This movie was kino...

This movie was kino, hope they don't listen to the literally braindead critics who spout their retarded "le too many monsters" bullshit for Godzilla vs Kong

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It's garbage.

It is wordt than shit. Just loud noises the whole time

Nope. I ignored the critics and saw it and it was still a shitty movie.

It was great but you just know the next one will be ruined now because of brainlets.

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>Most Godzilla of all the movies he's ever been in
>Human plot is minimal, focus is on the monsters
>Monster battles are actually entertaining
It's the perfect Godzilla movie, the only kind of person to hate this is the kind of person who doesn't like Godzilla in the first place and most likely thinks the 98 version wasn't shit

And all those ones are shit (Not counting Shin Goji and the original, of course.)

If OP is this desperate he must be getting paid.

Believe me, if I was getting paid I'd shill some MCU shit instead. This movie is already out of theaters in 90% of the world anyways

>It's an "anyone who disagrees with me is a paid shill" episode

Fuck (You)

>if I was getting paid I'd shill some MCU shit instead.

Explain how this sentence makes sense to you.

Because Endgame is getting a rerelease soon


Why is that Dinosaur so fat??? How can it even walk?

>>Human plot is minimal
Wrong. There's still a lot of time wasted on the humans and their scenes aren't even good.

All the value this movie has is just waiting for someone to upload all the monster fight scenes on youtube once the blu ray comes out.

The monster fights were cool enough I guess, King Ghidorah’s storms got in the way a lot.
All the human bits were terrible and made about 70%-80% of the movie which is a slight improvement on the previous movie which was 90% human drama.

Not a good movie.

I loved it. I only wish there were more rompin stompin monster action. Also the only part that really pissed me off was the missle sending that guy flying and not killing him

Me to, bro. If anything, there were too many humans.

Part of me wants these movies to keep going regardless of what these critics say, remember they themselves were the ones who said there wasn't enough Godzilla in the 2014 film.
But another part of me says that America just isn't ready for movies about giant monsters or giant robots. Pacific Rim Uprising completely bombed and it ruined the potential of it being a franchise by making some of the biggest mistakes ALL to appeal to the country that helped pay off the first film, China.

Uprising was god awful. It deserved to bomb.

Cant wait for the kong vs zilla fight to be at night and in the rain

Attached: punished mecha.gif (212x150, 1.16M)

People hate what they don't understand.

It sure was
>Killing mako off, who was Japanese, for a new Chinese girl
>Riley is nowhere to be found
>Jon boyega out of nowhere
>Robots now move too fast without some explanation
>A bunch of young nobodies
I could go on and on

Well to be fair like 70% to all of the Titans in containment broke free and acknowledge Godzilla as king. It be hard to explain them away to appease uralists who only care about gay people in kids films.