How would you have fixed the prequels?

How would you have fixed the prequels?

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No jar jar
Scripts revised and polished by pros
George becomes chief consultant/producer but great directors take over directing duties
Shot on film instead. Imax film.
More sheev scenes

Literally it

Perfection is, by definition, impossible to be fixed.

They're beyond fixing and belong in the trash.

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Have sex

i don't know... make me actually care for the characters?

Anakin did not kill the younglings. The younglings survive.

MORE Jar Jar. Give us fucking more. Show us his thought process of voting Palpatine into power and how he's going to be revealed as the true villain of the entire saga in Episode IX

First episode we meet Anakin as an adult, but Obi Wan is the main character. Clone army is elite citizens of the galaxy that have been captured by separatists. cloned to create an army, and then killed. Republic storm troopers are just regular people. No Jar Jar. No R2 or 3PO. Yoda is barely in it and doesn’t use a lightsaber. Anakin and Obi Wan develop an ACTUAL friendship. Get a good writer than can write good romance scenes between Anakin and Padme. Anakin becomes more powerful in episode 2 but becomes more disillusioned with the Jedi. Becomes evil at the end of the movie. Episode 3 shows Anakin hunting down all the Jedi and killing them, while also gradually sustaining many injuries that eventually require Darth Vader suit. Padme eventually defects to the rebels while the Republic (now empire) starts taking over the galaxy. Empire finds rebel base. Big battle scene. Obi Wan fights Vader, beats him, but spares him. Many rebels escape planet. Empire is chasing them. Padme flies out to stall Vader’s star destroyer. After brief moment of hope of Vader becoming his old self, he orders the ship to destroy Padmes ship. Rebels escape.

Make three buddy cop movies with Anakin and Obi-Wan. But Anakin betrays Obi-Wan at the last minute of the third one to let Palpatine no only survive but destroy the Republic.


Gay Porn

Anakin and Obiwan

do ... stuff ...

You can't fix perfection.

>no jar jar or gungans which are replaced by something thats actually kino
>no natalie portman as padme but someone with big titties and sex appeal
>scrap everything about 2 and make it more kino jedi duels
>no hadyn christianfag
>slutty costume for new padme. costumes get sluttier with each film
>obi wan is banging some 18 year old jedi bitch
>more yoda fight scene kino
>more jango but less gay
>more sideous owning and spinning in the air

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>Anakin is in his twenties when we meet him, an accomplished pilot...R2D2 is his droid
>Obi-Wan is in his late thirties
>Obi-Wan's mentor is Yoda, like he fucking said
>Jedi are ronin answering to no one but their own order, operating in secret and never in the fucking temple/youngling bullshit
>Sith are rogue Jedi from a rift thousands of years in the past
>Amidala is a female Jedi from a royal Alderaanian family, trained in secret at her father's behest...C3P0 is her droid, she's the same age as Anakin
>Clone Wars are a galactic invasion by bad guys with clones

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>>no natalie portman as padme but someone with big titties and sex appeal
How about a woman with wide hips, and dat ass instead?

>How would you have fixed the prequels?

Wow... so much I would want to change. Hard to decide where to begin.

1) Scrap most of it.
2) Make it actually about the rise and fall of Anakin/Darth Vader.
3) No Chewey knows Yoda, No Anakin made C3P0. No stupidly convenient first trilogy cameos for the sake of merchandising.
4) Have the Jedi's be more like secluded monks instead of 'The Ivory Tower Secret Police'.
5) Drop the Gymkata style light saber battles for a more traditional epee style.
6) Make the Space battles focus on tactics instead of CGI furball light shows.
7) Give each movie a cohesive story that follows the main characters, instead of jumping around while each does their own thing.
8) No Midiclorians, no Jar-Jar, Don't let Lucas anywhere near the script when writing the romance dialogue.

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>No jar jar
Imagine unironically wanting this

>obi wan is banging some 18 year old jedi bitch
>slutty costume for new padme. costumes get sluttier with each film

This I like.

>more yoda fight scene kino

Fuck that. Jedi masters don't even touch lightsabers, same as Sith masters. Lucas undermined two of the best scenes in the OT.

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I would've filmed AoTC on film to get proper remasters done years down the line.


Could be the first Yea Forums list I fully agreed with.

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Bryce Dallas Howard, call her brap cat and have the costume accidentally split on the ass constantly


Make Naboo... Alderaan

Jar jar and the gungans are nomadic-Luddite humans/some SW aliens

Anakin is part of these new gungans and the one that’s banished for teaching himself how to fly a junky ship

Everything else can play out naturally, with the jedis and queen escaping to tatooine, anakin winning a race that grants them passage to couriscant.

Etc etc etc episode 2 and 3 pretty much play out the same

Beats the shit out of Jar Jar.

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Start with older Anakin. Have him spent most of his time with Obiwan. Padme survives.

OP said prequels, not sequels.

I make rogue one

Yeah no little green lightsaber dick, rest is kino.
Anakin and Obi-Wan should have had a better friendship and the Clones should have been the Republic's military from the start and Order 66 should have started around the mid point of ep2.

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Give mace windu more screen time and have him survive.


I like this list especially the ronan-like Jedi
Could even see the 'Clone Wars' as a backdrop to the reason the main characters have agency, perhaps even for all 3 movies. Neat.

I also like this list, but I'm kinda partial to it. (since it's mine).

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Other than Jar Jar in episode 1 and Jake Lloyd there was literally nothing wrong with them. Just cast someone a few years older and it would have been great.

They never really delved into the fact that Padme was seriously an older and more experienced woman fucking a guy who really didn't know what the fuck he was doing.

That dynamic could have been interesting.

Darth Maul doesn't die in Episode I. In Episode III Obi-wan and Anakin fight him in a battle very similar to the Episode I fight. They defeat him and Obi-wan is tempted to kill him but doesn't. Anakin does, perhaps replacing the scene where he kills Dooku.

they don't need fixing


pack your things, we're leaving

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>Fuck that. Jedi masters don't even touch lightsabers, same as Sith masters.
Go away Kreia

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Haven't picked up a lightsaber by hand in years, myself.

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