Oliver Queen is alive

>Oliver Queen is alive

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However he has become someone else. He has become...something, else.

>This statement will no longer be true at the end of this year
Anons that are still on the Arrow train, what are your hopes for the final season coming up? Do you think we'll be able to reach close to season 2 levels of hype?

the waifus bang eachother on camera

More dedcated than I, user. I think I left one or two seasons ago. Has there been anything redeeming in the last two seasons?

bring back the missing hotties

the waifus bang ME on camera

The prison arc at the beginning of season 7 was great, the best Arrow had been in years

Easily one of the worst TV shows of all time.

Season 5 is great. I stopped after that and assumed that was the end.

I stopped around when Felicity started walking again. Are she and Ollie still together, or did they stop listening to Reddit and tumblr?

theyre married and eventually have two children and oliver sacrifices himself and felicity follows him into heaven or some other earth or some shit after being 40 years apart to live together for eternity

They got married and had a kid. But she won't be in season 8, which is apparently about Oliver and the Monitor going on a cosmic road trip to save the Multiverse.

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stopped watching arrow after the island blew up, did they actually kill anyone after that season finale?

Just Oliver's baby mama and Captain Boomerang. Artemis was said to have survived, but disappeared and they never bothered bringing her back or revealing where she ended up, so she might as well be considered dead.

Was this the point where Arrow went downhill? Unironically kino up until this point.

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Season 1 and 2 was actual capeshit kino. I put it with Daredevil.

I miss it gang.

Yes, then season 5 happened, and then went to shit again, and then the prison arc happened, and then when to shit again.

So should I just skip season 6 and go straight to season 7? Sorta wanna finish this ride out. Last one I saw was S5.

Season finale of S4 was almost pretty good and then Smoak'd.


>So should I just skip season 6 and go straight to season 7?
That's what I did. Got bored with season 6 and went straight to season 7. The Prison Arc still uses season 6's villain tho.

Is there a viewing guide that takes crossovers into account? I never got through S1 of neck girl.

I guess I can just watch a S6 recap.

Just watch s2 and be done with it

What a shame.

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I'm behind on everything else, too. I could have sworn legends of tomorrow got cancelled ages ago too.


Watch Seasons 1 - 3 then walk away.

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Supergirl's plot threads hardly impact the crossovers since she's from another Earth. For the first one you can dive right in, for the second one all you need to know is that Supergirl and her sister broke up with their respective boyfriend and girlfriend, and for the third one all you need to know is that Supergirl from fired from the alien CIA.

Legends of Tomorrow is too busy being pure kino to be cancelled.

Slade is an ancestor of Crixus. This is canon.


Black siren should have been redeemed in Season 5.

In my top 3 Arrowverse girls with Nora and Thea

Felicity is cancer.


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I want to punch her face 1000 times

>season 2
retard. they ran out of good script with season 1. plus, the quality of any season can be fairly accurately judged by how hot laurel looks.

Season 2 and 5 are much better than 1.

I'm on episode 10 of Season 5 and it's terrible. I don't want to watch team skinny faggot and angry spic. Give me core Ollie and Diggle going through a new list. Give me Ollie fucking the Huntress from behind then sleeping outside in the rain.

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Wild Dog and Curtis sucked.

>they ran out of good script with season 1
objectively wrong, season 2 was peak arrow

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hell, no. everything in season 1 has been carefully scripted before the show's launch. everything past the season 1 finale is basically soap opera: hastily assembled plots to meet the schedule.

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Second half of s1 and most of 2 was p good

I dropped in s2 tho it became unbearable

Nice bait.

S2 was kino.

Deathstroke S2 is the best villain in capeshit tv shows.
>good motive
>skillset matches with hero's skillset
>backstory with hero
>is not a complete jobber

you're unironically an absolute idiot if you believe that. or you haven't watched either in years. don't speak to me if you haven't watched either at least thrice.

Every single show in the Arrowverse is written in a similar manner. The dialog gets on my nerves. It's definitely unbearable, and that crossover show is somehow even worse than the main show.

The episode with the alien invasion that had a crossover with all the different shows is Channel Awesome Battle Royale-tier cringe. It's the worst episode I've ever seen of anything, ever.

