I drink your _________

I drink your _________

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legitimate expression of political protest

rest of the country: p-please leave our water alone

Daniel: I did what your brother couldn't. I broke you and I beat you. It was Paul who told me about you. He's the prophet. He's the smart one. He knew what was there. He found me to take it out of the ground. You know what the funny thing is? Listen, listen, listen! I paid him $10,000 cash in hand, just like that. He has his own company now — prosperous little business — three wells producing $5000 a week. Stop crying, you sniveling ass! Stop your nonsense! You're just the afterbirth, Eli —

Eli: No...

Daniel: — that slithered out in your mother's filth. They should have put you in a glass jar on a mantelpiece. Where were you when Paul was suckling at his mother's teat, eh? Where were you? Who was nursing you, poor Eli? One of Bandy's sows? That land has been had. There’s nothing you can do about it. It’s gone, had.

He only paid him $500, why is daniel lying to Eli just to hurt his feelings? Kinda a dick move

Because he wanted to truly dunk on him? Eli couldn't know.

>I drink your _________

I like how retards blubber about reddit this reddit that all the time but don't say anything when actual reddit memes are posted

Can I build around fifty miles of tehachapi mountains? Don't be THICC in front of me, Al


So all that trouble just to finna dab on Eli at the very end? Not a very happy ending if you ask me

That’s the point, you penis.

It’s obviously set up for a sequel, Will Paul try to avenge his brother?



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Paul never looked back.

It sounds like he’s good friends with Daniel, he might feel betrayed by Daniel murdering his brother who he loves

dis niqqa a bastard from a basket

If Daniel needed to drill on the Bandy tract, why did he risk killing his brother Henry on Bandy’s land over something as trivial as Henry not being excited about them going to the Peach Tree Dance?

oh sweet summer child...

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it wasn't a risk to daniel. he knew his "brother" was fraud. and he got away with it. so what's your fucking issue?

he didnt need to drill on the bandy tract either, dingus

Garbage film


How has no one said sneed yet?

Only chucks allowed in this thread.

ITT: people who have never seen this absolute kino.

are you retarded?