10/10, in my opinion

10/10, in my opinion

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creepy. but isn't basically the wicker man. graphic stuff though. reminded me of the Hannibal TV show

Have sex.

Who cares? Did you hear that Disney cast a black actress as Ariel?

Bruh my friend and I both looked at each other when that scene happened

what about it makes you think 10/10? If anything it's a solid 7 because the people playing outsiders were insufferable to the point of me wishing I was watching a slasher, so i could see them all get graphically eviscerated.
Pelle was nice though

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more like 8.5/10, but considering how bad horror is these days i'll take something novel when it hits

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Blatant Jew subversion shitting on European culture 0/10 OP is a supreme faggot
Inb4 /pol/ reference the ABSOLUTE STATE of modern cinema how about a horror film set in FUCKING ISRAEL
Fuck everyone in this thread

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The main character & the Brits were fine. All the Anthropology students were insufferable and got what was coming to them.

German media are already taking position in favour of a black Ariel.
>It's about time
>Only racists have a problem with that
>...And that's a good thing.
>Jesus was a PoC, too!
>Nevermind that Christianity spread like Islam does today
It is all so T I R E S O M E .

I’m seeing it tonight
It’s better be scary and not trash like hereditary was


It's Opposite Day but only for the first number

it's a comedy/horror, do not expect straight horror at all.

The guy with the vape reminded me of too many people I know irl

a real jerk

Le best atmospheric slow burn of the decade

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Hereditary was a bad movie, not interested.

why would it be any different? stop wasting your time on movies you know are going to be shit

They are very different movies


>isnt the wicker man
So what the are u sayinh

German media is right to an extent. It's a non issue. Saying only racists care though is a lie.

what I expected:
>The Wicker Man (1973)
what I got:
>The Wicker Man (2006)

She went for the dude that wasnt socially retarded like me and now i am bitter and hate everything

The thing I enjoyed most of this movie besides the cinematography and the music was definitley the way they protrayed people Tripping

In the beginning when the Girl hears a word that triggers her trip to go bad, and as she tries to fight it was well done.

Also the ending sequence with all the effects, everything "breathing" was very well done.

Most accurate protrayal ive seen in a movie

I thought the same thing. Especially the subtle warping of faces. Pretty close to what coming up on shrooms is like in real life.

What's the deal with the deformed, big lipped girl?

Until about 30-40 minutes in, I would’ve given it a 10/10. The only major critiques I have is that even when they’re down to 3-4 people, they don’t question where everyone is. The most you get is “gee, where are they?” and no further investigation.

The second major flaw is that the motivations of Christian and his gf go completely off the rails in the 3rd act, and the only explanation we get is “they’re on drugs! What do you expect?”

she was the leader of the group cause she was not "clouded" by other thoughts.

Why does she have the deformities?
If she deflates her lips will she die?

She was deliberately created through extensive inbreeding

HE was the product of incest

is it piratable already?

That's fuckin dumb

Thanks for the heads up
Gonna get blazed beforehand should be a good time

where can i stream or pirate it?

Yes, I felt that the momentum dropped off a cliff when it was down to just Chrisstian and his GF

What is up with that picture? Is she crying? Cringing? Why is midsummer spelled wrong

>Why is midsummer spelled wrong

I knew it from the first second of the trailer
>directed by someone called ()
>director of another horror film called hereditary
>unhappy white couple, poor communication, cuck agrees to pay his gf's way to Sweden because he lacks the nuts to break up with her
>chekovs nigger
>isn't it creepy how they're all white here
>all these white people acting happy, creepy huh
>northern latitude is so weird it's like a different planet, white people are like aliens for living here
>haha what, you thought folk traditions were innocent and comfy, nope, they do massive doses of hallucinogens, have orgies and cannibal feasts
>and they won't let you leave
Double fuck this mega kike propaganda montage, i wouldnt watch it if you paid me and I resent having even been shown the trailer

every normie in the theater was laughing so hard at the sex scene and it reminded me i will never have sex

The more I find out about this shit heap the more I begin to relish the time spent not watching it. Of course the mc's name is Christian. Let me guess, they eat the niggers genitals for fertility, but keep him alive as a eunuch slave.

its good that you are deciding to air out your insecurities here

all I read was "Help me! I'm too insecure to enjoy a decent movie!" what's the matter, user? cant find your kino watching blanky?


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Holy hell, this reads like schizo ramblings. Get help.

>graphic stuff though
how gory was it?


