Midsommar (2019)

Was this Kino, Yea Forums?

and what was up with the sex scene?

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I wish I could knock up a qt redhead and live a comfy cult life tbqh. At least it’d give me purpose. I want to die.

where can I watch it?

If it didn't have the scary music played underneath, this would have been a great comedy.

>tfw scared to see this on a date because my gf is blindly infatuated with me and after two years i'm starting to feel like maybe I should break up but she suffers from so much shit in her life like Dani so I'm locked in for a while longer

the relationship dynamic hit too close to home and im dreading seeing this again

Spoil it

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Your local theater

americans go to swedish pagan ritual to be all connected to nature and shit, strange shit goes down, some more strange shit happens, two old people die but they dont gtfo of there for some stupid reason, more people die and at the end the protagonist joins the cult and sacrifices her boyfriend

It's very predictable and corny, people were laughing in the theatre. Ari thinks he can pull off some off putting polanski/argento shit in 2019, but it just comes across as funny.

Hereditary was better.

If anything you should take away from this movie that you should talk to your girlfriend and not be an asshole like Christian who won’t talk about this kind of thing. At the beginning of the movie, Dani really wanted Christian to say his real feelings and to share a little of her baggage with her instead of always letting her dump her baggage on him.

I ended up having a talk about my relationship right after watching this, and it wasn’t fun, but it wasn’t the end of the world.

torrent. not worth the money. boring af.

Florance Puke was the biggest ass I've ever seen on a normal size woman. her shit must be the size of a baby. google florance pugh naked and you'll see.

So how do you interpret the ending? Some kind of emancipation or re-discovery of her own self took place I guess?

Best thing about the movie imho was the setting. I wish there were more films about European pagans.

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i guess youre right about that user.

thank you for the solidarity.

nice big brapper on that girl
does she get it out in this movie? or is it just dong?

I've seen everything that happened here before. Also, the ending was literally the same but not as compelling as hereditary and the witch.

Birth of a psychopath.

Ok, I saw this movie and have been thinking about it ever since.
Is there any way in which the cult/tribe could be seen as morally right?
Remember how old the photos and drawing of May Queens were? Could this actually be an indigenous tribe?
If so, they could be just following their ancient customs.
Also in favor of this argument is the fact that everyone just seemed to know what to do, and there didn't seem to be any sort of leader.

An open mind always has altruistic intentions. Whether it be acceptance of cultures and traditions or sticking out a failed relationship, the intentions are good, however that doesn't make them right. If you don't stop when you recognize the danger, it can kill you or maybe worse, turn you into a monster.

And we have to talk about it, because great ideas don’t come in all shapes and sizes. 9/11, September 11th. And we’re gonna use some reverence here and not be silly about this, but, look at what they accomplished with no weapons and just 11 guys who didn’t even speak English! And that proves that sometimes great ideas are actually horrible ideas.

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She's really cute too

The morally right people were the first couple who recognized this shit as being crazy and tried to get out asap. They were the ones who weren't too clouded by their own selfish gains or warped perspectives of acceptance.

Yes, based Ari made the movie of the year two years in a row

am i the only one who thinks the pagan community was justified in everything it did?

But they were ensconced in their personal cultural perceptions.
Is it really so bad to ritually commit suicide at 72, secure in your culture's belief that it is the right thing to do?
Only if it isn't really a legitimate culture, but a manufactured cult.

Moral relativism and cultural acceptance stops being applicable when harming others who do not consent. So the old people sacrificing themselves, fine, but killing foreigners, not fine.
Also in the end, who were the other two nonliving commune sacrifices? Not the old people, as their bodies were burnt.

I think any reasonable person wouldn't be put at ease by "oh im sorry i forgot to warn you about the ritual suicide[/suicide]".

I think a big point of the film can be to raise the age old question “where do you draw the line on allowing cultural taboos with a culture that’s foreign to you, just because it aligns with local customs?” Within the perspective of the cult, yes, everything they did was right. But is it really okay for a visiting foreigner to also approve of everything they do simply because they don’t want to intrude of offend?

I think many people would draw the conclusion that most of the cult can be left well enough alone because everyone within it consents to their practices, but once they start impinging on the rights of others, like by murdering foreigners that don’t want to be murdered, then their actions are inexcusable.

They were justified by violating ritual
>London couple disturbed an incredible holy ceremony
>douchebag peed on holy tree
>black guy photographed holy writ
>Christian cheated on and was sentenced by the May Queen

It really, really hinges on whether they are a modern manufactured cult that adopts and brainwashes babies, or a legitimate lost culture.

>m8 unknowingly pisses on the wrong tree
I don't think the punishment not fitting the crime is exactly lost in translation here.

>murdering foreigners who don’t want to be murdered, only after they continuously fail to respect the sanctimony of the commune’s traditions

every foreigner, from the community’s perspective, was selected by some sleeper “exchange student” for having been some otherwise useless degenerate— all except dani

mother fucker they were shoveling the ashes of the deceased less than 30’ away ten minutes before dirty little dick whipped out his dirty little dick

It doesn't matter, in the context of the culture. Hell, the Bible god struck people dead for unknowingly touching the Ark of the Covenant.

in broad daylight no less

I don’t think the london couple freaking out during the suicide ceremony was considered their big sin. The lady that tried to explain to them that it was no big deal didn’t seem pissed the way the old guys that got offended at Mark pissing on the tree and Josh requesting to be photographed were.

