Why would Disney do this?

Why would Disney do this?

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something something something dark side
something something something complete

Bro I really tried to find an attractive picture of her. She is just ASS looking.

She's not pretty.

because they're woke faggots

I've been thinking about that a lot lately. Why? Are they pushing an agenda? Is it because they're trying to seem blind to race? Nope. Pure and simple race baiting. They KNOW that certain people (read: angry white men) will make a stink. This stink will get them press. the normies will see the press and think "Well if those assholes hate it it can't be all bad" and go see the movie.

In other words, it pisses off just enough people to get everybody else to go see the movie.

Additionally, by posting it all over the internet you're doing their job for them both in drumming up drama and advertising.

I thought you shopped her eyes but looking at other pics I'm not sure now

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To upset asshurt faggots like you which gives them free publicity.

Works like a charm doesn't it?

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Neanderthal envy.

Yeah, you are right. Even some of the outrage I would almost guarantee is faked just to get attention.

white women put on red lipstick to exaggerate a feature they are proud of.

why do blacks do that tho? are they ashamed of their brown lips? why don't they bleach the skins then.

/thread also based gooseposter

>hammerhead shark plays a mermaid
seriously though don't make a stink about this, in the new attention economy the best way to hurt something is to ignore it.

Disney will probably pay some stooges to write negative articles to drum up controversy but at least you aren't doing their job for free.

Kalergi plan

This. They want attention, and they want the middle class black and sjw audience’s money too. They don’t give a shit about race, it’s all about money.

something something gingers and n****** are anagrams

it's a sad time for cinema. don't even have to discuss whether this movie will be shit or not because we all know it will be, just like every disney live action remake. the only thing to discuss is the reasoning behind their "bold" casting choices.

>They don’t give a shit about race, it’s all about money.
They care about their agenda and profits. If they made her white all people would see it anyway because shit colored folk love white people and don't want to admit it.

It makes the movie criticism proof, and it's obviously something Hollywood have been doing for a whie:

Step 1 - Take a traditionally white (or male) character from an existing franchise, and make them black (or female)
Step 2 - Shit loads of existing fans of the franchise complain about it
Step 3 - Twitter/popular media weigh in about how wonderful and progressive this is and if you don't like it you are basically racist (or sexist)
Step 4 - From this point onward, literally every criticism made toward the work is immediatly labelled racist (or sexist) and as such completely invalidated, regardless of whether race (or sex) played any part in the criticism

The best way to deal with this bullshit is to stop complaining, and don't pay a penny to watch it. It probably won't stop them, but at least you'll be saving your time, energy and money by ignoring it, while they desperatly try to rile you up to validate their bullshit.

>5 threads about this

The saddest thing about this is that you guys aren't even cleverly false-flagging. No you are shilling this shit movie for free.

brownie points

Yeah, because that ugly nigger will surely boost the sales of Little Mermaid merchandise.

I don't get the logic here. So when a character is blatantly altered in such a racist way we are just supposed to stay quiet?

Are you going to post your white fragility image again

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Income from white demographics is failing because white people have phones, PCs, the internet, video games, streaming, etc. whenever any entertainment company lost one audience, they began chasing anotherZ. so Disney is trying to chase poor people under the belief they don’t have phones, PCs, the internet, video games, streaming, etc.

What's racist about it?

I suppose there is no need for that since there's plenty of fragility ITT already.

whyd you quote me tho?

The only agenda a corporate entity ever has is profit.

Ask yourself, would you have watched a little mermaid remake that wasn’t racebaiting?


All this pandering bullshit would disappear overnight if it weren't for the fact that there's a clear financial incentive to do it. It's free viral marketing, courtesy of both the people who love and hate it. Simultaneously Black Panther demonstrated an untapped market for people prepared to pay to see black representation in films.

Regardless of political alignment I'd rather people were more skeptical of this element. The agenda is not to push for any genuine social change, the only objective is to cash in on the latest fad. If Nazism were in vogue, we'd see Mickey Mouse goose stepping jews to the gas chamber.

No way. you mean like people deliberately posting ads to an anonymous tv forum? I don’t believe it

It’s racebaiting to draw free advertising, my dimwitted friend.

I don't mean hatefully racist, I mean racist as in an emphasis on race. There is no good reason to cast Ariel as black.

There's no good reason to not cast her as black either.