2 and 3 were the only good seasons

i like deathstroke too but it doesn't excuse the shitty dialogue and plots. the island plot is meandering and goes nowhere before the finale which is a complete mess, the whole roy story is predictable as fuck, oliver has stopped straight-up murdering criminals "to honor tommy's memory". you no longer have effective mini-arcs like the huntress or mckenna. which reminds me: you don't have oliver meeting normal girls and banging them anymore.
in short: what made season 1 seem real about a billionaire playboy son who came back from a deserted island to hunt criminals by night had turned into generic capeshit schlock which was all about the goodies fighting the baddies by the end of season 2.
with shitty, meme-spouting opinions like yours, please don't talk to me anymore.

>Every single show in the Arrowverse is written in a similar manner
you're right - except for season 1 of Arrow. it's different from all the rest. in fact I would advice anyone to stop watching the show after the season 1 finale and except its tragic ending.

Did I see this actress suck a dick in the fappening or am I remembering it wrong?

You did.

Felicity also had some fappening nudes if I recall.

theres varying levels of silliness, arrow used to be pretty grimdark before going soap opera

Legends of Tomorrow seems to have most of their plots worked out long in advance, rewatching the latest season nearly every episode in one way or another leads into the conclusion of the story arc with very little filler episodes while remaining mostly stand-alone.

Just one picture of her in the shower most likely taken before she was on the show.

having 16 episodes instead of 22 helps LoT

>Deathstroke S2 is the best villain in capeshit tv shows.

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>most likely taken before she was on the show
what does this have to do with anything?

>Legends of Tomorrow seems to have most of their plots worked out long in advance

It doesn't. They just keep most episodes self-contained to a little smidge to lead into the other rather than telling an overarching storyline like the other shows attempt to do.

Some would say he's the reverse.

Having less episodes on almost any show is good for the story if they're trying to write serialised arcs.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D works by dividing the season up into thirds and having each arc conclude before starting up the next one(usually dealing with the fallout of the previous arc), Arrow tried something similar the last two seasons(cutting the seasons in half-arcs) and it kind of worked out better than dragging out a big bad for a full season, only problem was Diaz was a frustrating bad guy and they had him across two halfs of two seasons.
The Flash might have worked out if they'd have been able to keep more of the Rogues on the show(they keep getting better gigs and leaving), basically they always have about three-four episodes a season about the Rogues slotted around the Big Bad. Still kind of pissed off about losing so many rogues because I'm pretty sure they wanted to make them the big bad for one season and have had to drop it.

The Marvel Netflix shows like Jessica Jones had to make six episodes worth of plots and ideas fit into thirteen episodes and it shows.

It does, I rewatched the last season and aside from about maybe two episodes EVERY other episode had some element that led to the solution to beating the big bad at the end. Sometimes they were small asides but they were all there.
But the episodes themselves all worked as stand-alone episodes as well which is why I liked it so much.

post-season 1 katie cassidy is kinda meh though

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>chest hair blocks your path

Man if you're not watching Legends of Tomorrow but are watching Arrow or other CW, you're missing out. It's by far the best Arrowverse show. S1 is rough, it doesn't have its own identity, the villain's dull and the team has weak links, but it gets better in S2 with a more comic focus and shuffling the team/villains, but it really hit its stride in S3 and 4 going full wacky camp with intentionally absurd time travel plots and none of the melodrama that bogs down Flash or Arrow.

Example, in S3 while watching LOTR on TV, they noticed their big villain Mallus, a sealed away demon (voiced by John Noble), sounds a lot like the actor John Noble. Since he can only communicate with his henchmen by voice, they time travel to the set of ROTK in 1999, go to John Noble's trailer where he appears in full Denethor costume, and get him to do a readthrough of fake orders disguised as "new script pages" so they can record it and broadcast it to Mallus' henchmen. That's an episode's plot in LoT.

Also the season ended with the team being turned into a giant Furby type stuffed animal and fighting the demon with wrestling moves.

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She already just looks like an average pretty girl you can find anywhere in the world, so her leaks aren't anything special.

The writing style in the Arrowverse is obnoxious. Every character is just pure snark with one-liners and responses to other characters that are so unnatural that you can tell it's a script that the actors are just waiting to convey on cue. It's painful to watch.