I think the real transgression the london couple were considered to have committed was trying to run away. And I think the commune was probably at least a little concerned that they would blab about the cult to the rest if the world once they’d left.

I want to take a qt to see this how bad is the sex scene so I can mentally prepare myself

don’t forget the two whores eloping at swede’s expense. bet he way counting the days since

>useless degenerate
I don't think that is ever stated or implied.
I think they were selected for
>possible new mating blood
>possible sacrifices

I guess in the "maybe the Swedes aren't in the wrong", their Swedish friends are fully in the wrong for not warning them of the massive danger that potentially awaited them, and also 100% for not warning them of the suicide.
The old woman did say, "why did you not warn them," implying that the expectation was that the foreigners would be fully prepared.

they were always meant to be sacrifices

midsommar is not a movie you go to see with your friends, family or partner. if you have any sense about you and can relate to the real messages shown throughout, you probably won’t even want to tell people you’ve seen this movie. midsommar is not a horror movie. it’s not even suspenseful. it’s all about the context, the pacing and presentation of the ideas. it has many themes happening simultaneously throughout: it is a film about loss, grief, removing distractions from your life, trying new things with an open mind and your true best being good enough. i’ve heard others say it’s a “breakup” movie and i don’t think i agree with that. this movie is more about the individual’s role in a community, egocentric ideas like love and loss are stripped bare very early on.

it was overtly indulgent in the “soft, complacent fools getting what they deserve” trope, but the juxtaposition of the loud, crude, unfocused and truly detestable characters contrasting a handcrafted, beautiful observation of foreign tradition where every sound is of some import, these fools get every opportunity to thrive in said alien environment, and they unsurprisingly fail to meet even the most basic ideals of respect. interesting commentary on the kinds of people the USA is raising today. but again, this whole thing is just a small facet of the ideas conveyed in the film’s entirety. the sequence with the elderly couple at the feast and through to the bonfire was more memorable than anything else done by any of the other characters, imo, and it was contextual body language, almost no words spoken.

the nightmares and breakdowns Dani experiences throughout was the hardest part for me. too rare is it to see an honest portrayal of despair. it really do be like that.

it’s an amazing movie, i can’t remember the last time i even went to the theaters, let alone sat for something worth seeing, but i do not regret going to see this one.

I took my girl and we just laughed, it's cringey more than anything else

I think it’s unfortunate that it needs to be explained to you that people don’t deserve to be sewn into bear costumes and burned alive for cheating on their girlfriends.

I think seeing Mark taking a piss on the spot we just saw the ashes dumped was one of the scariest parts for me.

you missed “otherwise,” the operative word in the statement. you know, in relation to the festival

Oh I forgot about that.
So perhaps Ingmar brought them purposely to be sacrifices. But he did sacrifice himself as well, so it could be seen as piety.

I don't understand your point.

truly that was the least of his transgressions. he was a true beta, a pushover, a liar, a thirty year old pretty boy with no skill, a thief, a hard dick wandering haphazard. he was the antithesis of the community personified. i’m upset this is lost on you.


and that’s the point. there was no malice, it’s justice. the guilty pay the price

you are alone and i cannot help you

Ultimately they do not deserve it.
But within he context of this culture, perhaps that's how it works?
One frustrating plothole for me is: how did they decide that he was the guy to go in the bear, which they were obviously saving for this purpose?
Was he a sort of "Year King" because of the impregnation? Or was it all about offemding the May Queen? (heavily implied since she was given the choice)

someone was going into the bear and it was always the may queen’s decision. the rest is coincidental

Those points are all true. Christian was a complete dickhead. And he still did not deserve to be sewn into a bear and burned alive for any of that.

see you in hell, fag enabler

neet incel chudlords don't like the film because you can laugh in it, and to them any emotion besides depression and edge are not to be trusted, for there is no real joy in the universe. If people are laughing it means not every moment is drenched in dark seriousness, and laughing breaks their veneer of the cold logical Rick Sanchez they have built up for themselves.

If you're more well-adjusted, you'll enjoy the film. The characters are forced into situations that are so bizarre and unusual to them, that you can't help but laugh at their misfortune. It goes hand in hand that Ari is basically asking you to root against these characters, and is slowly convincing you they deserve their fates, especially the mediocre shitty boyfriend, and making you empathetic to the village the whole time. He WANTS you to laugh at their fates and think to yourself "oh fuck this is actually pretty fucked up but I'm laughing at this. Actually, yeah fuck that guy!"

I don’t want you to go to hell. I hope I don’t see you there.

[citation needed]

Remember near the beginning when they were in the car talking about how vikings take the best women. Ari is saying ethnic tribes are basically blood cults.

Hm, it seems like being in the bear would be a sort of symbolic honor, though.
It's gotta be because of the impregnation.

>#helsingland did nothing wrong

This guy listens to the intro song of the Angry Video Game Nerd everyday because it still makes him squirt his box of milk out his noise like a fat three year old when he laughs at it every time.

did we watch the same movie? i’m listening to you, are you?
wake the fuck up and observe or sit down and shut up, men are talking and you are a child.
consistently stringing along dani because he’s weak
consistently lying to his friends about dani
consistently saying the complete opposite of what he means
the thesis
partaking in feast before due time

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the impregnating was coincidental. the sperm donor is one role, the bear is another. he was selected to be both by pure happenstance

The bear is the beast that represents the Dark One and is meant to be reviled. This is why the guy in the bear is given no yew medicine and not told “you will feel no pain” or “you will feel no fear” like the volunteers. He is supposed to feel pain and fear as he burns.