Why do you guys care so much about this movie? Take a look in the movie and re-evaluate your life, anons. As men, you should NOT feel this strongly over Little Mermaid movie.

There is no financial incentive to do it. It’s all theoretical. They’re losing one audience so they’re chasing others.

Yes, it was one of my favoritemovies as a kid. That and Lion King were the two remakes I was excited for.

To trigger white racist snowflakes. It worked.

Niggers don’t have fairy tales is a good reason not to cast niggers in fairy tales.

honestly, the only reason they're making live action versions of these movies is to put non-white people in them and maybe make a few bucks along the way. it's why the adaptations look so cheap and bereft of any charm.
The strength of the disney brand used to be striking a balance of product / project. it's why their stuff made money and could also resonate with people.

It is 100% pandering, agenda and product, there is no art here. It's fucking trash.

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ariel is whitewith red hair you stupid fucking nigger

It wouldn't be so bad if she was at least a 4/10, but fuck

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>excited for a remake
You’re either lying or a retarded outlier.

Remakes should be anything but carbon copies of the original you brainwashed Zoomer fuck.

As was already pointed out, it's race baiting to get free press. They may lose some sales but in the end the combination of getting more people who are trying to contradict the people who are pissed and the money saved from not having to advertise a fuck ton will more than make up for it.

It's a mermaid dipshit


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Umm, did you just ASSUME my gender?

I'm not watching "remakes" anyway. Disney is lazy as fuck now.

Wrong. Fiction doesn't adhere to reality.

I bet they'll make Flounder orange

Fiction adheres to the reality of those who create it.

This post proves to me that Yea Forums has become canned humor. This website is fucking boring, holy shit.

2014 called it wants its joke back.

>Guy: n. A person of odd or grotesque appearance
No. user assumed you're ugly. Assumed we're all ugly for that matter

Probably an outlier because I have young children.

Absolutely not. Especially fairytales and modern genre fiction.

Because the movie will have a Caribbean theme to cater to an international audience. Now stop making the same threads and Happy fourth of July

>all over the internet
>Yea Forums

Because Ariel should be cute

Attached: ariel.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

The originals are beyond timeless so I don’t understand.

For posting like a nigger

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Children movies aren't made for you to jack off to them you sick fuck.

Right, this is just a small and obscure website.

Redhead white girls don’t care about this casting, so why do you people care?

she has a fish looking mug to begin with

Redheads are already a minority that gets teased a lot. So Disney takes away their princess and changes her into an ABSOLUTELY HIDEOUS black actress. Ariel is supposed to be cute too but they couldn’t even go with an attractive black or mutt but went for a fuggo that looks like a spider monkey. Nobody would ever even rape her she’s so fucking ugly.

Whomever was involved with this decision at Disney needs to be violently butchered and killed while being gassed to death in a sauna conveyed into a giant fucking oven. Don’t just boycott this film or Disney in general, send death threats to them and their family members

Yea Forums isn't the only place blowing up with this, my good user. It's likely paid shills doing it. Hell, it's likely paid shills posting it even on here desu (at least in the beginning).

She already was cute? Why do you need her to be cute AGAIN? Grow the fuck up, man, and stop caring about what is essentially a movie for little fucking girls. Jesus Christ, this board is a fucking embarrassment at the moment.

I'd be careful who to accuse of being a nigger my brown-eyed brown-haired friend.

Maybe, but i'm definitely not watching it now, and i know for a fact millions of other people aren't going to pay money to see now either.
They did this because they know sjw's would defend them and their race swapping campaign.

There’s actual Caribbean mythology to use to make movies out of. An original film based on any of those myths would be awesome. Black Little Mermaid is lazy.

it is

What are they made for then?

cursed image

>There's no good reason to not cast her as black either.
Gee probably the fact that she's always been white you ignorant negroid

I sometimes wonder if there are more shills than actual posters here.

>i know for a fact millions of other people aren't going to pay money to see now either.

Hey, has Aladdin (all-brown cast) made a billion dollars yet?

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see Go watch a remake from before Disney twisted the term into "shot for shot re-do of the original in order to pander to nostalgiafags" you faggot.

Don't worry about it goy

Damn look at all these literally who supporting characters and cartoons

Is it, dare I say, literally white genocide?

Friend, we both know no one wanted them to remake the little mermaid and barely anyone would’ve seen it, no matter what they did with the property.

