I liked it

I liked it..

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How does it compare to the movie?

I avoided it because the colors make it look like zoomer shit

is it zoomer shit?

No. It’s nothing Zoomer-like.

Then what's with the fucking rainbow colors all over the place

I liked it too.

What rainbows? It takes place 99% during the night. Did you even watch a clip?

I dont understand why they went with heavy neon for advertising.
For half of one episode they are in a club and thats basically the only part not lit up by candles or street lights.

I liked it better desu, partly because matt berry is in it, and for me personally the mockumentary format wears thin after a while, so getting it in smaller sized episodes instead of a longer movie it kept it fresher for me.

I've watched the original kiwi movie and a couple of episodes of the serie following the fat cops, should I watch this?

It's just a fucking promo poster you cretin


Garbage. It's supposed to be funny, but it just feeds on how funny the movie was and all the actual new stuff is either cringe or boring

Overall I liked the movie better, the jokes are tighter and I enjoyed the characters more.
Also the show does the werewolves dirty, they were so much better in the movie.

It's WAY better than wellington paranormal mostly because it has actually funny comedic actors

That's what I'm saying
Why have promo material that looks nothing like the material it's promoting?
Are they trying to reel in the zoomer audience?

its great


>That out of fucking nowhere Vampire council with camoes from iconic vampire movies

Attached: 1555797318624.jpg (472x461, 10K)

I couldn't get past the first episode, it lacked the originality and charm of the movie. It was like watching bad comedians trying to impersonate the characters from the movie with their own shitty shtick. Which sucks because I otherwise like Matt Berry.

Not as good but good enough. Not Kiwi kino this time.

I love how the one dude has entire shrubs cut to look like his favorite vaginas including his mother’s.

I don't, I think it's a lame joke.

The energy vampire stuff was brilliant

Promoters probably don't even watch the show. You're a fool to think of promotional material in any form can give you reasonable expectations.
>Are they trying to reel in the zoomer audience?
Of course, the entire point of promos is to bring in new audiences that aren't already going to watch it, you twat. Often enough that means going for a radically different style.

I didn't like the pilot much either, but it grew on me and i loved it by the end.
That's often the case with television.
They have to spend their first episode on way too much exposition
and the whole television format is about comfy familiarity so until they've established that it feels strange.
for this specifically the first ep has way more mockumentary style stuff to establish its relationship with the film and the world. But that's mostly dropped later.

also for example I didn't 'get' The Wire until a few episodes in. And i'm glad i gave it that chance.

I loved it. Matt Berry is always fun. While some of it is pretty middle of the road the charm and intimacy is strong with the characters.

I agree with this user. Just give it an honest try.