<
>Second picture
Oh fuck no
infection scars
She most likely can't
Yes but there's no point talking about it. People get real aggressive about this.
>starting to
i'd hit it but she'd have to be dressed like this
feed me the flesh of chickens boiled in oil
come on now dude i was having fucking dinner
not gonna lie, had us in the first half
Micky Bells & Luna Amor - Crazy About Milk
>1st picture
>Second picture
now you have my attention >;)
Gross, lose some weight jabba the fucking hut
>some edgy tumblr chick dresses up edgy
Retarded schizo
her stomach really fucking ruins it
uhh actually if you pay attention and notice trends youd see "ironically" worshipping satan is gaining traction with the NPCs, hollywood celebrities crediting satan, every single one of the band ghosts songs is about satan, coincidentally at a time when human degeneracy in society is at pinnical and women go into some sort of wild frenzy demanding that babies get sucked out of their mothers pussies with a vaccum.
its okay, not everyone has been gifted with the ability of simple pattern recognition. im sure youre a really smart guy though you dumb faggot
How is her face that pretty and thin while the rest of her looks like that?
She's like an orc.
It gets the gas
good old fashioned fgas
Have sex
kek, this is definitely the asylum demon body type
the satanic church was also recognized by the IRS a couple month ago and is now tax exempt
I wouldn't mind her gas desu
You are mentally ill seek help incel
>dark nipples
>hair dye
all sings of a major class coalburner
My armor is contempt
My shield is disgust
My sword is hatred
In the Emperor's name let none survive
Read the Satanic Bible and people like Alesteir Crowley and Helena Blavatsky and compare it to things like self-help books, new age or even The Secret and you'll find that they are pretty much the same thing.
hey dude - hot take. taking literally everything ironically is keeping your brain in a tiny box.
you are literally unable to take anything thats blatently right in front seriously and this is why youre an oblivious moron
You sound like a faggot.
Begone Slaanesh.
what is your fucking problem? im telling you objective facts you can easily find yourself and the best you can retort with is your meaningless retarded name calling
do you have a fucking brain?
I'd love to see her without makeup
he's right though
alright youre completely incapable of holding a conversation.
based christcuck misinterpreting Saturn worship
Keep the goof fight user, you are doing Gods work.
I want her to make guttural pig noises while we smash to electric wizard
Don't you mean literally incapable?
apparently you dont. that's why youre such an easy target lmao
believe me, i dont envy you
lost souls would rather whine and spaz out rather than learn something
I was fucking this fat chick and one time at the heat of the moment i said "you like that pig?" she got hurt and cried afterwards and no matter how much i said sorry she insisted whe should stop seeing each other. Kinda sad since she was a nice fuck buddy
>implying you wouldn't
>she got hurt and cried afterwards
this would only make me harder, i'd suck and fuck her even harder
>fuck buddy
>calls a fat girl fat
>apologizes instead of doubling down and degrading her until she comes full circle to raunchy debauchery sex
Mistake my friend, huge.
post his pic
should have started calling her a cow
Based 100% correct poster
Why do christcucks get mad people worship Satan, they will go hell according to the bible so why be mad
I feel like the recent increase in Satanic imagery is more our increasingly atheistic society realizing that any type of "Pagan" imagery was immediately branded "satanic" by the church, and there is really a ton of cool stories and legends (like Celtic stuff) that just get buried under centuries of Christian censorship and taboo-ising. In other words we're breaking free of thought constraints imposed on us by schizos like you.
>white person
>worships semitic deity
pick one
Because hell is bad m'kay
it begs the question why they care about anything at all in this life
>tfw this girl would turn down almost everybody itt for being not good enough, myself definitely included, and still be able to land built, attractive Chads on a regular basis, despite herself being less attractive and more out of shape than most of the guys she would shoot down
Why even live?
I don't give a shit about edgy white larpers, what bothers me is the actual Synagogue of Satan controlling the federal reserve, promoting anti-Christian values in the media, and manipulating American foreign policy to create more and more wars.
Tfw no brap-witch gf
based white trash soccer mom
>t.mommy issues
based and litany pilled.
