*ruins your show*

*ruins your show*

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*doesn't actually exist*

>I'd like to think that if I spoke out it would be enough, but I know how the world works

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>post your face when the fireman picked up the graphite

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there was no graphite

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I was looking forward to watching this based on the previews. Did they really fabricate a female character whose only purpose is to lecture the men on the show


They fused all the supporting scientists involved into a single character because if they actually had 30 nuclear physicists/engineers running around the show would’ve been a mess.

so, yes then?

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They combined the hundreds of real scientists into one single character for ease of writing.

i hate women so much bors


yes all the scientists involved were actually all male. there was an interview with the creator where they said this

itt: incels who can't handle a composite character

That depends. Are you a normal person? Then no. Are you a perpetually buttblasted incel? Then yes.

And they made them into a smug lecturing female straight out of twitter.

No they didn't.

Sorry but ...your anus will be expanded for this shitty post

I didn't write the show

>composite character
What a fucking joke, the sheer hypocrisy of the orwellian leftard, for a show lecturing about orwellian communism, is pretty funny.

The most repugnant part was when she called up the secretary and they started speaking in code under the guise of girl-talk.
It really gave the impression that women are intellectually superior yet oppressed and have to use their wit to circumvent the patriarchy.

Well, as big a fan as I am of gender based sanctimony I guess I'll give it a pass

What graphite?

There plenty of female scientists in the soviet union, the other two leads were male so why not represent woman if its historically authentic? Plus she admits when she fucks up multiple times, especially when she gets arrested by the KGB for being a loudmouth. If Yea Forums shitposters really want to turn on Chernobyl for something this minor then why the fuck should i trust any of you to tell me whats good tv or film? I might as well go to r/movies because at least i can believe what they say isn't hidden behind multiple layers of ironic shitposting.

>its not feminist propaganda unless you’re one of those disgusting misogynistic incels who don’t worship all women

Just watch it. She never mentions gender or men or any of that crap. What bothers me most about the show is the inaccuracies here and there but overall it's still pretty enjoyable.

Don't watch the show, you don't deserve it.

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t. pirate thinking he 'deserves' a show he didn't even support

Finally we are getting fictional representation.

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how many of those scientists were women?

Like 3 or 4

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*angers your russians*
Best character desu

>and thats a good thing

I'm still mad that there were no black people in the show. What? Are you saying black people didn't exist back then.

Ok incel.

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out of how many scientists overall?

They still committed 50% of the violent crime though.

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There were real female scientists in her position at the time, but her worst offense is simply that she does not exist. Having her tell other characters to do the right thing feels so hollow when you have to wonder why she isn't doing the right thing, and then you realize it's because history can't account for something that didn't happen. It takes agency away from characters based on real people when they have this imaginary voice of reason. Nothing about it has anything with being male or female, and it shouldn't be enough to ruin the show for anyone, but it's a definite flaw.

no agenda there.

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It says on the last episode there were hundreds of scientist's.

Apart from their first meeting she doesn't lecture for the entire show, I actually liked her character after that point.

and only three or 4 were women, so it seems a tad slanted to make the composite of hundreds of male scientists a woman. She just didn't walk in and say a few lines of exposition, they gave her a whole made up plot.

Soviet Union was a much more egalitarian society due to the large amount of male casualties in recent wars. You really think Russian woman in 1986 were the roasties you think of today?

Experience intercourse

no. she doesn't lecture the men. in fact her whole existence is a joke in the sense that the only way a women would be any sort of significance in anything is to be shoehorned in forcefully. she doesn't do the whole "strong woman" bullshit and honestly is a shit character who attempts to convince Legasov to be honest, throw the USSR under, spend time in the gulag while she saves her own skin by not speaking out and letting Legasov take the fall. realistic depiction of women if anything. 10/10



I thought her giving Dyatlov a handjob while he was in hospital was inappropriate for a Soviet nuclear physicist

what's that got to do with anything?

That's a really dumb idea, just pick a few real ones then


They should've shown that there were a bunch of scientists and had like two or three actually get focus. That way she wouldn't have to teleport back and forth from Chernobyl to Moscow.