Lads I have absolutely no motivation to watch anything lately. Even shit I genuinely care about and want to watch...

Lads I have absolutely no motivation to watch anything lately. Even shit I genuinely care about and want to watch, I just give up on because I just don't feel up to it. I just feel so depressed that all I want to do is watch old shit I've seen 1000x. How do I get over this feeling, bros?

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Are you me? I think it's just fear of the unknown. As you get older you're less willing to try new things. Also I'm a 30yo suicidal virging with no social life and low paid job where I get bullied at. Fuck this gay earth.

Maybe it's not you. Maybe all new stuff just happens to be shit.

your litterally just clicking bottons

I watch 2-3 films a month now. when I was in college it was 3-4 films a day. part of it is the excitement of discovering new genres and entire new foreign film industries is gone and the rest is me being busy with my job and renovating the house I bought.

Get sunlight, go lift, eat healthy. Find yourself a goal in life.

Attached: Untitled-1.png (2560x1440, 2M)

new shit sucks

what do you do?
consider getting a job where social interaction is inevitable and people approach you as someone to respect ie. barman or whatever

You could watch The Last Samurai over and over, and it would not be a wasted life

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Consider not being a delusional redditor. Life is not a movie. 99% of people work where they work because its literally their only option.

Grow up, get a job, get married, buy a house, have sex, raise kids.


lmao I do summer part times in bars because I choose to, I'm not the chosen one

Nah it's because new stuff sucks. What you want to do is explore old things you've never seen before but capture the same feel as things you've liked.

>get married
bruh that's just asking to get cucked

what movie is this?

Cuck her back faggot.

why did he keep getting up knowing he would be hit again?

Attached: Last Samurai Keeps Getting Up.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

the virgin rational
the chad logician

Not a movie, it's in the 3rd episode of MDE World Peace.

Your brain has been fried by message boards

Try what i do when my motivation goes down the drain either take a break from watching and do something else like racebiking or mountainbiking, it's really fun.

Or swap genre for a while, i watched "blue is the warmest color" (french lesbian romantic broken heart movie) and then i watched "tracks" (girl treks australia with a camel and a dog), both movies are the total opposite of what usually watch.

I think the emotional and romantic side of the brain needs some activation now and then even if you are a man or especially if you are a man otherwise depression sets in.

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want to be my gf?

i'm male though