Why did Squaresoft blow the ENTIRE massive revenue from FF7 on this gay ass movie that had no chance of recuperating...

Why did Squaresoft blow the ENTIRE massive revenue from FF7 on this gay ass movie that had no chance of recuperating costs instead of something that could actually be financially profitable?

Also I'm discussing a movie so it's Yea Forums related

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And where were the chocobos?

Never watched it. What's the plot?

didn't that movie came out many years after FFVII?

they wanted to widen their appeal to audiences who didn't play the games

Some post apocalypse sci-fi with invisible alien ghosts.
Also delves into the Gaia theory and other esoteric BS.

After VIII. That's went everything went downhill with IX being the last good game.

Meteor hits the earth. Invisible ghost creatures pour out of it and start killing everyone. Humanity figures out technology to shield entire cities. The film focuses on a scientist trying to figure out a way to permanently stop the ghost creatures.

I remember getting a stiffy about this mobie only to be horribly let down.


Whomever the Squaresoft boss was then, the person who did the movie, IIRC he was dealing with a lot of emotions over the loss of his mother and the film was a coping mechanism.

Grief did it, nothing else.

The live action remake that Netflix did was pretty alright, SPECTRAL.

Just imagine the moment Sakaguchi told Nobuo Uematsu he was picking a generic Hollywood composer for the film.

Spectral wasn't Netflix though. They purchased it after the fact.

I don't know what was going on in their heads, but had the movie been a success, Square would supposedly market the digital actors and reuse them in other movies too.
It's happening now with Square using their models for fashion, but the plan was much larger then.

They were trying to push the envelope on animated movies. Up until that point we only had cartoony stuff like Toy Story. They wanted to make something that looked more realistic. The movie might have flopped, but it served as a proof of concept for completely cg movies. Years later we get stuff like Avatar which makes billions.

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I like it, but it was so out of left field compared to the other stuff out at the time that I knew it would fail. Still have my original VHS too.

Sony arrived on the videgames market and they promised to Squaresoft they would make them the biggest videogames/movies studio of the industry. Then they realized western people took videogames less seriously and made them faster so they favored western videogames and they dropped the japanese industry like a used whore.

Dark City was alien too--still went nowhere.

God of War got its start thanks to that.

It has James Woods. That’s all that matters!

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/ourbasedandredpilledguy/ i liked him before it was cool!

They thought they would have a hit with a Final Fantasy movie and they had plans to make the first CGI actress that would be in future movies

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>le rightwing twitter boomer

This movie was BASED KINO. Way ahead of its time in technical scale. Donald Sutherland out-shined James Woods in this of all things. And the story is legit sci-fi that even Kojima is riffing on 20 years later. If this movie was called anything else besides Final Fantasy, it would have been fine.

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>Call your movie Final Fantasy
>it has absolutely fuck all to do with Final Fantasy
For as long as I live I will never understand this. I fucking hate this movie because I had convinced a bunch of my friends to see it in the theater. I'll never forget them grilling me afterward about what Final Fantasy is. You know looking back this should have been an early sign that the franchise was turning to garbage. What the FUCK were they thinking with this shit?

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This. Got my friends to see it because I thought Isekai like Shenanigans. BOY WAS I WRONG!

it was a good movie you retard

Sure! Wasn't a final fantasy movie though.

Eliot Goldenthal's score is god tier though, one of the best film scores ever

Good thing they made an actually good FF movie later

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Kingsglaive has the best cgi in a movie in a while

Cause every FF is a new world a new story.
Morons didnt know people wanted a FF7 movie.

christ no, everything they spun off from ff7 was dogshit.

You are wrong

Square should've used her more.
She did make it to the top hottest women.

I think Kingsglaive is the best of all 'FF' movies out there.

IX was the last good kino of the franchise, and XIV: Shadowbringers was honestly some of the best JRPG storywriting I've had the pleasure of going through. Rest of the game is shit though.

It’s actually very kino

Spirits Within is good, but damn it was expensive for the time. I think the movie getting unfairly shat on by everyone broke Sakaguchi for good.

>the part where they start jumping
>Cloud getting bested by a bunch of fags

XII is the final masterpiece of the series even if it was clearly unfinished

>Post-apocalyptic Earth. Meteor has crashed into the Caspian Mountains. Afterwards, people start dying en-masse. Eventually scientists are able to discover it's due to invisible aliens sucking the souls out of people literally. This science is called 'bio-etheric' tech.
>People call the aliens 'Phantoms' and assume it's an invasion. Humans retreat to shielded cities with force-fields that repel the aliens.
>Film follows Aki, a student of the scientist who invented this tech. They believe they can find 7 spirit types, which when combined will form a pattern that can cancel out the Phantoms' energy pattern and eliminate them forever.
>James Woods plays a General who believes they should just shoot the Meteor with a giant space laser cannon and that will solve everything.
>Aki goes on a couple of adventures retrieving the spirits she needs (they come from plants, people, even bio-tech). She hooks up an old flame who's a captain now. It's revealed she's been infected with Phantom particles, although they're stable somehow.
>Aki has visions from those Phantom particles which reveal the truth. The meteor was a chunk of an alien world that blew off when a war destroyed their civilization, carrying the Gaia or 'spirit' of their planet. The Phantoms are literal restless alien ghosts and not really an invasion.
>Eventually she reaches the meteor to find the last spirit and complete the pattern, but James Woods gets trigger happy and keeps blasting it with his massive laser cannon. This prompts the alien Gaia and more ghosts to emerge, but since they're already dead his cannon doesn't do anything but damage the Earth around it.
>This leads to the alien Gaia seeping into the Earth's core about to infect and assimilate Earth's own Gaia.
>Aki realises she holds the final spirit pattern needed inside her - her unborn child.
>Captain sacrifices himself to convey the completed pattern to the aliens.
>Phantoms vanish, and leave in a stream to somewhere in space.

Lot of key people who made XII left Square and made Xenoblade and the Last Story after.

Fun fact: This movie was so realistic it was cited in a US Supreme Court opinion as an example of how virtual CP might eventually become indistinguishable from the real thing.

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