I had this guy in all my classes during my senior year of high school (I graduated on May 27th of this year) and...

I had this guy in all my classes during my senior year of high school (I graduated on May 27th of this year) and throughout this year he said many things about movies that piss me off. Heres a list of all the stupid things he has said.
>Says the Star Wars prequals are better than the original trilogy.
>Says the special effects in the original Star Wars movies were terrible even for the time. When I told him the effects won an academy award he responded with: "Probably just the lightsabers."
>Thinks all Disney movies (or animated movies in general) are for little kids.
>Thinks Lost in Space, Transformers 2, Catwoman (kept going on about how he thought Haley Barey was hot in it), and Batman and Robin are good movies. (BTW he once said the Batman movies suck because they kept changing the actor who played him, he also thinks Robin should be in the Christopher Nolan movies)
>Thinks I hate Spaceballs soley because I love Star Wars and would be offended by it parodying the original movies. (I actually like Spaceballs, but Hardware Wars is my favorite parody)
>One day I was talking with a teacher about how younger people today have no appreciation for older movies and he butted in by saying "Thats because we know whats good!"
>He always refers to movies like Dr.Strangelove, Metropolis, A Clockwork Orange, and a few others. As "movies no-one's ever heard of".
>Thinks Peter Jackson's version of King Kong is better, and when I told him about how Jackson was inspired by it (therefore the remake would not exist without the original) he kept saying "The remake is better!"
>When I told him about how no one had seen special effects like the ones in King Kong back in 1933 he said: "Well if you were to take the remake to back then they would be like (proceeds to make faces of exaggerated amazement)"
>When I told him story is more important in a movie than special effects he told me I was crazy.
>"If they remake a movie using today's technolgy it will be BETTER than the original."

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idk bro sounds like a personal problem

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Seems based. Have sex.

Fuck off you NPC faggot

Reason you included the date you graduated high school in your post?

>>Thinks all Disney movies (or animated movies in general) are for little kids.
he's right

he sounds extremely based to be honest

Because he’s underage and wants to seem like he isn’t.

>Haley Barey

Plot twist: You are that guy, and you came here to subtly brag about your likes to your internet friends.

>all animated movies are for little kids
Imagine unironically believing this

It sounds like he said all Disney animated movies are for kids (which is right) and you inferred that he was saying everything animated ever is for children.

I had a friend with the worst taste in movies and whenever I mentioned that the movies he likes were objectively bad everyone would get pissy at me and say that taste is subjective and that you can't really say a movie is bad because if someobe likes it then it's good.

I wasn't even being rude about it. His all time favourite movie was Van Helsing until Avatar came out and that took it's place. He refused to watch movies made before 2000 because they looked old and therefore were bad. And he was born in fucking 92.

So all through senior year of high school this kid would just not leave me alone. Here are just some of the times when the girls in class sniggered at him behind his back
>I say the Star Wars prequels aren't *that* bad and he shouts "how can they be anything if they don't exist?" He starts crying but tells everyone that he isn't
>I try to calm him down and I say the lightsaber effects were good for the time, and are probably why it won the Oscar that year. And despite his head being in his elbow crease, face-down to the desk, you could hear him shout, "It's called the ACADEMY!"
>Told me once that Disney movies (and animated movies in general) are "what a true cineaste relishes" and I told him I think there's a cream for that and a couple of girls sat behind him laughed
>I once said Halle Berry looked hot in that Catwoman movie and he scoffed loudly and said, "We got us a Robin fan over here!" and he looked around for validation but everyone just stared at him
>Once spent fifteen minutes drawing a chart on the whiteboard ranking his favourite Star Wars parodies, and he kept raising his voice when saying the different titles and looking right at me
>One day I saw him telling a teacher that nobody came to his birthday party and I said "Thats because we know whats good!" and the teacher had to stifle a laugh
>I once told him that the only movie from before 1993 that I have heard of is Fight Club and to this day he hasn't realised I was joking
>Told him the CGI was good in the new King Kong movie and 3 weeks later he brought in a self-bound book he had made on why i was wrong
>After his 55 minute King Kong lecture I said anything I could to get him to go away
>Resorted to saying shit like special effects is more important than story to get him to leave me alone
>Told him "If they remake a movie using today's technology it will be BETTER than the original" and saw a teacher nod at me, as if he was already employing this distraction technique, as if all the teachers were

Third post best post

you sound like such a smug tryhard faggot. "other young ppl dont appreciate old movied like i do" holy shit youre not gonna get laid because your favourite movies are old

Lmao copypasted it off of the imdb message boards you newfags lmoa

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>"If they remake a movie using today's technolgy it will be BETTER than the original."
On this he has a point, at least in theory. For instance Peter Jackson's King Kong is a great remake, and while the original was amazing for its time it doesn't hold up (the dated acting does it no favors either), especially considering that the special effects were its key selling feature. You act as if King Kong 1933 wasn't a special effects driven flick made for cheap scares and thrills.

It's interesting that you go on about story being more important, but you seem quite fixated on special effects. The prequels are shit movies but what ILM did was groundbreaking at the time in terms of visual effects, a leap in digital cinema. It's good that you have an appreciation for classic cinema but you come across as a pretentious faggot, the kind that shits on everything new just for the sake of it.

>Jackson Kong
>In any way better than the original
Go back, Jackson Kong was fucking awful soulless garbage made to cash in on a popular property. It has awful pacing, editing, acting and generally tells it's story like shit despite having 2 more hours to tell it.
The effects have also unironically aged worse than the original, the original's effects are still interesting to look at and the visual style is appealing, Hackson's shit just looks like any generic blockbuster.
>especially considering that the special effects were its key selling feature. You act as if King Kong 1933 wasn't a special effects driven flick made for cheap scares and thrills.
Dear god you are fucking retarded, what are you even doing on a movie board anyways? You don't understand them, stick to videogames

Literally said nothing wrong.

based retard

You're both know-nothing, faggot children.


It's like you couldn't pick just one topic for your bait thread so you went with all of them. Incredible.

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