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I'd never see this movie with my family, but why not friends or your partner? I went to see it with a friend, both really enjoyed it, going to see it again with my wife. No trepidation there.

In a lot of really ancient cave-dwelling European cults, the bear is a central "god".

Where was the levitation scene from the trailer?


It was essentially a break up movie.

Yes, every break up is like that.
I live it when all my ex's friends die in gruesome and horrible ways to haunting ethereal music.

cut from script, was during sex scene it was an effect of the drugs

There’s something I don’t get. The trailer repeatedly made this big deal about this ritual taking place “once every 90 years,” and that line is still in the film, but other than that it seems like a lot of this stuff happens every year. Pele says that his parents burned in a fire, implying that they were sacrifices at one point, and we see a wall of photographs of previous May Queens so we know they get selected more often then once every 90 years. Old people apparently are killed once they turn 72, and it’s kinda hard to time baby births just right for that and also keep shit running. Which part of the whole festival is the part they do once a century? Is it the part where they bring in guests?

I think they cut it because nothing really supernatural happens the entire film. Any weird visuals, or seeing things that aren't supposed to be there, can be explained through their use of psychedelics. I think actually showing him floating up off the ground would have introduced an element of the supernatural that wasn't immediately obvious as a hallucination due to mushrooms. It would have thrown off the whole narrative, and given more ammo to the reddit detectives who always come up with the most batshit story-behind-the-story fan theories that everything was being controlled by some dark god or some shit, because of some bird that flew left instead of right in one fucking scene or something and then that one guy floated.

It's a beautiful and horrific breakdown of the ego and everything you know, embracing all you've ever wanted in life

good for you. i guess what i was really trying to say is that this is not a movie i would recommend to just anyone. i went alone to see it and the section i was in was empty. dani having to stop everything and walk off to rediscover how to breathe without choking hits close, shit isn’t easy when you’re an electrician working summer rooftops. the being alone part of it really enhanced my personal experience. but i’m glad you feel the way you do about this.

sad i can decipher this

I'm fairly certain in the movie Pelle mentions that they have this midsommar festival every year, like most cultures that have a midsommar festival, but this particular feast/ceremony only happens every 90 years.

I took it as they do the drugged up dance may queen ceremony/competition, all the 74 year olds jumping, all that every year, but they only round up outsiders and sacrifice them in the temple every 90 years.

>9 sacrifices
That's my guess, and in keeping with the 90 years thing.
Maybe they do a sacrifice every 10 years, and 9 every 90?
As far as the guy's burning, that could be for an offense, or even for a different ritual.

I kinda want to watch this movie with my siblings because we don’t talk about my mom’s suicide enough and it’s hard bringing it up without a lead-in.

*guy's parents burning

Captain Fantastic would be better for that specific discussion.

Oh. Yeah, don't do that. Not with this one senpai. I'd see this with anybody you are on good terms with and DON'T have baggage with.

This movie is baggage all the way down, and will make any unspoken issues just worse.

Let me guess its some shitty drama with a wacky ending

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if you think it's a retarded premise and the movie doesn't have any merit, then its not for you. don't get triggered because people have different opinions from you. you already made it clear you think it's gay bullshit. but now you have nothing more to contribute to the conversation and that's fine. so let it go. your contrarian bullshit is getting in the way of adults speaking.

Pele parents dieing is only to make the point that although he has similar circumstances to Dani, he still has a family.

The script lays it out that it is a particularly important midsummer and that Pele has never experienced it. They don't have to plan births, whoever dies has their names held for future births, it doesn't claim they keep a constant population number.

Did anyone else see the big, creepy old mans face in the trees when Dani was being carried off as May Queen? The folks I saw with didn't see it no matter how furiously and silently I gestured at it in the theater.

I don't think the whole movie is a metaphor for break ups. Yes it is infused with that, but that's not the whole premise.
I liked the movie.

so does dani stay or what
surreal to me how these swedes were legitimately hospitable to everyone and willing to bring them into the family until they crossed the line, and only then

Imagine having such a surface level understanding of film.

>Was this Kino, Yea Forums?

I'll say.
It was a blockbuster. Jaws with Scandinavians.
I hope every fucker goes to see it this summer.

There was a face on a mirror that made me yelp, but idk when.
Mirror scenes always get me.

when pelle says his parents died in a fire, you think it was like in the end?

Oh, no, I wasn’t saying that they made sure a baby was born to pick up the old people’s names around the same time. But if they do a ritualistic suicide for the ceremony every 90 years and nobody lives past 72, it would mean they have to make sure someone is born 72 years before the next ceremony.

Unless they hold people past the age of 72 even though they’re supposed to be officially dead and just save them for the ritualistic suicide.

replying to

Yeah, I was thinking that they were volunteers.

the intro is very, very graphic in this sense. do not do this to someone for this reason. the nightmares shown in the movie get worse

Yeah, her sister staring back at her while tripping on shrooms.

Cool vacation.


I liked how Pele seems to have a genuine love for and remorse as to the fate of his friends, he leads them into slaughter but only because he truely believes it is a tremendous thing. His smile and kind words are true, thats good horror

Pelle had a "twin" born on the same day: they 100% have "twin" 72 (73?) year olds that live in the "temple" & suicide every year.

They didn’t really set up anything else for Dani to go back to afterwards, so we’re probably meant to assume she stayed. Her family was dead, her boyfriend was dead, she didn’t seem to have many close friends aside from the one phone call, and she didn’t seem all that attached to getting her psychology degree.

