Why was this allowed?

Why was this allowed?

Attached: 1467125815462.webm (720x304, 2.94M)

Where did they get all those amputated wogs from?
It looks kinda real

Seconding this, I must know where this clip is from and how they made it

It's real

it's not a movie you retards, this is happening right now across the US as we speak

Is from goodnight uncle Tom

The then president of Haiti gave huge supporter to the filmmakers drafting in huge amounts of civilians to play as extras.

Unironically anglos are evil just like jews

Idk mate an evil person wouldn't be feeding the cripple I'd unironically just dispose of them

imagine being in a locked room with 5 other people that has a puzzle to get out. Only you know the solution to the puzzle, but all the others refuse to listen or follow your advice. That's being an anglo.

So evil one of them almost certainly saved your life or caused your birth. No one since the Greeks made so many altruistic advances in medical science.

So 4 in every 5 Anglos are retarded is what you just said? Neat.

I thought this was an Italian film tho

It was; about the north American (Anglo) slave trade

Uncle Leo's Rubber Farm

it was jews based in UK trading slaves though

Pol historylet

Read a book.

Anglos also invented death camps.

which one? something authored by a shekelberg I presume

>hyuck I say the solution is more burgers

Someone post the ass oiling scene
Fucking Italians

No you fucking spesh, he means the other 4/5s aren't Anglo.

Here's a start.

Attached: 519TvLjRUdL._SX382_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (384x499, 33K)