You can ONLY post in this thread if you knew about Rem Lezar before February of 2019

You can ONLY post in this thread if you knew about Rem Lezar before February of 2019.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Rem Lezar.... Bob Lazar?!

I don't even know who he is today

9/11 was a Remjob

Then why are you posting in this thread?

Because fuck you, that's why.

Ebaumsworld. I remember seeing that shit years ago and when RLM started doing best of the worst I was dying for them to review it.

Rules are rules, user.
You're outta here.

Psh I bet you didn’t know the little girl from rem lezar is dead

Wasn't she killed in 9/11?

aw but dad :(

No she died recently when she was like 40 there wasn’t any stated cause
You’re thinking of Everything Is Terrible


Nah I first saw the Central Park musical number on ebaumsworld. I saw the Everything Is Terrible video later.

I did because of this

is that ninja

Love this guy

Attached: VC-503585.jpg (590x405, 48K)

Not him, but presumably to find out who he is.

Twitch e-celebs belong in Yea Forums


Does awareness but not actually having seen it count?

Alas...your fantasy's for real...
created from the light...
ill tuck you in toniiiiiiiight

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I didn't know about Rem Lezar, but I've been a Yello Dyno fan for years.

Attached: Yello Dyno Hulk.png (954x1301, 1001K)

Rem Lezar is such an oddity, a creepy sex pervert on old VHS tapes and an area 51 employee

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