Best movie about the 2008 financial crisis

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>Brad Pitts character starts cleaning his hand with hand sanitizer after helping those two kids get rich
Hahahaha.. man it can't get any more fedora Reddit cringe than this "deep" shit

Very intetesting and entertaijing movi
I saw it five times

>"I have a feeling that in a few years people are going to be doing what they always do when the economy tanks; they will be blaming immigrants and poor people" - (((Mark Baum)))

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Why did they change Steve Eisman's name to Mark Baum? What about Greg Lippmann's name being changed to Jared Vennett?

I didn't know that's what the movie was about so i came into this thread interested but doesn't sound kino at all.

I can't wait for all the movies about the 2020 financial crisis

Is that wrong though? The only people who suffered from the crisis were the working class.

They should have blamed the jews

Nobody blamed immigrants and poor people. Occupy Wall Street was not an anti-poor people movement, it was an anti-rich people movement

I’m pretty sure like half of the country blames poor people and continue to vote for corporatist stooges though.

Inside job is the GOAT
Also margin call was good

>Inside job is the GOAT
this, thought the title is an unfortunate choice given the association with those 2 words even if appropriate.

The guy who made a big deal about building a wall to keep a population that has been immigrating less and less into America won the elections didn't he?

inside job is really good

Hes not talking about who the people blame, hes talking about who the bankers and politicians blame.

Bankers blamed poor people and immigrants to shift the attention away from their own fraud

Don't wanna circlejerk but yeah inside job is really good, apart from maybe the last 5 minutes where it gets preachy

ok, but this is pretty good too

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Why did this movie get such a "meh" reaction from people?
It's fantastic and future-classic tier

Margin Call

these guys get it

Margin Call was absolute dreck, seriously, and it did nothing to cover or explain what actually happened. And while I love The Big Short overall even that didn't go far enough to explaining how everything almost came to a screeching halt and most every world economy found itself broke.

Human greed and stupidity, of course, isn't something that can be explained or comprehended in a 2 hour movie, unfortunately.

I study finance and Inside Job was biased shit. Fuck the faggots who made it.

>and it did nothing to cover or explain what actually happened

that was really not the point of the movie

>Margin Call was absolute dreck, seriously, and it did nothing to cover or explain what actually happened.

Maybe because it was a literal fictional drama you mouth breathing nigger

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>that was really not the point of the movie

But that movie gets mentioned every time someone asks for a movie or documentary about that crisis so... yeah, right.

Walt Street and Boiler Room are the better kinos

that doesn't really say anything about the movie, does it?

Walt Street?
Boiler Room is fucking classic.

Econtalk episodes from late 2008, 2009 and 2010.

Wall Street nigga

pleb, real mean read text books

Trash, just some good propaganda.

This. It basically simplified the entire situation down to "Big banks did it because big banks are evil!" Fuck Matt Damon.

HBO's "Too Big to Fail" was the best look from the government/fed's perspective. "The Big Short" was written and directed well and was entertaining, and actually did a good job of showing how ordinary Americans were part of the problem.

I like how the movie stealthy implied how the chief risk management officer Sarah was incompetent as fuck and spacey and a few others were already aware of the disaster

Lipman still works in the industry, and doesn't to be recognized as a guy from the movie that criticizes the industry(he's CIO on sell-side in securitization company). That might scare of potential investors.
In the movie Baum was depressed because he lost brother to suicide. In real life he lost daughter to disease. Also, you reaaaaly don't want to be sued by Morgan Stanley

I am investment banker and can confirm that this is correct and happens right now. Fact, that today people's paychecks and savings don't rise, and real estate is unavaiable for middle class is an outcome od low interest rates on dolar,euro and yen- and those interest rates today in 2019 are still and outcome od 2008 crissis.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but Trump literally won US presidency for blaming poor and imigrants for bad economy

did it name the jew?

Bettany is such a show stealer