Thought the film was OK, just like Hereditary. Thought it kinda began to drag after the two suicides but I enjoy creepy mysterious stuff like this movie. Just wish it didnt resort to gore to get scares from viewers. I was more disturbed by the atmosphere of the film than any of the gore. My audience was mostly ok aside from one dumb boomer who kept making jokes to try and make his wife laugh. When I watched Hereditary people were exclaiming like they were on a fucking rollercoaster, I couldnt believe it.
Speaking of that scene I saw the movie with my sister and she borderline ruined any explicit scene for me. She kept exclaiming and covering her eyes when the gore came up and it really took me out of it. Gore grosses me out but its not fucking real, it has no impact on me when its on the big screen. I like watching movies undisturbed and that REALLY irked me.
Anyway I give it a 8/10

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>Thought the film was OK
>Anyway I give it a 8/10

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face smashings, lungs pulled out the back, some creepy face masks made of a human face, male frontal nudity

i guess that does sound pretty contradictory
it was a pretty good movie but ive never been one to call movies 'great' or 'amazing'. dont know if its a cynical thing or what but im not usually terribly astounded by movie pictures these days, so OK is pretty high in my book.

Why would I subject myself to shlocky trash that demonizes whites? To appreciate the technical aspects? Get real. I got over masochism a little after high school.

>demonizes whites
>implying the pagan cult in this kino is representative of white culture overall

This is how I know you're a paranoid retard brainwashed by /pol/

You're the reason people hate white people, not any movie

Ya the gore seemed unnecessary, and there was a lot of tonal stuff. Some parts was hard to tell if I was supposed to laugh but overall there was a lot of spooky tension and that's what I wanted out of it so I walked away satisfied myself, I'd give it a 7 though just because I don't feel like being generous rn

They're almost the same story bruh

>has zero concept of the symbolism and shorthand used in movies
>evaluates art in a vacuum, ignoring the overarching cultural trends

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its always so easy to spot brainlets.
The girl embraces the all white cult in the end. If the purpose of the film was to show that traditions and all white cultures are inherently bad then her finding catharsis and emotional fullfilment by the end of the film then they've done a very bad job.

As I stated, I haven't seen it. So you're telling me the cult is portrayed sympathetically/favorably because the female lead joins it? It sounds more like a heel turn to me

midsommar is not a movie you go to see with your friends, family or partner. if you have any sense about you and can relate to the real messages shown throughout, you probably won’t even want to tell people you’ve seen this movie. midsommar is not a horror movie. it’s not even suspenseful. it’s all about the context, the pacing and presentation of the ideas. it has many themes happening simultaneously throughout: it is a film about loss, grief, removing distractions from your life, trying new things with an open mind and your true best being good enough. i’ve heard others say it’s a “breakup” movie and i don’t think i agree with that. this movie is more about the individual’s role in a community, egocentric ideas like love and loss are stripped bare very early on.

it was overtly indulgent in the “soft, complacent fools getting what they deserve” trope, but the juxtaposition of the loud, crude, unfocused and truly detestable characters contrasting a handcrafted, beautiful observation of foreign tradition where every sound is of some import, these fools get every opportunity to thrive in said alien environment, and they unsurprisingly fail to meet even the most basic ideals of respect. interesting commentary on the kinds of people the USA is raising today. but again, this whole thing is just a small facet of the ideas conveyed in the film’s entirety. the sequence with the elderly couple at the feast and through to the bonfire was more memorable than anything else done by any of the other characters, imo, and it was contextual body language, almost no words spoken.

the nightmares and breakdowns Dani experiences throughout was the hardest part for me. too rare is it to see an honest portrayal of despair. it really do be like that.

it’s an amazing movie, i can’t remember the last time i even went to the theaters, let alone sat for something worth seeing, but i do not regret going to see this one.

After the Crowning of the May Queen, the movie starts to feel endless, but it’s refreshing and unnerving for a good hour and a half. You can safely ignore any calls of being anti-white. I expected it to be liberal, but the movie is in no way political or even judgemental. The problem is expecting a horror movie. It’s a psychedelic thriller at best that gets sillier and sillier. Genuine 7/10 is fair, but I would be very selective about whom I would recommend this to.

The first hour is pretty fantastic. Never thought carbon monoxide would be so creepy.


KYS you fucking white hating piece of dog shit sodomite

he's not necessarily wrong, understanding symbolism and how something can represent a larger idea is key to getting movies

how is the brainlet here? he's provided an analysis of the thematic implications just by watching the trailer, while you're acting smarter because you saw how it ends

user, plenty of people hate whites as a basic fact of their world-view, not because of anything you or I or any other whitey does or says

wow that actually sounds pretty cool thanks for the review user

Sure thing Moishe it’s definitely not the decades of anti-white anti-Christian anti-European toxic FUCKING SLOP you psychopathic disgusting fucks subject us to day after day after day

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Have sex

Wanna know how I can tell you haven’t had sex?

you deserve the worst in life and death, you’ll find it with that attitude

Is there any good pagan nudity?

clean it up, tranny

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>misspelling mid summer
>ripping off the wicker man

also I know the nick cage one is remake

3/5 could have been a 4/5 with some editing 2h 27m is way too long for a rehash of stuff other films have done. The sex scene was kino.

Underage gtfo