Boring, I thought form the trailers emphasizing the weird daylight hours that there would be some kind of time loop twist like "you have always been here in the village" kind of thing

spoil it, what’s the big supernatural thing that happens at the end?

They don't claim anything like that, the obvious allusion is that a member called "Pele" died before he was born and he was named after that person

this is where “psychopath” gets shaky
i mean is the dude a chameleon or what?
her is the scariest character now you mention it
brightly colored flowers and all

A lot of the swedes seemed like honestly very likable people. I’d like to think that I also would’ve tried to fuck off right after the cliff jumping like the london couple, but I also like to think I would’ve tried to be as respectful as possible and would’ve earnestly thanked them for their hospitality up to that point, if I had the chance while also running for the hills.

Plus she found a family that accepted her completely, that's what she wanted. It drove her to madness that she willingly embraced them

good ending imo

Time loop twist? That’s just what summer is like if you go far enough north. Nature is freaky enough on its own.

nothing supernatural. at all. just some psychedelic imagery, and a few obvious nightmares

Anything that is even close to supernatural through the entire movie can be chalked up to drug trips because all of the characters are repeatedly high as fuck through the whole thing.

Really couldn’t get behind the event at the start that caused her PTSD/emotional instability. The Ari Aster formula is going to get redundant soon, Hereditary perfected it, we should just leave it at that.

>movie inspired me to be an adult
Pure cringe sort your shit out zoomer

When Pele lays out the life cycle of the people divided into spring, summer, fall, and winter, he says winter ends when a person turns 72. When asked what happens after 72, he says they die. If they only suicide people at 72, and they need somebody to suicide once every 90 years, then they need somebody around to turn 72 once every 90 years.

Literally nothing.

the retard in the trailer saying “it is 9 pm ! the sky is blue !” likely didn’t change his watch. these american men are so inept that this can be inferred
ffs, the black guy (was it?) trying to work out his thesis actually tries to google some runic translation, accents and all, in the middle of some fuckhuge scandinavian field on a wireless connection??
the white bonnet lady with wood shoes said she was showing the kids austin powers but come on now

>As long as something is a part of a person's culture, it is morally right

This is your brain on public education everyone.

I understand that but with films of this kind you need a ramp up or a twist.
Take The Ritual, which uses similar themes, they go from crazy pagan cult to crazy pagan cult with a monster.

Without that it becomes predictable, we imagine going in that the cult is going to do nasty things because that's kind of the premise. I'm not saying they need a monster exactly but it's more scary when the crazy cult has an actual good reason for their rituals and sacrifices.

Sorting my shit is a continuous process that lasts my whole lifetime. And I’m ok with that.

>millennial calling others manchildren


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I don't think Pele attempts to be manipulative, whenever he's asked a straight question he either dodges the question or answers truthfully (in once case which Dani receives as being ironic), I don't think he likes to deceive his friends which is why in the final shot he appears a little forlorn for his role. He's truely empathetic which is why he's conflicted with his friendships and his responsibility to traditions. Compare to his "brother" who is visibly jealous of unrequited love, Pele may or may not have feelings for Dani but ultimately doesn't seek to influence her in her final judgement of her bf, in fact he attempts to repair the rift between them

was pele spared because he was the one who brought the may queen?

The closer you get to the artic circle the more fucky days get, especially during midsummer and midwinter where the sun can be up all night and gone all day respectively.
I am an American and I know this.

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>didn’t change his watch

No. Are you a flat earther or something? They use the term “midnight sun.” It’s a real thing that happens. It’s why there are no night time scenes (that aren’t dreams) that don’t just look like early dusk, and it’s why in every scene when they’re going to sleep, they have to pull down heavy curtains to block the light from outside. It was 9pm.

it was okay. I went in knowing nothing about it except who it was directed by, but I already had Hereditary on such a high pedestal that there was no way it could live up to it.
it was very cool visually though and I like the black guy from The Good Place and the kid from We’re the Millers and the main girl was cute as fuck.

I think I just need to see it again to really be able to better evaluate it.

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mushrooms are fucky
a twelve hour clock is a luxury
there were still nights

That's a separate tradition, if they don't have any elderly sacrifices then they'd just get someone else to offer themself, it's supposed to be a great honour for them

a detail i’ll watch more closely next time.

Pele is a cult member, it was his role to bring his friends as sacrifices

They say something about his intuition paying off for him, so yeah, that’s what I figured. If Dani had fucked up and done something to get sacrificed then Pele would’ve been in there with her.

his brother burned because his brother brought his own sacrifices

I think it's just praise, he is embraced fondly by the same person when they first arrive

>inbred kid hits guy over the head with a hammer
>he's wearing a human face as a mask
Ari can't keep getting away with it

Oh yes, perhaps he was also to be burned but Ulf requested to take his place as a sign or resigned to death from his curse

True Detective ruined everything, didn’t it?

The good reason is they have a real idealic, harmonious community but its built on something insidious, that's scarier than the Ritual (which was shit)

Was Hereditary just about a cult controlling a family?

It wasn’t Rubin that killed him it was the dude that got pissed at Mark for pissing on the ancestral tree, while wearing the face of mark

It was the two old men, in the screenplay it says its them surrounded by their possessions

In the script, they were volunteers, Ingemar is overjoyed but Ulf is nervous because he probably felt it the only solution to his curse

They ate sap of the yew tree and were told they’d feel no pain or fear but that dude died screaming in pain.

What’s up with that

It was an obvious lie.

