Now that the dust has settled

Now that the dust has settled...

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Shit ending which ruined the movie

3rd act was like a comedy sketch show

One good scene.

dude mental illness so deep ,but its actually demons lol subverted

the ending? same for me too

only masterpiece of the past two years

you obviously didnt get it

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I’m happy to see this opinion no one irl gets what I’m saying

It's a bad movie, but I went to school with Ari and respect that he's managed to make such a strong name for himself

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what an odd little birdperson, whats wrong with it?

Kino and the ending is a pleb filter of the highest order.

>mental illness
I always see reddit bringing that up with this movie but I don't see how it's related at all

It's all good guys, most people laugh when they're anxious. It's okay if you got scared.

l can attest l was scarred and posted this to make myself feel a bit better

dude you're so right bro. this movie has like a million layers that like you HAVE to watch stoned to completely get all of the stuff that happens in it

you already admitted you posted originally to ease your baby nerves, lel shut the fuck up

different person, dipshit

It was ok
The first scene with the grandma in the dark was one of the scariest shit I've ever seen. But nothing topped this after in the movie.
Thought the ending was ok although it kinda messed with the overall tone

Good start, good middle, shit end.
I really liked how all of the different characters progressed, but all of their endings were so unsatisfying and sudden.
Probably one of the shittiest payoffs i've ever seen in film.

>watch this last night
>only thing I could think about is "white dad, white mom, white daughter... why does the son look like a poo..."

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Great movie, Midsommar was just as good too.


Then you must be retarded, because the father obviously thought his wife was nuts.

Remind me why throwing the sketchbook in the fireplace started burning the dad when earlier it was burning the mom?

>when the mom started crawling along the walls
>and then that head banging scene
Killed the atmosphere completely.

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Ending was the best part

Pay the toll

I think the point was that Peter was the result of a rape from one of the other cult members.

Do you know what step children are? Christ.

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It's a very good horror movie and one of the best of the last decade.

All the bullshitting and trolling just shows it's success, no one would give a fuck if it wouldn't be great. All the worse horror flicks of the last years are never talked or joked about

Is Midsommar as kino? I havent seen a movie in theaters since Dunkirk and dont want to waste the $30+tip

>only thing I could think about is
why are incels so vapid and dull? you're as bad as people who watch reality tv

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I saw the movie a year ago, I don't remember them bringing that up.

It was good. The fact that it's a horror concept that has been done before, more than once (the "reveal" and explanation for the weird happenings) it still does it well and is successfully suspenseful and impactful

Is it a bit overrated? Yeah, definitely. Still pretty solid though. Not the best horror movie ever. Far far from anywhere near the worst

because its a fucking shitty movie that establishes the rules and then shits all over them

Just like Midsommer there's a bunch of neat ideas here and there but it just doesn't mesh as a complete story. Hereditary is like a 5.5/10 and Midsommer is a 5/10. Worth watching I guess but no need to rewatch. So far he can start movies pretty well and then they just go on for too long without enough interesting things happening to justify the length.

It wasn't scary. I watch horror to be scared. What is the point if it isn't going to be scary. Why have the genre? Another failure.
>inb4 some fat neckbeard retard posts the horror movies soiboy image

I completely lost interest once seances got thrown into the mix. The movie was just the usual generic bullshit after that.

Name ONE scary horror movie

Better question, since it's obviously you don't believe any exist, why is horror even a genre and what is it's purpose?

seriously. what the fuck happened to this board. i know it was usually always about shitposting and memes but you could at least have some discussion about a movie. i mean look at any thread on here about midsommar. i wanted to hop on here, discuss it and it's themes only to discover everyone thinks the movie is trying to convince people that white people are bad and scary, and then people saying "b-b-b-but THE REAL MID SUMMER FESTIVAL ISN'T LIKE THIS AT ALL! WTF!!! THATS MESSED UP!". It is seriously pathetic how fucking fragile and sad all of these people are. They all make fun of the left for being offended at everything and blowing everything out of context, but then they do the exact same thing. The ultimate hypocrites.

They way they introduced that whole plot thread was poor, almost laughably bad. She comes out of nowhere, is absolutely convinced this thing works and will work for her and we have to sit through like 2o minutes of her fatass explaining and overacting. It's the only thing that rivals the humor of her floating comically at the end.

