So I assume most of you fine gentleman have a low opinion of these two movies I just listed, which is completely justified due to them being trash. However, many activists and degenerates try to argue that the large box office these two films garnered not only proves that they were good, but also that the lessons and morals must be followed from them as well. These same people also say that there isn’t an agenda being pushed by massive companies to push certain ideas onto the public, and that it’s just capitalism at work with the general public just enjoying it, this is false too!

Disney purposely spent more money on Black Panther and Captain Marvel to spread their message:

Now this obviously isn’t enough to match Endgame, but it is still enough to trick people into thinking that these movies are somehow important to see even if you are not into capeshit by putting the words

Due to these movies having more reach due to their ads being played and shilled everywhere, it will increase interest in the movies even if critic reviews aren’t strong. IT IS A MANIPULATIVE PLOY! DON’T FALL FOR IT!

What are your thoughts anons?

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'good film' is subjective

who cares, we hate them from the beginning you faggot


None of the Marvel films are good.

I watched the first half hour of Black Panther and fell into a coma. Never tried Captain Marvel.

That’s not what these activists and degenerates are saying. They are saying that these movies are culturally significant and must be learned from.

>Disney manipulates the public by buying ads
OMG their even worse than Russia?!?

>le x movie is bad because I said so
Reminder that there are no bad movies, only bad audiences

It's capeshit faggot

There are no truly good superhero/capeshit movies

Dark knight is great, everything else is reddit.

TO a degree but there are some objective standards

Dark Knight is reddit you fucking retard.

dark knight is probably the redditest of them all redditor

Does anyone actually think these are good movies? Leftard hype and reviewer cowardice pushed them up way higher than they deserved. And Yea Forums has been shitting on FFH for weeks but it kicks their arses in every way.

No need to debunk it.
They only exist because of the social justice trend.
They literally needed to riot in cities and threaten people's livelihoods to get these weak pieces of shit created.
You know who and what dont need that?
Good actors and great movies.
Fuck you if you think captain marvel and/or black panther is anything more than politically motivated movies.
>me too
>black lives matter
>oh wow feminist movies and nibber movies show up out of nowhere?
how odd

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Black Panther yes. Marvel no.

They are just movies bruh, if you didnt like them that's alright (I didnt) but you can just move on wtih your life.

Perhaps you are right but you cannot deny there are some excellent performances.
>Jack Nicholson
>Heath Ledger
>Christian Bale
>Hugh Jackman
>Michael Fassbender
>Patrick Stewart
>Ian McKellen
And a good few hot babes

Attached: hottest-female-superhero-collage-2.jpg (800x450, 129K)

Why are you people so weak and incapable of understanding that handouts make you look like weak pieces of shit?

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I don’t think they’re awful, both are just average to below average MCU films. BP is by the books underneath the African dressing, Captain Marvel was just bland and annoying. I don’t hate them for their own qualities, I hate them because of the disingenuous marketing and all those sad fucks who ate it up like good swine

I agree with your post but you’re kindof wasting your energy here. No one here thinks these movies are good

U mean dark knight rises friend

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What myth? Anyone who knows ANYTHING about filmmaking knows they are absolute shit and MCUcks will praise everything Feige shits in their mouths

This.../pol and /r/donald BTFO yet again

It's just flipping a switch in your brain, I can be impartial. fuckin retards should watch mauler.

have sex


Every movie featuring Brie Larson is a good movie, you silly poltard.

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If you're only just now reaching this conclusion then you're dumber than you look

How come she is so cute to be honest!

What degenerates and activists are you talking about?

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Absolute unit.

The big guy could be cast as Kingpin

Attached: Kingpin.jpg (860x705, 119K)

Black Panther made money because of his appearance in Civil War and Infinity War being two months away but it turned out to be WE WUZ SLAVES N SHIEET WHITEY TREAT US BAD which only the American population can probably relate to and critics eat that shit up. Captain Marvel made big money because of the post credit scene in Infinity War teasing her as the secret weapon against Thanos and Endgame hype but it turned out to be just mediocre. Marvel was probably skeptical about both movies and had them set up right before a major teamup movie. Would like to see how Captain Marvel performs if it's release date is nowhere near an Avengers movie or if Marvel will try to do that again to push femenist thing more

metoo and blm are an attempt by three letter orgs to corral ceratin social sentiments and weaponize them

Black Panther was't a bad movie. It also wasn't a great movie.

It was just ok. Saying it was bad is stupid as it was a cookie cutter hero's journey with nothing standing out to make it bad. If this movie is bad then you are effectively moving the goalpost for what makes an OK movie OK which is also stupid. Many kids and adolescents (who are the target audience of these films) haven't experience the hero's journey enough to be burnt out by them. They come in all types of flavors and this particular one is just a different spin.

Captain Marvel however, you're on point about

That's pretty much the end of the thread.

give me 1 reason why captain marvel was bad without mentioning women

yeah. let's do that. just lemme start up the ol' time machine.

The main actress had 0 personality/charisma.

I don't know if it was her acting or if it was the direction but they seriously dropped the ball there.

Also, artificially youngifying Samuel Blackson brought him into uncanny valley territory. They did the same thing with Downey Jr. in Civil War and it had the same problem.

Quality b8 m8te


What do you mean? I'm not talking about going back in time. I'm talking about future installments

This so much this

You try telling that to the darkies and fat feminist that you'll got
>yuz be hatin
>youre a misogynist that can't handle a strong powerful women

I see why Democrats treat them like spoiled, entitled children now.

People think they are good movies?

They were ok. Don't give a fuck what "Vice" tells about these movies.

I'm not a fan but i can recognize a good movie when i see one. Marvel movies are a strange case, since they are mostly good or above average, but are the same movie, and have no artistic value, just mindless fun well done but nothing to call them remarkable, marvel movies are just good products.

is fatty wearing a fedora ironically?


Tbh its pretty likely that Russia is part of it.
Im not saying they are but it is in Russia's interest to create Chaos in the USA so they can continue doing what they want to do in the ME and Asia

Well I think Captain Marvel is pretty well rated for what it is, on RT it has 78% critic score and something like 55% audience score. Pretty accurate for the ok movie it is. and I personally can’t hate it too much because it has Brie Black Panther however is ridiculous, the movie was bad but everyone seems to pretend it’s good.

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