>tfw no qt redhead that bakes her pubes into my pies

I was rock hard during that scene

Could be the fulfillment of the hurt inflicted on his tree being brought to him, or it could be a sign they are living in mass hysteria. Or it could be to showcase their connected empathy, the commune screams with Ulf as he dies

No. It's fucking boring and don't give me that hurr you're a brainlet shit there's no way in hell you find a bunch of sweedish hippies dancing in the grass for an hour before anything happens scary either don't play with me bitch.

Every other fucking game and tv show and movie these days is a fucking time loop twist. Get a new gimmick.

Is the film supposed to be scary you dumb brainlet moron

hurr you're a brainlet

It feels like there were a bunch of old men in this movie. Which two old men was it?

Rubin The Painter felt underutilised


Beautiful music, beautiful visuals, great acting, an interesting story, seamless transitions from funny to weird to horrifying, yes it was kino

Dude most theaters have movies on Tuesdays for like five bucks, just go see the fuckin' flick. You can't scrounge up five fucking bucks?

Hurrdurrr visuals duhhh seamless transitions

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Yeah, my friend said the same thing coming out of the theater. I didn’t mind though, because deformed people creep me out in a bad way.

I’ve come to the conclusion that Ruben’s very existence as a purposeful product of inbreeding was horrific enough, and that just his presence was enough to cover that.

He should’ve been left out of the trailers, though, because they made him seem much more important than he was and robbed the film of the impact he would’ve had if his appearance had been a complete surprise.

Supercut with Curb Your Enthusiasm music when?

Based and not an argument-pilled

It wasn’t that great. Volunteer at your local nursing home to bath some grannies and you’ll see pretty much everything there was.

How are those not valid reasons to enjoy a movie? Atmosphere is very important to me. Moron.

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So arguing for good visuals in a visual medium is...retarded?

hurrrdurrr atmosphere hurr duhhh blehhh bluhhh

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I went to an afternoon showtime in the middle of a weekday and from what I can tell it was all adults in the theatre and everyone but me, even my girlfriend, laughed hysterically during the sex scene. I was mostly unsettled throughout the entire second half of the movie while the normies were having a big laugh, i'm not sure if this movie is tonally sound or if average movie-goers are just retarded.

That redhead was a qt, though.

>deformed people creep me out in a bad way.

What a fuckin' basic ass bitch

This proves my point about

I keep seeing people saying it was supposed to be funny, and I don’t blame anybody for laughing at most of it, but I didn’t really find a lot of it funny. Mostly the “funny” parts were usually just disturbing. I feel lucky that my theater wasn’t laughing out loud for most of it. Just a bunch of nervous sounding scoffs. They laughed at the trailers, though.

Cult movies are outdated

fuck off

Is your gf a normie?

Atmosphere is a buzzword that can mean literally anything


>eyeing up qt redhead all week
>she gives you bedroom eyes at lunch
>fuck yeah
>sneak off to an old shed to fuck her
>already have a raging boner
>open the doors
>she's lying nude on the floor with her legs spread
>oh yea this is so ho-
>old nude women start chanting at you whilst redhead acts like nothing is happening
>immediately lose boner
>try your best to get it up as you bunch up your flaccid cock into her virginal hole
>old women still shouting at you
>just as you start to feel yourself getting hard, one of them starts chanting in your face
>keep pumping for several minutes and to your surprise you can actually feel yourself getting close
>only a few more pumps and then you're out of here
>almost there
>suddenly an old woman grabs your ass
>lose boner
>fuck's sake here we go again
>finally after what seems like hours you manage to pump your load into the qt
>shit orgasm didn't even enjoy it
>get burned alive in a bear
Being Chris is suffering

Which old men?

The tea they gave him beforehand must’ve been viagra. There’s no way he would’ve gotten through that otherwise. He should’ve used lubricant as well, though.

The tea was very obviously the same tea given to the girls.
The herbal viagra was given to him by the string mask guy.
Moral question: since he was pretty much mind controlled after being drugged, was his sin choosing to drink the tea?

When josh was killed by the hammer was it him groaning like that? I figured it was the big retard with the hammer or the guy wearing the face mask while watching but others have said otherwise

It was clearly shown to be both or all of them.
It's that empathy thing they do.


>Another movie about pagan cults and characters dealing with horrible family tragedy

Is that all this director is going to make movies about?

Definitely the creepiest part for me is that, I, the viewer, really dream about that lovely idyllic existence.
I am complicit in the whole thing because I want to like the Swedes.
Not until I really realized that their seem to be no family units whatsoever did I really stop liking them.
Also what's up with the baby crying all night every night? Babies don't do that. I kept thinking that some sort of baby torture was going to be revealed.

its up boys

Oh yeah I forgot about that. They slipped some kinda tiny shears or a pair of scissors under the baby’s pillow too. Maybe he was just colicky.

What was the point of the incest baby?

Why'd they put a scissor under the baby's pillow?

Who did Dani see in the mirror when she was tripping out in the darkened outhouse?

Why did Dani's parents also commit suicide?

>Who did Dani see in the mirror when she was tripping out in the darkened outhouse?
Her sister
>Why did Dani's parents also commit suicide?
The sister killed them.

>average movie-goers are just retarded.

This. Whole fucking movie was creepy and unsettling, especially that scene

The tapestry where the girl cuts her pubes to make the dude fall in love with her made me laugh though; mostly due to it reminding me of stereotypical yandere bullshit

How did Dani’s sister manage to tape the crack under her door shut from the outside of the room when she was inside the room?

