Do you own any movie posters? Post em bros

Do you own any movie posters? Post em bros

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The ones that are currently hanging.
All of them are 60x90 cm, except the AoT which is 90x150cm

Attached: posters.jpg (967x1408, 323K)

I got pic related when I was 11

Attached: The Big Lebowski Poster.jpg (665x1000, 149K)

10/10 Posters

Was childs the thing at the end?

I own this and the red 1984 Godzilla poster.

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Throw out the animu crap

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6 Gojiran
the lizard is wise to the JQ

And this one

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Well, sort of

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Got this and a few others while working at a movie theatre.

Attached: 112DC1E3-0219-4028-A2E0-864FB903FD6B.jpg (1272x1800, 716K)

Attached: 70B75CAC-CF7D-45E5-9E9B-B5EAFDC9D2C4.jpg (2443x3757, 913K)

Got this one as well

Attached: 1F6CD8F0-1E66-4B28-8DF7-72C4D82E0781.jpg (1055x1500, 484K)

Mine are all framed and hung around my house. I have

>Starship Troopers
>Star Wars: Revenge of the Jedi
>Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
>Battle of the Planet of the Apes
>Shin Godzilla

I also have The Abyss and The Thing but they are currently both having repair works done to the frame because apparently I had shoddy "sealing" jobs done beforehand and they fell off their hooks.

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The only poster a man is allowed to have

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Fucking gay title

I had this one in high school from Spencer's Gifts or some place

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I have it for a while, considering the bottom text. Got it for free on a book fair where I bought a book with Tolkien themed ilustrations, which were still pretty much the only pictures. Different time, different world.

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It’s a silly title and poster but it’s just a normal Hammer Dracula film.

Did you take that picture?

jesus christ that's bad

kek based

If you mean picture of a poster, then yes

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throw aot poster, garbage doesn't mix with kino

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Polish posters > everything else

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I see you are a man of taste.