>Example, in S3 while watching LOTR on TV, they noticed their big villain Mallus, a sealed away demon (voiced by John Noble), sounds a lot like the actor John Noble. Since he can only communicate with his henchmen by voice, they time travel to the set of ROTK in 1999, go to John Noble's trailer where he appears in full Denethor costume, and get him to do a readthrough of fake orders disguised as "new script pages" so they can record it and broadcast it to Mallus' henchmen. That's an episode's plot in LoT.

You missed the best bit... the episodes title is "Guest Starring John Noble".

This doesn't even slightly describe the Arrowverse or its characters.

kek, no.

It fully describes the writing in Arrowverse, and you're a willfully blind fanboy. It's pure cringe and will always be considered garbage.

>randomly assumes I must be praising the writing because your characterization is dumb
"snark" is not the problem with the writing, it's the static character positions and overuse of the same melodrama setups.

The writing style itself is the problem, not the melodrama. Like stated previously, every character behaves like they're just waiting for the other actor to finish delivering their line so they can make their one liner response with a dumb smirk. It's inherently shit, plot progression aside.

>I prefer 25 episodes of characters talking in a hallway instead
And before a response of "excuse me I don't watch these shows I am real adult" or some predictable thing, you're in an Arrowverse thread.

Weird projection user. I watch all of these shows and LoT has remained the worst since its inception.

>an average pretty girl you can find anywhere in the world
so you're saying she's been perfect?

this is not true at all for arrow season 1 though

best Yea Forums dad along with nigga dad from Flash

remember when malcolm dropped his carefully maintained mask on a dime? that was great

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Yes it does. Most episodes of the shows, especially The Flash, are so goddamn identical that you can predict what happens. There's the villain, then the first fight where the villain escapes even though Barry can do shit like Flash time and should never lose anyone, then forced interpersonal drama, someone storms off into the hallway, "I'll go talk to them", team comes together, Barry runs faster and seals the villain away.

Here lies Mayor Captain Quentin 'arm in a sling' Lance.
Dedicated father figure to 3 versions of his 2 daughters and their ex-boyfriend.
He got seriously injured and fully recovered a lot.

Why is he black tho

Because nig gon nig.

Remember when Deadshot went full 4chinz?

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not in arrow season 1.
example: when the drug vertigo hits the streets again, you think count vertigo runs the drug operation again from his asylum cell. turns out his mind was truly gone from the overdose that oliver gave him in an earlier episode and that is caretakers had reverse engineered his formula and later pretended he had broken out while keeping him secretly captive.
whereas in shitty season 2 the count is miraculously back to normal again before he gets killed.

Season 3 is mostlu.shit. I liked Ra's tho

Season 2 & 5 was peak Arrow
Everything else has been horrible or just mediocre.
Hopefully the final season would be absolute kino now that Felicity is kill.

what he said

*kidnaps you to make you into his new daughter*

No one understands what I have to do... or what I have been through


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I must become...something, else.

>I must become...something, else.

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i wanna stick it in the thicc

Is this show still ongoing? I stopped at the Raz shit and lost interest when Ollie married the Kike chick. Did it get good again?

Season 5 and parts of season 7 were good.

no, they weren't. they were the usual trite CW shit

Nah, they good

Crisis is going to be interesting.
At least season 8 is arrow only but with cosmic shit.

But what of good Solonius?

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because it's the CW.

The Monitor is dark skinned in the comics

Manu Bennett, Tom Cavanagh and John Barrowman deserve better shows than the ones they’re stuck in

No, that's exactly on Barrowman's level. The campest possible shit.

Show does a shit job with the military jargon, fucking kikels

This. The second half of season 1 is great, then the entirety of season 2 is fucking brilliant. I stopped towards the end at season 4 or something when every other cunt started being a superhero and it got retarded.

I started watching season 5 and they got a gay black dude a mexican and a gay chick to join his team. The show is hitting levels of retardation that I didn't think were possible

Season 1 of Flash is the best televised capeshit that exists. Man if only I had some editing software, it'd be fun to try to edit these seasons down into 2 or 3 hour movies (if it's already been done pls share)

Exactly. Nobody has ever had a problem with Diggle or Walter, but this is clearly FoRcEd DiVeRsItY.

Give us more core Arrow for the final season. Kill off anything else but the OGs.

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Hell yes. When the Flash looks like he's going to get hurt and you see Wells twitch in his wheelchair like he can get out of it.


i just want flashback movies
