Raw fish and rice


>literally no person:

>not even a single soul:

>jiro: $300 + tip

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it isn't even difficult to make either

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>”Dude, I make my own sushi all the time at home”
>”I use raw eggs from my backyard and jalapenos”
>”No, I don’t bother with the rice, I just smear the uncooked egg and jalapenos all over my plate”

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have sex

I like how ameritards can't comprehend that there's differences in quality of fish.

Yeah dude, the Fukishima radiation costs extra

So is good raw fish on plaine rice.

>in amongst the regular wild tuna, there are a few super-tuna, with meat so special and different to all the rest that it becomes worth more than gold

no just a few kinds of fatty fish, you wouldn't be able to tell

its not quality its the rarity of some fish

but a lot of fish tastes the same anyway just like cod and haddock does, you are then going for the texture all crustaceans are going to taste similar

Yes, and?
People pay hundreds of dollars for a single slab of barely termally heated steak and nothing else and no one complains at all, but paying three hundred dollars for a 20 course top tier sushi meal is somehow outrageous and inconceivable.

Americans complaining about capitalism wow

>one mothful of food is a course

>>one mothful of food
It's literally 20 different pieces of sushi for $300

simply epic twitter memes

>spoiled pie
>that'll be $550 + tip sir

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tfw live in eastern european shithole and sushi is expensive and probably brought frozen from other side of the world

i still love it tho

>that’ll be $600 plus tip, bro

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Those cuts look like shit.

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Who cares, rich people are dumb with their money anyway
>Bruh lemme eat these basic honey buffalo wings I could make myself for10 bucks
>WHAT they look like their dipped in GOLD? I'LL PAY YOU 1000 DOLLARS TO EAT THAT

I'm not fixing that typo




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Sushi is garbage. People always say "oh my god I love sushi it's so good" it's just mushy cold rice with some fish and sometimes avacado or fake crab or a sauce. Hibachi is far superior.

You have brought shame on your family by omitting a space.

>unironically using normalfag twitter memes
You have to go back

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>it's just mushy cold rice
The rice should not be mushy or cold even in the cheapest possible sushi place.
Which third world country do you reside in?

That looks fucking nasty. Why can't Americans cook?

>not mushy

>not cold
YOu're a gay

Its one sperging, poor american who CANNOT understand luxury goods, craftsmanship and prestige, and why someone might pay extra for it.

>he doesn’t season all of his food with gold flakes
Fucking poorfags

Anericans have no history, so they dont understand the concept of mastery: being a skilled expert in an old tradition,
Americans also don’t understand the concept fine dining. They need to import foods and others from other countries.

One piece of sushi isn't a course, it's a bite.

Disgusting but at least original idea.

I'd honestly rather just have a tuna sandwich, on rye, some pickle and a bit of mayo. Nice. 2 dollar please.

Jiro doesn't even wash his hands.

Imagine making this thread every fucking day.

Sushi "enthusiasts" are the same as art snobs--they continue to make up subjective measurements of quality to maintain their air of superiority within this one niche facet of life. It's fucking raw fish and rice but gullible assholes will pay exorbitant prices because they think it makes them cultured.

Sushi is cringe

Retards still don't understand supply and demand

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>2 dollar please
Lol sure thing grandpa.

As soon as I see that electric hob I feel immense terror

If you think the difference between a walmart steak and an A5 Wagyu steak is just imaginary placebo you're literally straight up dumb

What's it like having to pay for a porn license and getting acid thrown in your face?

Irrelevant. Someone will pay, thats all that matters.

Go back to the youtube comment section you subhuman.

Zoomers can't fathom paying for something that is provided to them for free.

Lmao, try defend yourself from the assertion that you’re uncultured swine that eat industrially produced slop in trays

>from my yard
Sounds like it didn't cost him anything but time and effort. I can see why this might confuse you.

You don't have to be a bong in order to think ameritards are ameritards.
I never had to pay for porn and there was not a single acid attack in the entire history of my country.

But here you are displaying the ignorance about America that you claim Americans have for everywhere else.

Cope Achmed

Not that guy but I disagree. Americans flaunt their ignorance, like its a point of pride.
They can’t eat anything other than fatty foods, fructose covered shit, industrially processed meats and soft drinks. Everything else, things That actually cost something, actually mean something (culturally, socially) is pathetic to the American.
So yeah, the pleb people of the world, with more cultural sway than they know, turning Europe to shit with their retarded taste and obnoxious voices. Of course I’m angry

Which lefty shit hole do you live in? Portland?

