Halo 2020

Cast her

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90's sandra bullock

Tessa Thompson

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Fuck I can't wait for the MCC Remaster on Steam.

she''l be a black woman.

jasmine grey

Reminder that Chief will turn Cortana into human with some dumb Forerunner tech, marry his waifu and live happily ever after.

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Idris Elba


that's all we've ever wanted

the only real choice

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Do you think Chief feels weird about how she looks like younger and hotter version of his mother figure

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nigress elba

>Not uploading the Chief and then activating the halo network to cleanse the galaxy of pesky non-synthetic life

its the only reason I keep my win10 install

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zoe saldana

Unfortunately, this.

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Kristin Connoly

This chick who was on FTWD the other night who's a little bit weird looking but who I nevertheless find very attractive

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This but unironically.

ugly af