Did this cover scare anyone else as a kid?

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me, i had the cassette in the closet and It would creep me out even more cause I know something was there

Yes. I think it was actually a solid horror.


Holy shit I forgot all about this movie, the website for it was really creepy too

If I remember right the URL was something retarded like feardotcom.com

>fear dot com dot com

Could you describe the website? Were there jumpscares?

the actual fear.com was taken i presume



>A brash young police detective (STEPHEN DORFF) joins forces with a beautiful, ambitious Department of Health researcher (NATASCHA MCELHONE) to find the answers behind the mysterious deaths of four people who each died 48 hours after logging on to the Internet site Feardotcom.com

Was this site also run by a dogfucker?

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>He was 19 when he went to Los Angeles to attend UCLA cinema lectures and paid for his studies by drawing and modeling monster masks for Don Post's FX studio. One of his sculptures was the classic Michael Myers Halloween mask which appeared in the first film.
Is this real?


Is this a movie reference?


Fucking newfags.

>as a kid

How old are you?

not op but im 24 and remember being scare of it as a kid

Feardotcom came out in 2003, which means that people who were 2 years old when it came out can now post on Yea Forums, grandpa.

I was 10 when it came out in 2002 and around 12 when I kept seeing it in stores afterward, around 2004.

Yeah, and I still haven't watch it.

Just lmao at zoomers not spending their childhood going into stores and looking at scary/adult DVD covers

yeah dude i'm still scared of it because i don't recognize a single name on the cast list.

i'm convinced you're one guy with autism always posting about zoomers in every thread you come across

Definitely. I remember going to the video store as a kid and while my dad looked for something to rent I'd look around at the horror covers. They scared the shit out of me but I did it every time.
There's a movie where the cover is someone screaming but their eyes are mouths instead, so their face has 3 mouths. Anyone know the name of it?

this one did, my dad had so many of these kind of vhs

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>posts on teevee
>doesn't know who stephen dorff is

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Saw may have just been glorified B-side movies, but when I was younger the covers for each instalment always creeped me out

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Imagine being "younger" when the saw movies were out, go away child

I was 10 when the first one came out. Now I'm 24.....sorry I'm not the loli you wish I was


Yeah until I read the title and realized it was that shitty looking movie I saw the trailer for

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It sucks the original was taken down, it's creepier in higher quality

I remember this airing over 100 time a month on Shotime

youre having an episode gramps, take your meds

Fuck you I'm in the prime of my life

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Kek, these movies with the weirdest/scariest covers always had the worst ratings and reviews. Did anyone like this movie?

I remember the Evil Dead 2 cover scaring the hell out of me in Blockbuster when I was younger.

Think it was the one that has a Skeleton with eyes.

This is the best thing I've ever heard in my life

Please explain.

i always avoided it in the video store because it looked like a straight horror movie. i didn't know it was funny as fuck

>zoomers think they're the only ones on this site

No, but Natascha McElhone gave me a raging boner for big nosed waifus.

That was a shatner mask though

No. That legend became so strong that they decided to say it's true since everytime they said the opposite before people still kept asking about the Shatner mask thing over and over.
It was actually a cheap Captain Kirk mask from a small company made not in the likeness of Shatner at all since he didn't even model for it and they didn't have the right to his image (but had the right to the Captain Kirk name for their halloween costumes).

Fear Dot Com is the shittiest movie I've ever seen in theaters. Come at me.

You must not have gone to the theatre in the last decade.

Nah, that nu metal aesthetic in horror always looked too teenage-edgy to be scary. Reminds me of like a scary clown or skull bong or something. Of course I was at an age where I wasn't so affected by horror anymore when this movie came out. I do remember seeing a few horror movies on cable at a friends' house when I was like 9, such as House, and it was just nightmarishly, mind-fuckingly scary to me at that point. Although that only gave it an allure and fascination, along with all the cool VHS covers I always saw at the store.

Horror was kind of like heavy metal in that way, something that was around when I was a kid and seemed kind of dark and foreboding and I wasn't old enough to experience it at first but it also had much more of a draw on me as I reached my adolescence (actually, around age 11) as a result.

>not doubleudoubleudoubleudotfeardotcom.com

>while my dad looked for something to rent I'd look around at the horror covers. They scared the shit out of me but I did it every time.
Similar story, but I would look at the horror covers in the video rental magazine. I was terrified of the original IT cover.

Literally me.
Also the movie you are referring to is called “One missed call”


Horror covers were by far the coolest and most memorable thing about video stores, and in a way, in my opinion why horror is the best genre. It stirs up the imagination the most. They were so suggestive to a young mind, and having explored horror really in-depth since, it really is a strange and very viscerally-affecting genre. A combination of extremity, trippy atmospherics and all kinds of primal triggers and material dealing with life / society / the social's fundamental makeup and their boundaries.

No eyes can be freaky to a kid, not sure why.

Pic related used to give me the heebie jeebies, although it was not only the picture but the tone and suggestion of the story it came with.