My country is 98.6% catholic and the mere sight of a black/arab person is so rare that kids point fingers at the person in public my dear phoneposting walmart friend.

Lefty? Shut the fuck up. Europe as a whole still has some pride. It will not choose to follow you culture-less bug people any more.

I like how you are such a dunce that you just take his word for it that his fish is quality. you probanly have preferred brands of bottled water too

Oh a Euro then. Literally the only people on the planet who think like you are europeans and lefty's in their shit covered ghettos in the US.

Europe has no pride. Your culture is to slaughter each other en masse every couple of decades. Literally the only reason it hasn't happened in almost a century is that we occupy all of your countries.

Japan is a country where you can pay a person Mexican level wages and they will give it there all. You can tell even with your headphones in and not reading the name tag that a clerk is Chinese in Tokyo, because they give you that minimum wage attitude

Also fuck tips, it made sense when only rich people went to restaurants but why should I make sure you make above minimum wage (sometimes more than your customers) for taking food from a cook to my table?

If only you mutts could do what is right and fuck off back to your continent and inject each other with corn syrup for all eternity that would be fantastic

Believe me, we'd love to, but you savages would be slaughtering each other within five years and we'd inevitably be dragged into the conflict.

>They can’t eat anything other than fatty foods, fructose covered shit, industrially processed meats and soft drinks.
You're generalizing

You should let the events of the world play out without trying to support your fucking ‘interests’. Maybe the world can know REAL peace after we’ve warred it out a bit.

>you just take his word for it that his fish is quality
just watch the documentary you dummy, it's not just "his word" you can literally see him or his staff every morning on that top tier Tokyo fish market where they sell world class bluefin tuna as if they're luxury cars

You warred it out for centuries, killed off or drove off generations of anyone worth a damn and were left will millions of subhumans completely dependent on government. And somehow, despite all of that you're still smugly arrogant about the whole thing.

It's better this way.

Are you sure? What makes you say that?

I don’t think we’re done yet.

>t. east asian

this but unironically
I still like cheap ass sushi though but the japanese have turbo autism when they're at the fish market

Why are Japanese old men so racist against whites?

Is it because we keep stealing their women?

old grumpy traditional conservatives everywhere generally don't like naive foreigners

The difference there is that specialty farmed animals are an investment, they are bred to be tastier. Picking one tuna over another is not the same thing.

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>Picking one tuna over another is not the same thing.
You're immensely dumb. Not only is there huge differences from Tsukiji bluefin tuna with intense marbling and some cheap ass albacore tuna, but there are huge differences in types of cuts from a single tuna.

If you think the tuna you get in your cans is the same as the tuna in these restaurants you're retarded.

That may be, but the difference between farming and raising an animal specifically for it to be tasty and a rare specialty, and simply picking a good tuna from a tuna merchant, is obvious.

take your memes back to FUCKING TWITTER!

>cutting into the hand

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>fake crab

Don't pretend to know what sushi is when you've only eaten it at shithole inner city places run by mexicans

The price comes from having to pay high-level adventurers capable of slaying the super-tuna.

You're actually a moron

Gross, and gross+irradiated.

fuck this fat, soulless, cultureless, corporatist, retarded, dumbass country. i dont know why my parents decided they want to move to satan's asshole yet here i am. everyday i look forward to the news of some psychopath retard murdering dozens of people for no reason. it is the only good thing about this shithole, a shithole culture that results in the deaths of shithole people. i want every retard in this country to be shot to death, especially the retards in flyover-ville, but also the retards on the coast. everyone in this country is a fucking moron goyim slave to israel without the brains to see it. fucking sheep. fucking fat slave morons. retarded niggers. retarded wiggers. retarded spics. all mutting it up together to create a low iq species of pure cancer. the collapse of the usa cannot come soon enough. i honestly hope trump wins the next election not for any retarded republican faggotry, but only so he can speed up the demise of this nation. this country is the biggest cancer this planet has ever seen. it will crumble into dust within the next 20-30 years if we're lucky. i cannot wait. fuck burgers


Try tipping in Japan. You might as well spit on them; they find it insulting.

You only think you do.

Most insanely rich fucks can't tell the difference. They only think they can because they don't want Reginald to think they're plebs.

>watched travel show about croatia
>they have a bluefin tuna farm in the ocean
>they go fishing and catch one
>immediately cut into it and eat it raw and alive
looked so good

Sushi is good but overrated. About 10 years ago normies found out about it and then 5 years ago roasties found out about it. Now it’s a huge meme and every basic chick loves sushi even tho they only get California rolls or crab or shrimp bc durrr i don’t like raw fish.

