When men jack off to you a special type of energy flows from their dick into your body & it keeps you young & beautiful
Before & after coming out as a annoying lesbian
by that logic britney spears be an infant
right side looks like she should be in a hair metal band
i think that dude on the right delivered my large pie with mushrooms, onions and bacon. asked him in for a bong rip.
all of her nudes were fake so most of that energy got wasted
I think it is the other way around. I think she came out as a lesbian because she saw that she was becoming less hot. What’s the point in being heterosexual as a woman if you can’t even use your looks to have power over guys? When you become ugly you don’t have to pretend to like guys anymore. Might as well just pack it up and use your money and status to fuck cute bitches.
She's ugly because she's childless
My president
Better than Drumpf.
I knew they'd become best bros
>Cute bitches
>He thinks pornstar gay for pay is how lesbos look IRL
Most of them are fat, man jaws, and for some reason all wear plaid shirts not to mention the "dyke cut" hair.
Why she "turned gay" is easy to figure out. She was no longer hot with the girl next door crowd.
They moved on to other up and comming teenage hollywhore.
She had a choice go dyke or go broke. What film has she been in recently? Producers dropped her ass after her looks went bad.
You mean with make up and without makeup
Strangely, she's turning into Willem Dafoe.
>Go against God's plan
>Become a mentally ill, depressed, ugly freak
Wow! Also, why do gays get AIDS?! It's almost as if actions have consequences...
even if you put the same makeup on the right, you wouldnt get the left
>inb4 because of veganism
New Dracula?
The wall is real
All women are more attracted to women than they are to men though.
she looks better, nice for her
If she still had her looks, she would be in to men still. But as you well know, she ran to the dyke club because no man wants to fuck and pay for her shit anymore.
>Vegans are so pathetic that they have to spread their cope around in a thread that barely has anything to do with veganism
She just stopped doing a combover
I wanna cum all over her fivehead while she cries desu
What the fuck happened? Is she a vegan?
Bitch look like Walder Frey.
No, it's called eyeshadow and covering your massive fivehead with your hair.
Cope: The Prophylactic Post
>When men jack off to you a special type of energy flows from their dick into your body & it keeps you young & beautiful
big if true
Was Inception the last movie before she hit the wall?
>t. newfags don’t know about the “it was veganism” poster in these threads
Back to TD faggots
I get more of a wormtongue vibe
Truly a patrician meme
I heard she'll be featured in a remake of scanners. She dies early in brutal fashion.
>Is she a vegan?
yeah, its the real reason she looks so bad now
coming out lets the ugliness out too
That one X-Men movie was on the other day and I forgot she was in it. She still looked moderately attractive in it.