Tfw stop browsing Yea Forums because the site has become a massive cringe fest of literal r9k and pol virgins who keep...

>tfw stop browsing Yea Forums because the site has become a massive cringe fest of literal r9k and pol virgins who keep shitting up your favourite boards

Films for this feeling?

Attached: 1560093903544.jpg (421x421, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

/pol/ defense force arriving in 3...2...1...

>say you're doing one thing
>obviously not doing it by being here

you sure showed us

I stopped browsing back in 2013.
I still come here everyday, of course.

>pretend to be oldfag

sure try this one

Attached: lie.jpg (311x445, 26K)

Yeah the movie is called Get Out :)

>n-no /pol/ is the defense force
You guys are diseased. You cannot help it. How horrifying.

That doesn't make sense.



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Boku no Pico is right up your alley.

for once, OP was not a faggot
/r9k/ and /pol/fags are the lowest of the low. They're human cockroaches.

How are you better?

Heh, fucking shmuck.

I've never even visited Yea Forums before and I've been here since 2006.

absolute kino

right on time

Worked and SEETHING
Hit the bricks back on over to Plebbit, ya slapdick

only newfags are interested in staying on topic. Yea Forums is for funposting.

>I love Television & Film, I like to geek out on Yea Forums

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>people who use Yea Forums are posting on a Yea Forums board

I wish I was brave enough to have a bunch of basedjaks saved on my computer, but I'm scared because Jesus hates fags.

Reddit is unironically better for discussion of tv and film than .Yea Forums

only redditors feel the urge to talk about tv or video games or some gay shit with their peers.

>Yea Forums
This is 4CHANNEL /pol/jeet.

>watching jewish propaganda
lmaoing at ur life

Yes because censoring yourself is so fun.

Because I killed myself three years ago

>actually bothering to post this

Why are you here?

Its in your cache now

You don't need to censor yourself, the mods and admins will do it for you user. For free.

to funpost in off topic threads. There is no reason to view any thread you don't think some janny will delete before it's archived.

even if it isn't ironical it's fucking great

I literally couldn't literally give a flying literal fuck you fucking literal fucking lierararllltt

to cause problems for the jannie

Nice, now I'm an unwilling homo. Thank you.

>i stopped browsing
>makes thread
>complains about /pol/

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Exactly but I can avoid not being censored by not being there.

based and truthpilled

Niggers indeed friend

>stop browsing
>makes thread

>I hate Yea Forums :(
Then leave you astroturfing retard

4channel is way superior


>some madlad reported the redditor

he forgot about sneed

Absolutely based.

Absolutely based lmao


all i need to do to get (you)s is post this link?


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Because I'm not a racist shit bag

Yea Forums has a pretty strong board culture. I stay there even though I'm not a huge wrestling fan. Yea Forums went down the shitter years ago.

Because I have sex with a biological woman I don't pay.

Wow man I would hate to be called a made up word by a russian jew blood thirsty dictator. Anything but a word a brutal jewish tyrant made up that is considered normal and encouraged in every group except white people.

>he posted it again
>he's a worse user than netjester, a literal bot

That's extremely unlikely.

Kill yourself scum.

>unironically posting oof
yikes! do better!

seek help, user
also, have sex

beep boop

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Attached: facebook_memes_2013_classic_cringecomp_9gag_trynottolaugh.png (200x202, 28K)

haha he sounds like pickel rick!

Yeah I had an image of the smarter child logo with a Yea Forums filename on hand.

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the low effort posting on this board has gone too far

"Go Back to Fucking Reddit"
It's pretty kino, you should give it a watch

>people I dont like are roaches
>I'm a good person
Dude lmao

>implying they're people
libcucks LEAVE

Reddit isn't a discussion platform.

This. Wtf?

Good, never come back

/pol/ is for retards who think the CIA is after them
/int/ is /pol/lite with the same dumb posters and a hard on for russia like good little cucks
/r9k/ is a /pol/ battleground

You're right that's why I stopped using /pol/ in 2014 and only use blue boards

formerly Yea Forums

I feel bad for anyone using non-blue boards at this point.

Sure but where do the reddit/discord/resetera trannies want me to "go back" to? I'm already here. Yea Forums? /o/?

Maybe people not from those places think your posts suck too. Just something to consider.

most based post of the century

Attached: 🤔.png (478x504, 44K)

Based reddit cringe

Shut the fuck up astroturfer

OP here, thanks mods for not deleting my thread. This shit needed to be said


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lol based

>you called my a mean no no word, that means this place is an echo chamber
based dishonest retard



based! haha!

based but bluepilled