Thus it is clear this is nothing but racebaiting for free advertising.

the legit accuracy of your jpeg really irritates me

Green eyed, light brown hair master race
You will never be white, neger boy

Accountants, to hide profits.

Tay Tay should be Ariel, end of topic.

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>brown hair green eyes

So which of your ancestors rode Tyrone's big black dingus?

>Hey, has Aladdin (all-brown cast) made a billion dollars yet?
I don't know, but i don't how that's relevant to the discussion at all. Aladdin actually did pretty good on casting people who look like their cartoon counterparts, but that's only because they were brown to begin with. Changing Ariel from a beautiful, clearly white character into an ugly nigger sends a really annoying message that a whole lot of people are really tired of.

Bit of a cuckold, aren't you boy?

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Little girls are going to be very confused about a movie called the little mermaid starring and ugly negress cosplaying as their favorite ginger princess

You guys do know that black people can have natural red hair too, right?

Nope, she doesn't look remotely similar.

You have a short memory. The same people crying about Ariel right now also lost their shit when a nigger was cast as Genie.

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>remake movie
>make character a nigger
>it's just a remake goy, no need to worry here
Characters should stay the regardless of whether it is a remake or not. It's just as terrible remake at the point in which you purposefully change a character for twitter nigger good goy points.

>Characters should stay the regardless of whether it is a remake or not.
It shouldn't, as I said, cleanse your eyes and ears off the Disney """remake""" gravel.

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They can’t swim though. And even if they could and wuz mermaidz and sheeit, they wouldn’t be black since the sun doesn’t penetrate under the ocean.

Not an argument Zoomoid

Nobody cared about that. They made a fuss about how stupid he looked, not because it was will smith.

Redheads also couldn't be under the sea because there is no oxygen in the water and they'd drown.

People really do see gingers as an abomination, don't they?

don't you get it? Prince eric will be white, this will make the niggers go apeshit, just imagine, nigger ariel and aryan eric, it was all part of the plan to destroy the black mans fragile ego. based disney

Yea Forums cared about that. Or at least the phoneposting tourist subfaction of it. Hit the archives whenever you like, they're open 24/7 user.

shut the fuck up nigger

That word, along with weeb and any other buzzword, has lost all meaning because you boring faggots throw it around so easily.

>no matter what they did with the property.
What is marketing
Beauty and the beast didn't change Belle into a pooskin and it did perfectly fine. The idea that disney purposefully changes a character not for an agenda but for advertising is honestly really stupid. They have already lost all of the money from the people out there who care about Ariel's character and that's a good lump of money.

Jews aren't people, user.


None that i know of lol
At least i myself am not Tyrone the local burglar

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That’s what gills are for
By the way, did you know that Ancient Egypt was not a black civilization and there were no sub Saharan black pharaohs? Not even the so-called Nubian dynasty was black. You wuz never kangz and sheeit. Your kind wouldn’t have even been useful for labor to build the pyramids since the sub-Saharan brain is incapable of the required precision. The Meroe “Nubian” pyramids were not made by sub-Saharan purple-shining black Africans either. Not that they’re anything impressive, they’re shit compared to the Egyptian ones.

>lost their shit
He just genuinely looked retarded but most people just laughed it off as a stupid decision. It was hardly as big of a deal as handing the role of one of disney's most recognizable princesses to a sheboon.

>they're supporting characters it doesn't matter my fellow white person we should just kick this under the rug
Whatever you say rabbi

>That’s what gills are for
Humans don't have gills, retard.

No you're right it's #racist and #problematic

>Humans don't have gills, retard.
Mermaids do, and they used to be white until the jews at disney had a say in it

Well yeah, they are after all race swapping characters just to have a nigger on screen

Marketing can’t get people to like what they don’t already. Just because every big movie has been heavily marketed doesn’t mean marketing causes success.

This concept will go over your head, most likely.

Mermaids aren't real you fucking autist.

I'm so attacked right now

>Mermaids are white
Incorrect statement.

How is blackwashing a character not racist if whitewashing is?

ignore this shit bros

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That's not racist either.

based DC gave us the real Ariel already

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Neither is Wakanda but it's a black ethnostate

>Ariel was white to begin with
>Prince Eric chose some freaky fish girl over his own fellow humans
>Even rejected another princess just before getting saved by Ariel

This movie won't live up to the original, none of these live action movies will.

What's gonna happen to the Black Fish?

Tell that to woke twitter and reddit.

Congratulations, you're as retarded as woke twitter and reddit.