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America's most ass-backward traditions come from Europe. Americans didn't just materialize from the aether.


>literally nobody:

>not a single soul:

>literally dead silence:

>like, nothing at all:

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Do you enjoy being angry? Because you could just stop being angry if you wanted to.

why make that into sushi when you can just eat that beautiful fish

I hate nigger memes so much

>from my yard
Wtf this guy grows his own eggs?

>implying I eat aquatic creatures.

>but I'd pay $2000 for a pizza,
>$800 for a burger
>$1500 for a small tray of food
>or $500 for fried chicken!
>all with burnt meat and doused in salt to compensate for the dry base taste!

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>He hasn't ate sea turtle ceviche
You haven't lived till you tried some

and Jiro's is regarded as the top sushi bar btw
but if that pic is literally all you get that isn't a lot of food in general though

You're a good little consumer, yes you are!

No one is forcing you to stay here. You could fund a ticket home in seconds because, guess what, we don't like you either.

much better than that other documentary though, "Jiro Nightmares of Assrape"

Zoomer memes are so fucking retarded.


>supporting local chefs and fisheries, give money to your neighbor, keep the money in country
>buying gross food made by a conglomerate
which one to pick, american?

Bro what does sea turtle taste like? I’ve heard it’s a bit tough

Why do women and zoomies hate fish?

better question, why do those people hate molluscs? clams, oysters and the like are the best shit ever


A difference of over $250? Does this fish cure cancer?

Is $300 a lot of money to you?

Don't generalize America when you should really be addressing flyover yokels. These same rubes make constant Gordan Ramsey threads and call him a hack for criticizing that amorphous, greasy mess of a pizza. They have inferior palates due to inexperience and ignorance.

yeah... i mean... that's why they were so expensive. The tuna cures cancer.

>tfw can't get sushi at 3am

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>>America's most ass-backward traditions come from Europe.
*from England
Which is why I make sure to never single out mutts in these memes. If anything mutts came out alright when you consider where the country comes from. I guess having majority non-angl*id blood helps.

This actually was a very good documentary, it wasn't so much about the sushi itself but the intense dedication and passion of a man and how it effects his family

Of course nobody on this board will ever talk about that, just meme about restaurant prices

amerisharts are retarded. What do you expect from zoomers that live off fast food and nothing else. Do you think they go outside? Spend a little on a special dinner at a fancy place? Have a gf to take somewhere? Take parents out somewhere nice? Fuck no. They shit on something they can't understand or process.

I dont think the nips eat like you 56% boys

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I can do it better and not have to post it on my facebook like a faggot


i can 100% guarantee its an american making this same thread. Every DAY

This nobody: meme makes no fucking sense and isnt funny. People just put it before every meme and it doesnt even mean anything

no, the serving is too little

dont have to deal with either of those. but whats it like losing every freedom you had to your own ineptitude and stupidity? whats it like having a melting pot for a culture, a literal chop suey

>implying that the U.S is completely safe
>implying the current political climate in the U.S hasn't drifted further apart
>implying the "culture" here is just a mixed bag of everyone else's culture merged into one homogeneous abortion of "American Culture"
>being so weak that you allow immigrants to complete take the wheel and convince you into being guilty of everything
>being so weak that Amerisharts/boomers believe we shouldnt have a border and help everyone with tax dollars
>lose conflicts against sand nigger countries and rice people
>be so weak that you convince the government to fund section 8 housing and allow niggardry
>be cucks
>tax dollar fund pride parades
I want out. Please fly me out of the U.S. I am sick of this shit hole. Cali fucking sucks, Texas sucks, and Utah sucks.

>you dont have to stay here
>but i like being a goyim slave
>hurr America is numbah 1, we fight for israel
truly the spawn of satan, the 56%

That's nice.

I really don't understand why we continue to import retards.

I really hated the sequel, Jiro Dies In His Sleep

you dont have to import them, its american manufactured

Me? I will never set foot in one of those so called "restaurants", I don't want to actually finance with my hard earned money the chef's expensive coke habit, thank you for asking me.

When a friend of mine asks me to go to the restaurant (more like rest-o-drug) I just slap them in the face, fair and square.

The same price difference exists with steak. No difference.

>I really don't understand why we continue to import retards.
Because your Jewish led politicians allow them to flood in and the sheep dressed in red, white and blue follow. If you wanna do something, call your congressman or take to the streets. Something that, for instance, your "ancestors" did.

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You are not paying for the preparation but for the fish.