I feel like most of the people I my theater missed why his drink was a different color from everyone else's though, despite the tapestry.

Reuben is "unclouded" from typical cognition because of his deformities.

I think she was hiding them so she could use them for her hair later.

She saw her sister in the mirror.

It was murder/suicide.

That was her parents’ room. She was in her own room with the door opened

Making period blood an ingredient in a fertility potion seems like a really bad idea unless you’ve got about a whole month free to time the sex closer to ovulation.

Maybe not an entire month, more like a couple weeks.

The opening 15 minutes with the carbon monoxide poisoning was the most disturbing thing in the movie for me. Real world horror. The rest of the movie left me pretty unfazed but I enjoyed it.

Hereditary was better.

haha okay this is based... this is deep

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>jews create movie to villify white culture

totally kino

don’t bother, they don’t have any actual valid opinions on the subject. they never do.
even if they responded, it would just be meaningless worthless buzzword memery

It was clearly a celebration of a lot of real world solstice traditions. The cultists were never even seen as evil and the outsiders all offended them in some way before they were killed.

Pretty sure that was another rune under the baby's pillow. We see it work (the baby stops crying), so we can be less skeptical when the girl places the love rune under Christian's bed.

The sex scene showed the same thing Dani was experiencing: the tribe performatively sharing the experience of the individual. To Christian's perspective, it was horrifying. The whole movie he thinks the best way to handle complex emotions is to ignore them. He tells Dani her sister would be better off if Dani stopped playing into the hysteria. For Dani, the experience makes her feel held, and so she chooses the tribe over her old life.

>room full of naked chanting middle aged women
imagine the smell

You'd seriously waste another two and a half hours of your life watching this movie for a second time?

as long as they continue to be good, then I don’t care

culture is just natural cult

the interesting thing about the movie is that it doesn’t outright vilify the “cult’s” lifestyle. it’s actually depicted as positive in many ways. it’s communitarian and purposeful, people have discrete roles and clearly delineated life cycles, the community is directed to a higher purpose, they’re connected with nature, they have a strong emotional support system and share in meaningful experiences. meanwhile the americans are depressed, atomized, neurotic, and dependent on drugs and modern technology.

the real crux of the movie is the tension between the modern post-industrial society dani comes from and the traditional communitarian lifestyle practiced by the swedes. it’s not as simple as “hurr durr wypipo be spooky”

I forgot to mention it before, but the tripping visuals were really well done and realistic. that moving and breathing thing that trees or grass were doing is pretty much exactly how it would really look. only difference is that you’re not feeling the effects of a substance, just getting the visuals aspect of the trip (which is the inverse of what a trip would be like. in that, you can feel the effect of the drug in your mind and not get any visuals, but I’ve never heard of anyone getting visuals but not feeling like they’re tripping)

sorry I know lots of anons around here don’t approve of drug use, but I have nowhere else really to bring this up and it was an interesting part of the movie for me.

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Another movie where everyone died and nothing changed. Great.


no but really you’re right, the trip scenes were quite accurate

when I was in the theater I kept thinking to myself “I know Yea Forums is going to post about how it’s bad because white people are portrayed as evil”

The trip visuals were one of my favorite parts of the movie, especially the drifting effect in the trees. Almost made me feel like I was having a flashback.

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kek thank you for validating my degenerate take on the movie.
I get that it’s annoying when some people will never shut up about weed or whatever, I really do, but it was an interesting aspect of the movie.

exactly. it was done in such a way that I could almost feel it myself. I don’t think I’ve seen a film that was able to do that for me (fear and loathing was a bit too over the top as to elicit that kind of response from my brain)

>Hollywood director

Holy fuck is that really your default font? That is scarier than this whole movie. Tell me you don't stare at that all day, not even as a joke, holy shit.

Brainlet here, everything would've been fine if Chris hadn't drunk the drugs, right? Or were they fucked anyways?

>shitting on helvetica


The director said it's a comedy.

>Reuben is "unclouded" from typical cognition because of his deformities.

I got that but why incest? Was it to show that the one swed friend they had was a liar?

This. Who the fuck watches movies and thinks emulating them are good ideas? Bottle all your emotions and shove them deep down like a real man and just fucking deal with it.

To them, that could be perceived, yes. Morality isn’t absolute. Ethnocentrism is real. You’re not superior because you read a book, user. Perception is everything and you seem to be lacking.

Oh i totally agree. I was kidding the “DUDE” kek. I just suspected that you’ll get a lot of similar replies since most of this site is anti-drug. But yeah, the way in which the drug scenes were handled were so accurate to actual shroom trips. Like you said, its probably one of the most realistic shroom trips ive seen on film


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When josh first entered the temple to take pictures of the book, did anyone else see him walk past the retard kid
In the corner of the room? Did i imagine that?

Lol, me too.

I saw it, and I was like, HEY

What book did I read?

Also, how does one lack perception exactly?
Someone could lack 'perspective' but i'm not entirely sure how that pertains to anything you said.

this is a good method of suicide, thanks user.

Deus vult

Incest is a good way to produce deformed retards, especially if you’re already dealing with a small tight knit community where most of the people closely share genes.

i know that fucking feel all too well, kill me now can't even break up right this moment because she's been having severe physical discomforts/pain from sciatica and has been miserable for a month

The nonwhites were brought in as fodder for sacrifice, the whites were for breeding

No way a creepy pagan Swede cult like that would racemix

I think there's more to it, like purity or something.
Also, they mentioned that the redhead & Christian were astrologically compatible: probably the future writer of the holy book is conceived on an auspicious day.
Personally, I liked theidea that the holy book is continuously being written.