How so?

>for free
based and bumped for more exposure (formally known as free advertising)

neither are dragons but they still breathe fire

To trigger fully grown, adult children

You believe blackwashing is racist just like they believe whitewashing is racist. You're two sides of the same retarded coin.

I'm sure leftists complained about her being white and attractive.

Man, this website is really obsessed with skin color.

They almost always are
And Ariel has always been white. I'm sorry your nigger brain can't comprehend that.

why di black adults care so much about this then?
you could make the same argument.
why are grown blacks crying about this casting for a childrens movie?

>yes, this is my first time here

because a lot of fragile cucks would start moaning and acting as if the world is ending, then mainstream media could cover the outrage with tons of articles geared to create outrage among non-racialist people that racists are losing their mind over this and that racism is alive and well and all that yada, so in the end the whole thing is a publicity success I would guess



I think either way is pretty racist yes. What I take issue with is the hypocrisy.

You're here being a dishonest high horsing faggot because you know that whitewashing is rare as hell when blackwashing is rampant.

>caring about how long you've been on Yea Forums

Little white zoomer girls would hate this. I approve.


>whitewashing is rare as hell
It's not.

I was gonna come to post it this simply. She's just not attractive.

Give me one example.

>it's always been this way
Kill yourself nostalgiafaggot.

Not as obsessed as Disney, apparently.

might as well start making different versions of every single movie with every race so no one feels left out ever of any story

The fuck is wrong with her eyes? Bad enough that Ariel got blackwashed, but damn, couldn't they have found a more attractive black girl for the role?

The Lone Ranger is the first to comes to my mind. Johnny Depp played a Native American in it. (He did try to excuse it by saying that a distant relative was married to a Cherokee or something but let's be real)

For once i'd like to see them change an originally white character to a race that isn't black. Dunno why Hollywood is obsessed with niggers.


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He vaguely looks native American though. It's not as big a change as going from a ginger to a nigger, come the fuck on.

Newfags are a cancer that must cleaned out. The racism here does a great job of keeping twitter fags like you out.

Ginger is an anagram of nigger. Let that sink in.

>Kill yourself nostalgiafaggot.
>old bad, new good
>white old, black new
Fuck your optics.

/pol/ the cancer killing this board

>using newfag in 2019
>thinking Yea Forums can self moderate in 2019
>The racism here does a great job of keeping twitter fags like you out.
How do you explain me being here then?

Don't forget niggers. White people don't like to go to the movies anymore because the megaplexes are crawling with niggers and the high IQ whites will either torrent it or wait until it's on Netflix, anyways. Only capeshit and söyshit can get whites into theaters in any sort of significant numbers.

Niggers, on the other hand, being the dumb monkeys that they are, fucking love to go to the shitty megaplexes because it makes them feel fancy, and after Black Panther, Disney realized that making niggers feel fancy is an instant ticket to >$500m domestic box office returns. They don't care about whites, because whites don't see their garbage remakes anyways, because white viewers care about stupid stuff like "original storylines", "compelling performances" and "jaw-dropping production design and visual effects", and so they stunt-cast niggers into their forgettable live action remakes because they know it'll pack the theaters with borderline-retarded coons come release time, because they're too stupid to understand that they're just being cynically pandered to by a bunch of Jews looking to maximize box office revenue in the post-streaming era. It's all about money, and nobody's looser with their money than niggers.

>everything is racist
Fuck your feelings.

Nigger this is nothing
Just goes to show how new you are

>high IQ whites will either torrent it or wait until it's on Netflix
High IQ whites don't use netflix.

I can smell the election on you, tourist

High IQ whites won't even watch this shit.

>How do you explain me being here then?
You felt the need to defend disney, and for free at that.

>blatant cash grab live action remake
No shit they won't watch it. Doesn't mean its not fucking terrible.

>Nigger this is nothing
I suppose a 10s newfag like you doesn't know that Yea Forums used to be more than a cesspit for /pol/ outcasts.

Yea Forums has never been afraid of being racist since it's inception you projecting newfag.

180 years of Danish history beg to differ

You guys are promoting this movie for free, idiot.

Any character that comes to mind?


Non-Danish Mythologies beg to differ.

people may think this is bait but it's unironically the truth

Unironically jews

You're trying way too hard to fit in on this website.

Yea Forums racism isn't your type of racism touristfag

Oh fuck off. There is literally no point conversing with cunts like you

Any white female to a qt asian chick would be great.

