
What did you think Yea Forums?

Attached: midsommar-trailer-15518738711.jpg (750x500, 38K)

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I think she is ugly

is that a fucking dude


A24 is cancer so none.

where's the torrent

is this that tranny yall are drooling over these days?

ah yes, white """""men""""

>ruined disaster artist
Not that the book is perfect but there was a good film in there somewhere

Ripoff the movie

I dont watch movies

Painfully drawn out with no real cohesion. Great cinematography, but holy shit it did not need to be 2 and half hours.

Creepy crackers

ripoff of what?

she looks like an inferior anna faris

Attached: anna-faris.jpg (480x640, 32K)

The Wicker Man

There's also a movie called "Midsummer" with same character name and premise.

If you watch Stuckmann's review, he points out the glaring ripoffs from these films.

white people are so creepy omg!!!!

nothing cause it dont come to theaters till september here.
super annoying.

sad but not surprised. I was hoping it wouldn't take too much from the folk horror classics and try and do something original.

This movie was unsettling as all fuck and I loved that the final act had my entire theatre including my normie girlfriend laughing their asses off then 15 minutes later they were stone faced leaving the theatre in utter shock.


*upvotes post*

It's probably the best thing in the kinohaus at the minute. But that's not saying much. It's not amazing and drags a lot. The whole thing wore out fairly quick enough. A lot of artistic cinematography and creativity in that sense. Highly kubrickian.

Overall 6/10

The dishonest cinematography was so frustrating I couldn't even focus on the plot holes and paper thin characters. The sound design was superb however.

It's probably the most pretentious movie I've ever seen.
It's like if a film student whose top films of all time were nothing but Kubrick films got a multi million budget and nobody questioned any of his decisions.

As a Finn i liked it.

Why? It made fun of your culture.


Was expecting a lot more after Hereditary honestly, kind of disappointed. Still better than most stuff out there currently