ITT : Post bottle "single location" KINOS

its one of my most favorite genres, so help me out with a good watch list

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examples from a yesterday post

Circle (2015)
Cube (1997)
Cube ^2 Hypercube (2002)
Exam (2009)
Devil (2010)
Fermat's Room (2007)
ATM (2012)
Nine Dead (2010)
Would You Rather (2012)
The Divide (2011)
The Belko Experiment (2016)
Saw (2004)
Cube Zero (2004)
Buried (2010)
Europa Report (2013)
Rope (1948)
Murder by Death (1976)
The Exterminating Angel (1962)
The Man From Earth (2007)
Frozen (2010)
247°F (2011)
Phone Booth (2002)
The Game (1997)
Elevator (2011)
Deathtrap (1982)
The Interview (1998)
The Hole (2001)
Unknown (2006)
The Killing Room (2009)
House of 9 (2005)
Panic Button (2011)
Blackout (2008)
Alpha Alert (2013)
The Employer (2013)
Hunger (2009)
Shadowplay (2007)
Breathing Room (2008)
Nothing (2003) (Directed by the same guy who directed “Cube”)
Free Fall (2014)
The Game (2008)
Brake (2012)
Identity (2003)
Infinity Chamber (2016)

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Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe

Just watch almost any Sidney Lumet film, they are all more of less in a single location.
12 Angry Men, Dog Day Afternoon, Fail-Safe, The Pawnbroker, The Hill, all extremely good films.

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The Sunset Limited

>using the subject field
>using 'kino' at all whatsoever
fucking newfag

kys autist

How many of these also have Unity of Action and Unity of Time (take place under 24 hours)?

after the plane scene at the beginning it takes place in one house. at least i think so.

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I can say with confidence that no one has seen this but me.

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Add Stag (1997) to that list

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Does anyone else know the name of the edgelord movie where they’re all sitting at a desk in one room, with guns pointed at them like a saw trap? They have to vote out the weakest/least valuable of the group and those voted out are shot.
A super obscure one from the 90s is Three Below Zero (1998). There's some nice eye candy in it

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Dr. Strangelove isn't quite one place, but it's pretty close.

most of them

Gib moaaar

I liked it.

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Circle & the divide are great

Based and Nichols-pilled

Elizabeth Taylor was so hot in that movie

Sunset limited, Locke, and die hard

The Game is in a bunch of different locations

Trapped, 90% of the movie is in a single building/apartment.