What's this car and why is it in every American film that depicts the 80s-90s?

What's this car and why is it in every American film that depicts the 80s-90s?

Attached: 4564153.jpg (935x329, 64K)

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The green one

Why did you think you needed to make this thread? Don't you realize how pointless it is? It's like starting a conversation with the stranger walking outside your window.

You must be fun at parties

>le fun at parties response.
You seem so worthless. A complete waste.

Not the best example. That guy seems like the most interesting to start a conversation with.

Attached: tpsct.gif (450x251, 1.7M)

That's from Stranger Things s02e01.
Sookie Stackhouse had the same car in True Blood if I remember it right. I don't know what it is though, I'm not familiar with American cars, but I'm pretty sure I've seen this car in many films.


green sabre

I'm white and redpilled, you fucking idiot. The blood running through my veins, the blood of my ancestors, built and invented everything

I think it is Ford Pinto. It was known as a popular shit mobile in 70s but bad design made it explode in every car crash.


I rode in one when the were a common sight. You could smell the gas fumes strongly enough to give you a headache during an average cruise.

It was a piece of shit and was pretty famous for being a piece of shit.

I entered the thread hoping to find this already posted.

This car was made in Guatemala.

AMC Pacer

A LOT of cars were like that in the early '80s. I think I may have just stumbled on to where my problems started.


That's nopt Pacer. They had bigger rear window. This one is closer to AMC Gremlin if so.



yeah, Gremlin is not as 'flat', my bad

ask there,user
they'll be glad to help

Ford Pinto, a deadly trap.