>discussion of an upcoming live action movie
>not Yea Forums
I can smell the stupid on you.

Yea Forums has been like this for years now
Are you just now realizing this? And even then, what will you do about it, cuckboy? Convince me to not hate niggers and the current state of our media?

I guess I'm too #ignorant to see these problematic #microaggressions

Who the fuck cares what colour a live action cartoon adaption is.
I didn't even know of half these controversies existing until you boring cunts start crying about it.

>pweez stop trolling me!
Do you think this has worked over the past 3 years?

Reddit newfags accusing others of newfaggotry. How pathetic.

>Yea Forums has been like this for years now
Thanks to newfag mongrels like you.

It gets better when you read it in the sociopathic Mickey Mouse voice from that South Park episode.

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It literally is pushing an agenda. They want to be on the "right" side of history, and what better way to be on the right side of history than to forge it's narrative yourself?

Tell me you're not a Gen Z fag posting from your phone at this very moment.

>he uses reddit as an insult
Yup, trying WAY too hard.

>ppl saying the n-word offends me!
>mods mods rescue me
You embody the reddit spirit of being a perpetually offended unfunny child. kys.

No, they want to be on the $ side of history.

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The real problem here isn't the nigress, it's these absolutely pointless live action Disney remakes. This is going to be no better or worse than the awful Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, etc. They literally just did this to get the attention of spergs on the left and right.

No one cares what you think Zoomer mongrel.

It corrects the problem of the original being the movie has a Caribbean aesthetic.

Dilate then

You triggered betas really don't belong here. Theres reddit friendly boards that are more your speed like /lgbt/ and Yea Forums.

i'm guessing scarjo didn't do it for you

Nah she cute

If her eyes were any farther apart, she'd be a goddamn hammerhead shark.

>zoomer subhuman telling others they don't belong

>Thanks to newfag mongrels like you
Imagine being actually btfo by newfags

I think you mean saving.

Think it's possible to type a comment without resorting to buzzwords or are you just trolling at this point to save face?

Imagine being a mongrel.

>Fishfacegirl cast as Fishgirl
Not seeing the problem

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>that face
Are you sure this isn't the casting for a shark tale?

Attached: fish.jpg (501x264, 19K)

At least Aladdin's casting stayed mostly true to the ethnicity of the original characters. I guess Disney thinks changing white characters is okay but changing Arab/brown characters is not?

Nope. Never saw the live action Ghost in the Shell. They should have cast an asian female lead which is strangely extremely rare for Hollywood to do.

Kys namefag. You are an absolute stain on this website


>If i keep calling him a zoomer it'll eventually stick.
I guarantee i'm older than you
>calls people election tourists
>complains about buzzwords
Here we have the typical redditor inability to be self-aware.

Say "kys" some more it sure convinces everybody that you're not Gen Z you retard.

I never called anyone that, user. You're talking to multiple people who think you are retarded. Let that sink in.

You sound like a nigger blaming everything on wypipo or a cracker blaming everything on niggers

This is a good thing. Maybe if all the heroes and characters little white girls grew up loving all get replaced by niggers they'll start raising a stink about it too.

Shh user he's so new he doesn't even know about IDs.

Don't forget the cringe "Look! We replaced everyone in the Lion King with black people! Cause wild animals on the savannah = black people!"

because Disney have too much money.

Attached: marvel.jpg (641x568, 245K)

Vased and red peeled

real talk

1) hollywood is out of ideas
2) they can't just remake little mermaid, it wouldn't be unique enough
3) a black actress fixes that

>ctrl f nigger
>31 results

I think the results aren't high enough

Attached: xavier_dolan.jpg (630x420, 41K)

You are the idiotic buffoon that just called wally west and jimmy Olsen literally who side characters

Disney knows that the movie is going to be shit but they still want your money. They're going the Black Panther route and trying to make this movie critic-proof by casting a black Ariel. No critic will have the balls to say anything bad about this movie.

>Simultaneously Black Panther demonstrated an untapped market for people prepared to pay to see black representation in films.
Untapped, my ass. Blacks have always been fairly represented in film. If that has dropped off at all, it isn't due to some white supremacist agenda.

Do you REALLY think that Disney needs free press? This schizo theory is stupid. No, they're doing it because America is getting browner by the minute, and shitskins are more likely to splurge their money on garbage like this, just look at black panther. This isn't some crackpot idea for free attention.