Not only did this movie mirror issues in my own relationship, but I saw it on a double date with a friend who I hear has been going through that sort of thing worse than me, and who our friend circle has kinda been hoping would break up with his needy mentally ill girlfriend. I’m really glad we didn’t end up going out for dinner and drinks afterwards like we’d planned.

Yeah. After seeing the bear in the fire picture and hearing Pelle say that I figured that there was some sort fire burning thing. I was more worried that they were gonna light the Mayqueen carriage with Dani in it, without seeing her catharsis.

The only moral relativism in the film comes out of the mouth of Christian, who's only saying it because he wants to write this thesis on the cult and bang the redhead

I think the film pretty clearly illustrates the idiocy of the cult's fingerpainted scripture, the horror of human (and animal) sacrifice, the torture involved in keeping Simon alive, flayed, strung up on hooks, with his lungs splayed out, and the deceit the cult members practice over and over in order to maintain control over the outsiders (who were brought in under false pretenses)

>the carriage
Yeah, when she moved the torch toward the carriage, I thought that was happening.

This. Christian was a tool, but he didn't deserve to be paralyzed and burned alive. I also didn't believe Dani would join up with the cult. It all happened so conveniently that it lost me. For as much this movie apes aspects of The Witch and Hereditary, it missed the mark on the whole "protagonist relinquishes their agency and embraces their dark destiny" angle.

...BUT... they're happy.
Ignorance IS bliss, user.

I spent a good deal of the movie expecting the May Queen to be sacrificed and I’m kinda impressed it fooled me so well, and that it turns out the May Queen is the one that picks the sacrifice.

They cried with her.
& Pelle offered her real love.
I 100% get her decision, although I'd constantly be in fear for my life living there.

You're on the wrong site chief

Yeah, and what I'm saying is that the girls crying with her and Pelle obviously grooming her didn't move the needle for me. I get that Dani's at the end of her rope, but it's a big fucking gulf from "I'm depressed from a tragic event / emotionally destroyed / stuck with my crappy boyfriend and his crappy friends" to "I'm burning my last connection to the outside world alive and fully embracing a future in a sacrificial cult who have repeatedly murdered people in front of me". I believed Thomasin signing her life to Black Phillip, I believed Peter becoming the vessel of Paimon, I did not believe this.

Did Ruben actually do any writing in the holy book, or did he just paint in it?

Midsommar is the story of a vulnerable white college kid getting radicalized into pagan ethnonationalism and sacrificing everything else in her life for her newfound feelings of belonging

It's because of how shitty our society is at handling death and grieving.
These guys faced death, and handled it together, and she found that appealing.
Plus, if she ran, they would kill her, so there's that.

I think he just painted, but it is implied that at least some of the (holy scribes?) do write.

Dani decided Christians death, they possibly could have let him live but she's so embedded with them she knew he didn't understand her and by extension them.

What is a “chudlord?” Some weird made up faggot word meant to be an insult?

Part of me wants to think the Swedes would’ve let the foreigners live if only they hadn’t committed their transgressions. But, the more I think about it, the more I think they had never intended for any of the guests to leave. They were pretty reaching in their excuse to kill the london couple, first off. And I’m just pretty sure they really wouldn’t want anyone on the outside knowing about and potentially coming to fuck with their rituals. Even if Josh signed a contract that he wouldn’t tell, they still had every reason not to trust any of them, and you just know the information would’ve leaked from at least one of them.

That one Swede did go on a date with the brown London chick, though. I think he was hoping to breed her before he got cock blocked by Simon.

No, she felt hurt and disregarded and abandoned, and then cheated on, by him.
I believe she had him killed out of spite, possibly also to save an innocent man.

It’s a useful indicator on where to stop reading a post.

I think Pelle said "no" to the thesis to save them, because he thought they would live, but then, I recall in their conversation the moment where he decided to ask the elders... I can't remember why. I think that when the elders said "yes" to the thesis was when their fate was decided.

None of them were deceiving her, the commune were surprised and ecstatic when she won the competition, she proved that she belonged with them

I also had a sense that there was maybe some compassion. They already fucked Christian up pretty hard. The death was gruesome, but what exactly was he supposed to do if he lived?

the mark of a chapo poster

She was far beyond conscious rational thought, she was hurt, disregarded and abandoned by everyone, she was one with the commune in that moment and she knew he didn't belong with them, she loses her mind because she knows its not rational

Maybe, but I think you are reading into it too much.

They would have never have been there unless their fates were decided, it was Pele's entire mission to bring sacrifices

reminder that swedes are subhuman and christian's death was a crime against humanity

>Americans watch a foreign film
>wtf why are there naked people?!

reminder that swedes are based and christian’s existence was a crime against humanity

I'm a cumboi actually

you have a far too detailed and nuanced understanding of those buzzword insults for this to not be massive projection.
not saying you’re not right about you’re other points, just saying that insulting people at the start of a post is not how you get people to agree with you.

reminder that Christian was based and swede’s existence is a crime against islam

Was Simon alive or was Christian just tripping?
He had just recently ingested the tea and was high and the lungs were pulsing like in the other trip scenes

