This movie kinda sucks.
This movie kinda sucks
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It's a beautiful movie, with a great score, but I agree. The plot is garbage.
Still, Catwoman was pure sex.
Not feeling it. The shitty patch work suit takes me out of it.
Peak summer McDonald's tie-in comfy.
Shut up.
You might be gay, user.
>Literally the sexiest female role with perfect casting
>great score
Yeah. I'm thinking you're a homo
this movie gave me a bad girl fetish and i am forever grateful
Danny Devito was so perfectly cast that I can't unsee him as Penguin in anything else he's in.
Best Catwoman.
Sexiest Catwoman for sure, but Anne Hathaway played the character better.
Unironically kill yourself tomorrow night
It's literally the second best live action Batman movie.
Batman is irrelevant, the action is boring, and the plot sucks. It has nothing to offer outside of some cool imagery. I've always felt that Batman Forever was the far better batman story.
After Batman (1989) I presume.
The third film should have been a catwoman film with Michelle Phifer.
It's a batman film told from her perspective, and Batman is kind of an antagonist.
This is what Returns should have been anyways.
I can't possibly estimate how many liters of cum have I spilled over the Michelle Pfeiffer meltdown scene. Shit was so cash, deranged women just do it for me.
>I've always felt that Batman Forever was the far better batman story.
That's when they slid right back into 60s batman silliness. People act like that started with Batman and Robin, but it was Forever.
And there's even some 60's batman vibe in the 1989 film too, as many sequences feel like 60's batman but just much darker with death.
Great webm, thanks for posting this
holy fuck it's you again
Everyone acts like Tim Burton is so great. He's not that great
If you haven't seen It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, watch that so you always see Frank Reynolds instead.
She was good but the penguin was pretty pointless. If they had just made her more of a threat and didn't give away too much of her backstory and not had the penguin, it would have been a much better film. There should have just been like one or two clips of her backstory.
Just imagine how much effort it took to make this scene in 1989.
Responsible for my vinyl fetish.
Also OP is a fag.
He used to be good, if not great. It all went downhill when he started overly using CGI.
Watching Catwoman in this fueled my femdom fetish. I so badly wanted her to tie me up with her whip
>That's when they slid right back into 60s batman silliness.
True, but its the actual first batman movie in the 90s that actually attempts to tell a batman story and explore the character and does okay job at it. It even does a okay job at connecting Batman's trauma and resolve with Robin's story. Like, there is no scene in returns or 89 that matches below.
Beyond > BTAS
My dad still has some of those cups.
The studio was actually furious with burton for making the movie so dark. They couldn't market this shit to kids like they wanted, which is why he didn't come back and they went in the opposite direction with schumaker.
Iktf, I've always fantasized about fucking a girl under the pink neon Hell Is Here sign.
>you always see Frank Reynolds instead.
>Implying the penguin didn't survive his wounds, take his family fortune to get plastic surgery, change his name, and move to Philadelphia to start a family
Why do you think he likes hanging out with charlie in the sewer so much? Batman returns was his backstory.
fuck you, this and dick tracy are the only acceptable comic flicks
That's literally the best capeshit ever, kill yourself zoomer.
Unf. Seeing Michelle Pfeiffer in that skintight suit back in the day gave rise to both my dick and a lifelong latex fetish. Now, if Halle Berry would have worn an outfit just like this in that godawful Catwoman movie, it would have been phenomenal!
Superman '78 is fucking great and still holds up.
I liked Batman Forever too.
The ending especially is really terrible.
Love it also would have been kino if they got someone younger and who could act to play Robin.
>Sean Young believed she was entitled to the role of Catwoman and began stalking Burton, even breaking into the Warner Bros loft in a homemade Catwoman costume and forcing Burton to hide in his office until security escorted her out.
I'm not a herbivore so I have a hard time "ironically" enjoying a movie. The Penguin was the only good thing in it.
yeah, no cat ears like in my animes, 2/10 wouldn't bang
*Surpasses Batman*
literally diamonds
Christopher Reeves was Superman the rest are actors in blue pajamas.
>>Selina! Selina Kyle, you're fired! And Bruce Wayne, why are you dressed up like Batman?
We'll never get a good live-action Batgirl in the current year.
t. boomer
Wrong. Batman kills more people than in other movies, and Catwoman was sexy.
It's Reeve, not Reeves
Reeve is best but I feel Cavill got a bad deal and could have been fantastic with a good script.
I preferred when he burned the fire breather to death, but yeah. Bruce Wayne, a vengeance obsessed kid growing up to punch people and never kill is a retarded concept.
I didn't mind it.
you're kinda right
i used to LOVE it back then, but rewatching it recently, is not a good movie
Tim Burton is such an underappreciated auteur.
A national treasure, forever lost in formulaic, commercial drivel
Whatever, he made his movies, and then laughed his way to the bank.
And when when two or three might be some of my favorite movies ever, I say god speed.