Season 3 is full of "Orange Man Bad" propaganda

> Girl is harassed by a sexist with a terrible haircut and horrible spraytan. Later in the series he basically become Trump as a Slasher villain before the 'strong independent wahman' beats him to death.

> The Main antagonist is a corrupt politician who is selling the town out to the Russians. Hopper threatens to cut one of his fingers off. Wills mom kicks him in the nuts. and he gets beaten up numerous times by the Russians he's collaborating with. This was definitely written right after Hillary lost the election.

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Other urls found in this thread:

literally seething

Every time they say Russians just replace it in your mind with Jews instead

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I want winona to kick me in the balls

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Thank you OP for saving me the time.
Not gonna watch a minute of this mentally insane lefty drooling garbage.

I’m only two episodes in, but the only thing I’ve really noticed is the “mansplaining” shit with Nancy at the newspaper office and the dude from Starship Troopers. The mayor subplot also made me realize that this series is basically a Don Dohler movie with a budget.

ahem OP... have sex

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>Billy snaps out of it just in time to stop the Cloverfield monster from killing Eleven

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Pretty much only watching it for based Steve at this point

But Orange man is bad

>tfw you actually believe reality itself is propaganda and fringest ideals are the truth









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Your latter point isn't true

There was a ton of conspiracy theories that Russians were infiltrating small parts of the US government and were deep in the US in the 1980's.

There are similarities but none of it was intentional

Theres a scene in this hospital that is basically. The axe in the bathroom scene from the shining, but with Trump instead of Jack Nicholson. Complete with obnoxious spraytan.

Nobody cares. Steve needs to find love.

OP you sound pretty triggered. Consider engaging in intercorse.

kys Netflix shill

why the wh*toids are so fucking insecure and stupid? Stranger Things is shit, but Netflix is a global platform, the world doesn't care about Trump, even Xi Jinping is more relevant to the world, your president is a clown on Twitter, stop believing that the world cares about Trump or Alex Jones, etc, stupid American clowns for American donkeys

Netflix is totally lefty. They probably mandated these parts in the series.

Post more Sadie, Sadiebro

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Try enjoying things without politics. It'll make you less of a seething fucking retard.

Jesus Christ trump is so played out. Dude has straight up dementia, next episode alresdy

Just started episode 6


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Remember when Mueller was going to make it all better? MUELLER IS COMING, kek.

Seems so long ago, doesn't it?

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Isnt the orange man a literal retard supported by racist inbreds?



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What are you gonna do about it then, white boy?


lol the have been infiltrating since the 30s. Why do you think we have communist party 1 and communist part 2 but on a speeding limit

Didnt even think of it as Drumpf shit. Saw it as oh look its Gary Busey's brother mimicking Gary Busey. The russian shit is a homage to 80's paranoia

>main antagonist
Did you even watch? He was in like 2 episodes.

I didn't think it could get worse than the garbage fire slog that was season 2, but goddamn did they achieve in failing.