>talking about anything means you're promoting it
Based retard
I'm going to dab on these disney niggers and you cannot stop me

then imagine being BTFO by a mongrel

imagine actually caring about this shit


Why are you adding another result to it? Be the example you want to see and censor yourself.

Rookie numbers

You can make this argument when the inevitable live action version of the Princess and the Frog stars a white woman. Protip: It will never happen.

because they want the movie to make shit money in China?

>shill still claiming Black Panther made money while larping as someone critical of diversity

This is the real high IQ realization. Retards think it's about getting outrage attention when it's really just to pander to woke critics.

And I don't care.

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why would Yea Forums care about this?

How cute, a little tsundere user. And yet here you are in this thread clearly caring.

This is it. Look how mercilessly the mainstream media shat on Game of Thrones, not because it was bad, but because they dared make a female character a villain. Meanwhile The Last Jedi was praised not because it was good, but because you can't criticize it cause the heroes are diverse and they make a white man a loser. If they had the balls to make Rey a villain, it would've been absolutely shit on by the media. Same strat as all black Lion King. 300 bucks on Ursula being white, and possibly not even fat cause body positivity.

>I am Yea Forums
look at this retard lmao

>movies don't have an impact on society and the minds of our youth
Based blind fuck

Because they're creating their own precedent of making movies shitty on purpose. They already made back their money on this property hundreds of times over, so why make it again but worse? Why can't kids today have good things too?

I just think it's hilarious watching all the retarded man-children on Yea Forums freaking out about the skin color in a Little Mermaid remake. Fucking men freaking out over a movie for little girls. Get a grip.

>La Sinegrita

That she-boon literally looks like a burn victim LMAO

LOL Blackfish

are you afraid of black people?

>I just think it's hilarious
Don't lie. It's absolutely obvious that you are mad as fuck.

The girl in op's pic is hideous and you know this is true.

>Yea Forums is dhit board because it's not a shithole like Yea Forums.

Attached: sfaste5.jpg (589x515, 106K)

Around ______, never ______.

Seriously, I don't usually care about this shit? But why would they not cast someone who looks the character ? What do they have against white redheads, unless this nigga is a really good actress? Why would they do such a imo bad casting

You can stop pretending to be a moral highgrounding centrist now you disingenuous faggot. I'd love to see your true colours if whitewashing ever occurs again but we all know it won't.

I don't know what that says.

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Shouldn't you be in a Steven Universe thread? You have to go back.

I think it definitely would've sold better with an asian lead, especially worldwide.

It's interesting that this discussion exists despite geographical location and Ariel's ethnicity both having zero impact on the story. It's basically about claiming the tale as a symbol vs destroying the tale as a symbol. Delicious to watch.

You retarded or something? I don't care either way. I'm just here to watch you retards get mad over another pointless remake trying to pass itself off as social justice.

I promise you, I will be shocked.

>With Aurora, Bella, Cinderella and Jasmine have been FAITHFUL with the movies and their physique. Why not with Ariel? Is it so bad that it's white and redhead? I do not care what they say, I wanted the Ariel from my childhood

It's to pander to critics and woke Twitter.

something like "why doesn't ariel look like the original, i'm not racist, it doesn't matter to me (i.e. please don't kill me for questioning my replacement), i just want my childhood ariel"

which is why staying quiet solves nothing. at least by discussing the idiocy and superficiality it takes one little step toward normalizing the issue to a point where critics can talk about it without being de-platformed. dogshit movies should not be allowed to evade criticism by pandering to identity politics.

Little girls will accept the cute black actress.
It is the incel adult males that associate Ariel as a ginger. No one is born a racist.
It is a learned behavior.

I care about newfags like you shitting up my board.

>p-plz don't call out Hollywood for doing stupid shit
You wish, bitch.

It's not about high ground you stupid pig fucking motherfucker. It's about why is this such an issue here. You flaming faggots would be better off just not seeing it. Speak with your wallet.

>I promise you, I will be shocked.
Shocked and offended by whitewashing yes. I knew you pretending to not care about race was bullshit.

>n-no, you're crying!

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lol, but this ugly nigger do? She looks similar enough, and looks very Ariel'y like, she looks outside of the box so she fits for the role.

You sure like this word don't you. You compensating for something?

>I'd love to see your true colours if whitewashing ever occurs again but we all know it won't.
... you want user to get upset about whitewashing? Are you retarded?