>when that old seance lady was shouting harry potter spells at the son

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Try reddit. Very respectful and insightful place.

everyone is a faggot there, though.

I was just tired of the movie by the time the floating part happened. Pretty sure my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

Still liked the movie but this did stand out to me. It made it semi difficult to believe they were a senpai. But then I just let it slide because movie.

One more reason then

It was boring. There were things well done in it but it doesn't change the fact it was boring. If I'm bored by whats going on you can have the best acting and cinematography in the world but I won't give a shit

are you dense? that was LITERALLY the point. she was a member of the cult, she showed up to the meeting, out of nowhere, found the mom, slowly gained her trust and convinced her to do the "seance" (which was really just a ritualistic prerequisite) to help summon the demon.

>That split second where it cuts from daytime, to night time, and its tons of naked people staring at house

SPOOKED. Most people missed it

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Gee golly user, no fucking shit. I am aware, that doesn't stop the fact that it was poorly acted, and dragged on and was a mishmash of unconvincing scenes. Calling a part of the movie poorly done doesn't mean one didn't get it.

Name ONE good one

Joan is by far the scariest character, just a nice old lady, here, read this nonsense but its actually a spell.

Very spooky lady. PETER, I EXPEL YOU, was scariest scene

I liked it. It didn't make sense sometimes (burning the father) but I'm a sucker for this type of new weird horror. I like how it started with making you think it was a regular family drama movie and then slowly went into the new weird. I'd watch it again eventually. Not sure why everybody has a hate boner for it here tho

I'm friends with him too. Known since he was a teenager. Nice guy. Everyone thinks he must be fucked up to make the movies he does, but I think he's like Stephen King and just has an active imagination.

Your RPing is hilarious. I can't stop laughing. So funny..

>the original ending didn't have the cult lady giving all this exposition
>was originally just silent + soundtrack
god that would have been so much more kino, but the test audiences are fucking brainlets.

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Good, but also overrated

Already typical a24-serious-horror film.
Being nice, anything above 7/10 is overrating it.

Pretty much this. It didn't go overboard with it but it did the typical horror movie "we don't got to explain shit man it's supernatural! anything could happen!" when the plot needed it. The last 20 mins or so of this film really are a shit show for whats otherwise a decent movie til then.

the VVitch is the only decent a24 production, this was just really fucking bad

I liked how it kept the mystery of whether or not it was all in their heads until it shit the bed with the ending. I've seen people in my life going through the same grief that showed a lot of the same behavior that the characters showed, and the ending totally cheapened that.

no you just don't get it! It's ok for it to be shit because it was SUPPOSED to happen!


omg user, please don't spoil a move that came out over a year ago

Epic Troll xD

Because Paimon wanted to weaken Annie enough to possess her, in order to weaken Peter, the body he originally wanted but was kept from.
Did you even watch the movie? It couldn't have been spelled out for you any clearer if it used wax crayons on your special dinosaur stationery.

Use your fucking brain.
>old ass father
>young daughter, probably his
he's his step dad

Jacob's Ladder

You enjoy making shit up and calling others stupid for not rolling with it?

It´s shit.

Literal 5/10 forgettable movie that doesn't deserve its own thread.

Does good horror even exist anymore (or did it ever)? This has a shitty ending, The Babadook has a shitty ending that ruined the psychological aspect, The Witch is just atmospheric horror.. the list could go on.


Generations of a desert cult inbreeding

It was ok. The production design and acting were mostly good (except for the son crying) but the "exploration" of mental illness was really fucking lazy and uninteresting and essential boiled down to "her mom was crazy, now she's crazy."


>the "exploration" of mental illness was really fucking lazy and uninteresting and essential boiled down to "her mom was crazy, now she's crazy."
Yeah this is one thing I've never understood people praising about it. They claim the familiar drama and psychological aspects were good but there is hardly any of either really. Its just straight forward, carried almost entire by good acting, editing and cinematography. It's just weird, what you mentioned is easily the weakest, most unfleshed part of the story but people wouldn't shut up about how that was one of its "many" amazing aspects

Best use of the overture to Das Rheingold in a movie.