So... was he guilty?

So... was he guilty?

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they couldnt prove it so we musnt assume!

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Of looking like a squeeze doll? Yes.

Those 12 angry niggas should have thrown him in jail.

Who cares? Send that bug-eyed wop to the electric chair.


Doesn't matter, wasn't the point

Of having the Innsmouth Look.

That should have been a mistrial, and yes, I would have voted him guilty.

This and to kill a mockingbird was the gateways to liberalism infecting Hollywood

eyes bulging with imagined riches

Yes. Zero doubt.


Why does everyone post this as if it's from 12 Angry Men? The accused is never shown in the movie.

Unironically what the FUCK was his problem?

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He's shown in the movie retard, as same as the lawyer and an old fat lady.

what was the point then?

The point was whether or not you could prove beyond a reasonable doubt either way, him actually doing it has nothing to do with anything

let that wop fry

he had ungrateful children
call your dad user

That the jury system sucks dick, because the randoms sitting at the jury would rather watch baseball games than have a constructive discussion on the guilt of the accused and probably didn't listen to or remember half of what happened in court.

>not the first post

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Juror 8 was the real killer.

He was a professional assassin hired to kill the boy's father. If someone besides the target is killed on account of his actions then he considers the hit a failure, so he infiltrates the jury by kidnapping the real Juror 8 and uses persuasive manipulation to free the only suspect. He brought a switchblade to compare with the one in evidence because both belong to him, his weapon of choice. His above average height explains the downward direction of the fatal blow, which the boy was incapable of. The witness who heard someone shout "I'm gonna kill you" had heard the father, confronted by an intruder in his own home. By relentlessly discrediting every piece of evidence and witness he manages to sway the entire jury into letting the boy and himself walk away.

When he leaves, he gives the old man Juror 8's real name, so that only the old man has the opportunity to piece it all together if he tries to find him again. He knows the old man won't contact police because he still saved the boy's life. By that point he won't be traceable anyway.

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the real verdict were the friends we made along the way

based, a commie like Fonda can't be the good guy.

fpbp stands for fourth post best post you fucking mongoloid. You’re thinking of fpbp which stands for first post best post. Newfag.

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>Watch it, numbah 8

that you shouldnt let liberals subvert the justice system. stand firmly and dont let them confuse you

Why did they make him look ugly?

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Hes cute :3

>I was at the cinema that night. Just can't remember the movie and threw out the ticket.
>Don't bother to ask the ticket lady at the cinema. Just let me go, I'm innocent!

His parents?

Yes, who else would I be referring to?

I don't know man, looks pretty normal to me. Yeah he's not a model, so he looks normal