Trust me I won't see it, won't stop me from coming to these threads to talk about how shit it is anyways, much to your chagrin. Cry harder.

>You sure like this word don't you.
It's an older term. I suppose you wouldn't know.

>Shocked and offended by whitewashing yes.
And that's a bad thing all of a sudden?

Didn't you claim that both types of washing were equally racist? What happened to that, zoomy-kun?

She cuteee

I am not the one claiming I don't care. Why is it that we have butthurt nigger lovers coming to these threads pretending not to care when they clearly do though? Makes you think.

To make my D I C K hard

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Yea Forumsmblr is an absolute shithole and you are a cunt for defending it

boi this is so hot . im fapping to this

Why is that you make so many threads about your asspain?

You're using it so much like a kid who just discovered a naughty word for the first time.

This right here, this is pure marketing calculus. Angry white bois will simply play into the benefit of marketing, because they’re dumb enough to think they’re “enlightened” while playing right into the hand of corporate shills

I do but I'm not the one being the hypocrite here, you are.

>a wild unpaid shill appears!

there's several studies that show that babies are racist and that it's empathy that is taught over time. It's why kids can be assholes and some never grow out of being one.

I'd love to see your true colours when whitewashing occurs again.

I'm not the one making the threads, i'm just here keeping them bumped to the top.

Cry moar.

Its frequent use is common as well. How's your first week going so far?

Oh, I am getting paid in chocolate redhead movies.

>are you afraid of black people?
Why wouldn't i? Lol

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too dark

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It won't happen but if it does I won't like it.

I might take pleasure in your offense though, knowing that hypocrites like you didn't care when blackwashing occured.

>i'm just here keeping them bumped to the top.

By crying.


>white liberals: We are the resistance!
>literally one of the largest corporations on the planet panders to them
Imagine my shock

>It won't happen but if it does I won't like it.
I strongly doubt that since you won't even admit it when it happens.


I haven't cried at all though, i'm just responding to butthurt faggots that got offended at offense. Like some really cringe offensecpetion.

>films have more political power than politicians
Die zoomer.

The poo skin really does hide a lot of the ugly

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Whens the last time whitewashing happened? The only example given to me ITT was the Lone Ranger in 2013 and that was hardly the most egregious example.

>films have more political power than politicians
Where did anyone say that

>It won't happen but if it does I won't like it.
There you go. You'll find a way to weasel your way around it everytime it happens I'm sure.

Culture and propaganda is pretty powerful yes. You realize the way people think influences how they vote right?

Why do Blacks look so ugly? No seriously, ther are so less Blacks with nice faces

>disney is propaganda
Die zoomer.

>something happened 6 years ago
>it wasn't even that bad
Tell me who is the weasel here? You're like a black person that keeps bringing up slavery. Let it go dude, that time is over

>it wasn't even that bad
Let me guess: all cases of whitewashing aren't even that bad. What a coincidence. :^)

The general bone structure and skin texture
It's a little sad really

Part of the problem, is that white people don't actually know what attractive black people look like. Even well meaning white people will shower praise and love for some weird looking black girl like Halle Bailey. Because they just don't have the eye for black features.

Meanwhile, I bet there are far cuter black actresses that they could have chosen.

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It is

Corporations don't have political power, it's, uh, some guys in suits who get paid by those corporations and act on their will!

For you.

*paid by Illuminati and George Soros the Lizard Wizard

>disney is propaganda
Yes, it is a well maintained media tool used to rake in more money while also spitting out left wing politics into the average person's brain

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No just that example. Look at Johnny Depp. Tell me he doesn't look at least part Native American. If you call this white washing then you should call any Jew that plays a non-Jew Kikewashing.

Now look at a black person? How does a black even compare to a ginger?

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>spitting out left wing politics into the average person's brain
At least your subhuman brain is safe

>Tell me he doesn't look at least part Native American.
He doesn't look at least part Native American.

>How does a black even compare to a ginger?
They don't, and shouldn't, because this is a remake, not redo.

lmao you're so pathetic kid. Bringing out the schoolyard insults i see.


You're such a dishonest rat. kys.

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>noooo you're dishonest kys
Pathetic. Try coming up with a proper refutation next time.

You're flatly denying an observable reality, wtf am I supposed to say you disingenuous fuckwit.

The property value for Atlantis just took a nose dive