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I had to see An American Haunting, The Village, and The Country Bears in theaters.

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That first stage of the internet in the late 90s was awkward because people didn't really know how it was going to pan out. 'Cyber' 90s shit aged really bad, even The Matrix in my opinion is corny as hell. Or even just 'dot com' this or that.

The Japanese seemed to contribute a few interesting tech horror movies around that period though. Late 90s / early 00s was kind of a moment for Japan and Japanese extreme.

>At the age of 29, STEPHEN DORFF (Mike Reilly) is one of the most respected young actors in Hollywood.

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whole movie scared me as a kid

just something disturbing about it

>3,3/10 on IMDb

2002 was 17 years ago.

I rememeber some other old movie

Someone opened a washing machine and a nasty head persons pop'd out

anyone know the movie?

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Fuck you for posting this. I saw this image in grade 3 and I couldnt look at it without being scared until i was almost out of highschool

Yep. It’s a shame we’ll never get the freaky badass VHS era cover art ever again.

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I'm trying to think of what makes the 'nu metal' horror-y aesthetic look nu metal as opposed to just regular horror.

And I think it's that it takes basic tropes like things riffing on a Jason or Michael Meyers-type mask, a bit of gore or psycho slasher type imagery, but then there's always a bit of overkill to the designs. Like with the nu metal aesthetic, the difference is the mask is a little edgier - and fake-looking - than a normal Michael Meyers mask. Like it frowns or leers a bit more, and looks a bit more expensively made, with fake stitching obviously crafted by some artisan rather than appearing to be something a psycho character in a movie would actually wear. And the fakeness - it always looks pseudo, somehow, like as I said, manufactured-looking, but its aesthetic has a branded quality like it's marketed to preteens. Maybe that's the best way to sum it up - it doesn't look like a mask an actual character would wear in a fictional horror world, it looks like something imitating that but then further packaged as a product to teens, but this additional aspect is actually embraced as part of the style.

Like nu metal style really wore its whole edgy-marketing-to-teens thing on its sleeve. Almost every nu metal video even foregrounds this, like it has these little montages of portraits of the type of fanbase its aimed at, all these working class, disaffected (tweaker-y-looking) outsiders and meatheads etc.

That was an interesting feature of a lot of late 90s / early 00s stuff, where the brandedness / sell-outness, seemingly always by way of different iterations of Hot Topic aesthetics (pop punk, nu metal, later scenecore emo, mallgoth, metalcore) actually saw the kids adopt all these really fake-looking, manufactured elements as part of their costume, but not as some conceptual or arty gesture but just just seeming to not be advanced to the point of seeing how cheesily marketed it all was.

>That was an interesting feature of a lot of late 90s / early 00s stuff, where the brandedness / sell-outness, seemingly always by way of different iterations of Hot Topic aesthetics (pop punk, nu metal, later scenecore emo, mallgoth, metalcore) actually saw the kids adopt all these really fake-looking, manufactured elements as part of their costume, but not as some conceptual or arty gesture but just just seeming to not be advanced to the point of seeing how cheesily marketed it all was.

And its corniness and shittiness of course made it ripe for post-irony and memes later on, a lot of the content for memes comes from this stuff rather than supposedly 'good' or tasteful music or styles. In some ways, I'm coming to believe, there actually were a lot of cool, quite next-level things happening with stuff like nu metal and the way it incorporated its brandedness etc but during that phase this was at odds with the supposed claims of authenticity it made. Later on all those gen x punk values would be dead so kids could revel in any aesthetic without the risk of 'not being punk', but this gives this wider sense of style a different significance than it had when it first got really shamelessly sell-out-y in the late 90s. Back then I think pop punk and nu metal were just fucking sell outs. But were inadvertantly anticipating the new world without understanding it. Your Green Days and Avril Lavignes would still pose as if they were rebels and revolutionaries 'against the system' or 'against the popular' while obviously being utter frauds, but eventually these issues wouldn't even matter so now all these mutations in nu metal and Hot-Topic-core of style going into strange manufactured directions but then further manipulated by subcultures just has completely departed from the older world of corny revolution.

Imagine being like 40 and still posting on Yea Forums of all fucking boards.

That's trying way too hard to be creepy. On par with a masked character tilted their head sideways makes me cringe and yikes internally every time lmao.

Try 60

>That's trying way too hard to be creepy. On par with a masked character tilted their head sideways makes me cringe and yikes internally every time lmao.

Your description there just articulated more succinctly exactly what 'nu metal horror' does, it tries too hard and resorts to edgy tropes like the sideways head tilt and 'creepy masks'.

At this point that stuff only works post-ironically. No horror fan could possibly find it scary or take it seriously by now. Which is why that Jordan Peele guy is such a hack. Literally made a spoopy masks head-tilt movie and tried to pretend it was something more or better than that.

>it's not a shatner mask, just a kirk mask
now that's getting pedantic.
I don't think anyone was under the perception that shat himself modeled for it. There isn't a distinct legend about his likeness, just the one (true) legend about it being kirk.