Alita 2

Is this movie even needed? I liked Alita but I feel like a sequel would be trash.

Attached: Alita-and-Nova-in-Battle-Angel-Sequel.jpg (1400x700, 97K)

yes it's needed. /thread

Nothing to do the rest of this thread.

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No thanks, I'll watch Captain Kino 2 instead

More Alita is always needed

What young black actress will get the starring role?

Attached: blackalita.jpg (474x393, 52K)

>but I feel like a sequel would be trash.
But that's when we get to see more Nova, how would that be trash?

>they start replacing latinas with blacks
And that's how the race war begins

This bored king of Salem is nova only in name.

......I mean, the first one wasn't good either. Don't know why you'd expect the sequel to be good.

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>This bored king of Salem is nova only in name.
Desty Nova isn't supposed to be the leader of Zalem to begin with.

its even confirmed to have a sequel?

No, it's unlikely since it flopped

It's a Disney owned property.
She will be "blackwashed"
should as sequel get made.

>JC plotted out 3 films
>implying JC would make the effort for trash
user why have you forsaken JC?

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Cameron/Lightstorm owns it, Fox/Disney is just the distributor

It was the 8th highest grossing movie this year

just started watching this movie, why didn't you tell me how comfy this is Yea Forums?

Attached: comfy alita.png (1530x860, 3.77M)

If Jim wants a sequel there will be a sequel

Quit being a poser faggot, if you actually liked alita, it's obvious there is a lot more left

Nah. he'll be way to busy making Avatar sequels
to bother with a box office property that was a financial failure.

>when she hears you trying to sneak into her room

Thanks for reiterating my point?

Yes it belongs to

Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

Why on earth would they make a sequel to this bomb? Critics ravaged it and more importantly it made less in its entire run than Captain Marvel made in 3 days

Have a thee incel

Attached: Alita vs Incels.webm (720x400, 2.99M)