Has he responded to the leaks yet?

has he responded to the leaks yet?

Attached: file.png (354x395, 292K)

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He doesn’t have to. He’s untouchable. You’d understand if you weren’t such a faggot

What leaks?

oy veeey my fame is fading boobie

Stupid shill. No one's buying your book, Howie.

Attached: le epic ringmaster.png (646x612, 440K)

he is worth over $500 Million, what the fuck does he care?

stern was caught telling his minions to create fake twitter accounts. its on yt

>create fake twitter accounts.

doesn't everybody do that ?

who leaked what now


Okay, but why?

Yes he changed his diaper.

What do you think he thinks about the fact that even mid-tier podcasters are more popular and influential than him? The only thing propping him up is a dinosaur media apparatus.

nobody cares about sterns public image as much as himself.

didn't think there was anything particularly controversial in the leaks. sock puppet accounts and generated hype aren't new

How does he keep his hair looking so nice at his age?


Attached: dzxgmekp30831.jpg (960x536, 69K)

make the show seem popular
also he wears a wig

>jewish lesbian

Attached: 1524542203064.jpg (215x185, 10K)

stern sounds based

Well, the wig is expected.

Attached: hoohoo.jpg (2021x996, 635K)

is he sigourney weaver?


Weird. It's so hard to tell that it's a wig. Next thing you'll tell us that Gene Simmons wears a wig