Satan is part of Christian mythology retard
okay but you are completely delusional because what you said is not true. all you can do is spout petty meaningless insults and lie.
no wonder why youre sticking around in this thread trying to defend this shit. you are incapable of sincerity and bitter at the concept of truth. very sad
>Already fat
I'm only interested in architecture.
.... Name? I have a great need
miss mermaidxxx
Only interested if you get in on the ground floor, eh?
I think it's an interesting concept. I don't want to sound too pickle rick but any rational person knows the god and devil are concepts. We have no proof otherwise... but it is curious how the human mind shapes good and evil through the years. How order is signified by mass religions like Christianity and chaos is signified by whatever opposes it.
I think the concept of Satan is an important one, and focuses the human spirit to strive to be more. Defining evil. And I also know that fashion and rebellion tend to like to shock people and be more and more extreme as the years grind on.
Maybe this is what Rome saw before it fell. Cults that mocked tradition. Women running wild under the guise of false sciences.
I think the answer that humanity is just a piece of shit and undoes it's own works it the best answer. Striving to be better is the best we can do. Striving to maintain order.. just order is the best we can do.
Yea. Much more difficult but also much more satisfying.
no one would give this disgusting freak a second glance lmao
shed actually eventually be so desperate for an ordinary man for a chance at a safe normal relationship saftey net after she gets older and is appalled with herself
>Christian mythology
>add some STDs
papa nurgle would be proud
Left is hot but then the right photo ruins everything the left leaves up to the imagination. Oh well, fatties will be fatties
God bless you, user
the novelty of this new age-y bullshit wore off back in the 70s. and you're unaware of the fact you're playing into the whole thing. satanic worship was always about edgy juvenile rejection of orderly patriarchal society in favor of mindless hedonism. it's literally the genesis myth. pagan mysticism as opposed to a hierarchical monotheistic religion is just one part of this paradigm conflict
>I think the concept of Satan is an important one, and focuses the human spirit to strive to be more.
all you fucking acolytes do is lie. the Divine God is the spirutual concept of striving to be more and help others.
Look what this satanic enlightenment did to this mess of a woman in OPs pic. that's not striving to be more. shes not set free. shes a ruined mess with no decency and filled with self harted. that is not love. God is love. I would love to talk to her and give her my support and encouragement to set her head straight and fine genuine peace with herself
the outside reflects the inside. shes a tourtered mess. all from this evil influence you lie about.
Imagine if she spent as much time on the treadmill as she did getting her makeup perfect
I think you misunderstood what I typed. I'm saying it's important to have a focus of evil, even if it's shrouded in myth. It gives people who want to be more an example to strive against. I'm not saying satan focus the spirit.
I think satan focuses the will.
>I think you misunderstood what I typed
actually i just realized that after i posted lmao. also checking ur numbers
You know very well what he meant. Learning to be better through love is not an obvious concept to most people compared to focusing on oneself.
You're pretty confident for a dumb guy.
is that crescent carved into her forehead
I don't know why I'm even responding, but the bible doesn't mention any physical aspects of satan, the horns and goat legs come from Egyptian and Greek and Norse gods that the church wanted to discredit ASAP. Literally just copy pasted
Take your meds dude
It's cool. People get heated over this stuff too. As expected.
hey small guy, thats like the 3rd time you used that phrase which is used by people like you whenever someone makes clear valid points. your little mind cant even come up with something that isnt a cliche empty response
Made to please a black man
Actual worshiping Satan the antagonist of God yes, but there is more to things like the Wiccan belief (getting in touch with nature, etc.)
Also that is the shittiest interpretation of the genesis myth I have ever come across. Mindless hedonism? They partook with the promise of knowledge.
>clear, valid points
Miltonic Satan > medieval cycle play comic relief 'monster' Satan
I agree, user. The thing is that your hobby and its board here are both littered with people that are either kikes or worship kike products. Don't be surprised that most are calling you schizo since you've most likely been lying to yourself about not noticing what I said about tv/film.
People tried to warn you exactly what would happen with sexual liberation and muh civil rights. They got mocked but I hope they know they were right. The greatest trick the Devil has pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
alright well some other people who actually have things to say started posting so that doesnt leave room for you anymore