Holy cope

This user has it right. By making yourself emotionally distant, you’re sabotaging your relationship, user. Understand that by wholly committing to someone, you’re not sealing your fate! You’re just allowing yourself to be happy. Every moment you spend with your SO is a choice. There is no such thing as fairy tale love - those are just chemicals in your brain and they always fade away. Relationships get hard, they get dicey, there will be times when you fucking hate them, but it will always come back to that CHOICE. Try and think through (writing it out usually helps me) why feel your relationship might not be working. Think about what your SO does for you, and what you do for them. I really really wanted to break up with my gf a while back, because I was attracted to another girl. I fell into a heavy depression because I felt trapped from what I thought I wanted. After time and therapy, I realized I was ultimately just scared of committing to my gf, and that all the big problems in the relationship were stemming from a emotional and intimate distance I was creating. You can always choose to keep trying, user! Do what’s best for yourself - just be sure if you do decide to break off, it is because that’s what’s best for you (or her). Don’t do it just because it gets hard and you want to quit. Good luck, bud

you sound brainwashed and whipped

Shut up bitch I bet you have to ask your gf permission to do things

D-damn...! Foiled again!



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Havent seen it but why do people say the sex scene is funny? what even is it?

Assisted breeding.

Fucking in a room full of naked old women moaning and singing and then another old woman pushing the dudes ass deeper into the young girl to make him cum quicker

It's a bedding ceremony (see wiki) that involves a group of naked middle-aged women in the room to observe the act of sex and participate with interpretive dance and moaning.

Nah, what I really want is for guys like Christian and potentially user to rip off the bandaid and either commit to their relationships or dump their mentally ill partners. If you can’t take the heat just get out of the kitchen. Nobody likes a wishy washy fag that complains about his gf all day to his friends but can’t nut up and say that shit to her face.

Holding your tits and swaying back and forth slightly is not “dancing.”

Then why are you telling us about your worthless girlfriend instead of dumping her? You're a hypocrite

Hi, I’m “brainwashed and whipped” user - I am a different dude than “I had a talk with my gf after seeing this movie” user.

And he literally said that you can either pull your head out of your ass and commit OR you can break it off and try with someone else, why are you crying, lol

I am the mentally ill girlfriend in my relationship.

>Yea Forums shits on flicks of this director all the time
>yet it has more discussion than an actual movies

so this was like anti pagan propaganda or something? thats what it looked like from the trailers. gotta keep the goys scared...

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If u post nudes I promise I’ll provide a cursory sense of cheap validation over a faceless and ultimately meaningless post over an online message board


It was about moving from depression to mania.

I’m not that desperate and crazy.


is there cuckoldry? love me a good movie with girls getting a train run on them while the bf is helplessly watching

The cult is obviously fucked up but most of the sacrifices had some obvious fault except for the London couple (And maybe Christian if the love potion thing was real). However that scene where one of the self-sacrificing cultists was screaming after being set on fire despite being given that bullshit drug made it obvious that the cult is wrong on some level.

Nah, the guy is orgy raped by old ladies while the girlfriend helplessly watches and vomits.

Although there’s brief talk about one of the cultists getting cucked in the most beta way possible when he says he tried to take a muslim looking chick out on a date but she didn’t even realize it was a date and then she started seeing some other brown guy right after, and then got engaged with the other guy. So the cultist takes the engaged couple home with him to get sacrificed to the old gods.

delicious, post more like this

You forgot the copious amounts of drugs they had taken and were given continually throughout the film. Dani's mind was already fragile from the suicides at the beginning, and the whole course of events coupled with a hallucinogenic buffet broke her down completely.

>portraying Swedish paganism and shamanism as blood sacrifice sex and torture cults
Why the FUCK is this sort of exoticism and demonization of a foreign culture for the consumption of white Americans allowed?

I had thought the realitualistic suicide happens ever year, but the killing of all the innocents happens every 90 years

no movie has ever made me want to deus vult like this one did. About halfway through I just wanted to don full plate and put the village to the torch. Forced conversions aren't even an option for heresy like this.

Dani wasn't mentally ill, she was traumatized by a horrid tragedy. I have an actual bipolar girlfriend and the stuff this movie was hitting on in terms of mental illness, trauma, and anxiety were honestly disturbingly accurate. Also the transparency thing showed Chris' distance and displayed the major flaw in the relationship. If anything the message was, as the other user said, don't fucking drag on a dead relationship. It's no coincidence that the pretty much every conflict can be traced back to Christian's failure to terminate their relationship.

If the festival only happens every 90 years, and the oldest members of the cult are 72, then nobody living has the slightest fucking clue what's supposed to happen. Would've made more sense if it were every 9 years.

Because it’s white europeans being exploited.

>nobody living has the slightest fucking clue what's supposed to happen

This is what things like communication and record keeping are for. You don’t have to have been there to know what’s supposed to happen if somebody tells you how to do it.


I agree with pretty much everything in your post except for that first line. Dani was mentally ill. Her family has a history of mental illness. We see her taking Ativan very early on in the movie, before her family even dies. She was seeing a therapist before then as well. She gets excused from school on grievance, but also probably on sick leave. The trauma only exacerbated her issues.

Agreed, she was dealing with anxiety and maybe BPD before anything in the movie happened

>trying to pull off the festival from pictographic instructions and oral tradition every 90 years
it would be fyre fest with swedes

interestingly enough, fyre fest was more entertaining than this garbage

Amerimutts really are the most ignorant motherfuckers around

Pagan rituals and druid shit have been perceived as creepy and exotic ever since Roman times, read a fucking book

Fuck you're right I forgot seeing her take the pills during the whole intro.

Just watched it shit put me to sleep. The old lady with ass push assist during the orgy made me lol