You have a jaded view of the world and a massive case of grass is always greener

then I can just go to the fishhole and save me a couple of thousand dollars

>Yea Forums has twitter meme threads now
Jesus, I thought this board has hit rock bottom already.

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>go to a fancy fucking place
>order something
>"its expensive????"
based neet

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I’ll stop eating fast food when Burger King stops mailing me coupons

>be comfortable with what you have goyim
>dont strive to fix these issues in YOUR COUNTRY
kk rabbi. i will follow

Sounds like user paid a visit to Jiro and is desperate to validate his decision to do so

These tuna are rare and hard to catch, this is why the market generates a higher price. You pay the fishers for their effort and expertise and breeder for its expertise and work both are investments on the part of the supplier, brainlet.

No prime tuna supplier would sell to you, because you didn't build up relations and connections.

You know what this sounds like? user not wanting his meme to die.

Yeah sure, if you work with him for 20 years and buy bulks of tuna worth thousands of dollars consistently...

Then just fucking leave. Nobody is keeping you here.

That's home grown retardation. America imports geniuses constantly. Most of my STEM professors in college were foreign.

Why is this Facebook meme shit acceptable now?

Because Yea Forums has the highest concentration of normalfags compared to all other boards

Humans are fucking idiots. Arguing and feeling superior over which chopped up dead animal and which leaves from what tree you eat. So glad when we finally destroy your planet.

shit thread faggot

>Capellini Aribiata

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OP your use of this awful Twitter yaasgirl meme has brought eternal shame upon you and your family.

Asians pay out the ass for express air freight to put Norwegian salmon on their sushi.

Here's the thing, though. There's nothing quality about the Norwegian salmon. It's just marketing. It's just plain, ordinary salmon being crammed into a giant net in polluted oceans, with tons of diseases and salmon louse.

The only thing that makes it expensive is the fact that Asians are retarded and think "Norway, aah, I saw a picture from there of all the fjords, beautiful nature and mountains. That means the fish must be top notch", plus the cost of shipping it express from Northern Norway down to Oslo, and then to East Asia.

t. spent 10 years in the salmon industry. God, what a fucking scam. It's 98% marketing.

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Also, might as well add that many Norwegian salmon companies raise their salmon for the South American and Asian markets in giant fish farms outside of Chile. But because the strain of salmon is from Norway, it's branded and sold as Norwegian salmon, and retarded Asians and South Americans still pay out the ass because of the brand name.

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>greentexting is now facebook

you eat publix sushi, too?

That would be Yea Forums but we're a close second

>live in cardboard house
>wear walmart clothes
>drive 30 year old pickup
>eat frozen meat
>vote trump
>cant afford ambulance so die

That's escolar. I believe they mostly just squeeze the oil out of the fish to use in those fish oil pills you see, but if you eat too much of it you'll get oily sticky diarrhea shits.

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deret this

Fug you get BK coupons? All I get are KFC and McDonald's ones :/

How did you forget '>get shot'

Is that the las vegas shooter?

Fucking neets.

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Imagine seething over American's lack of pallet
Kill yourself zoomer


literally nobody:

not a single soul:

zoomers: nobody:

Thats not even that expensive

>I guess having majority non-angl*id blood helps.

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Americans push their shit on everyone. And this site is crawling with them, talking about their shit taste constanstly

$10 cokes

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Hey smoothskin

I live in the Midwest so sushi is super-cheap here (like everything else)

Sushi restaurants are fun. It's the only time you get to see Asians outside of college, and they put on a show for you with flames and trick flips. Plus, you always feel like you traveled to Asia even though you only had to drive across town.

well I'm glad I'm not buttbuddies with a "tuna retailer"
you homosexuals really need to work on your lingo it's starting to get irritating

350$ sushi plater. This place is for Russian oligarchs visiting France.

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Should I go out for sushi tonight?
I've got salmon in the fridge but I kind of want to save that for tomorrow night.

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I’m embarrassed for you hahaha

>better than sushis

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Probably a lot cheaper and faster to fly fish from Chile to East Asia too

Yea Forums is full of hipster normalfags
Yea Forums is full of the most bottom& feeding room temperature iq cretins talking about the blandest stuff like capeshit

the point is that we're totally justified in mocking them for wasting their money

>zoomer meme posting on Yea Forums

I jumped ship from mu to tv once the hype for MGMT’s new album died down and they poopood the new Vampire Weekend album, and tv started hating capeshit. The timing was pretty nice actually

holy fuck this. Im a loser neet who was invited by an old roastie friend of mine who I love dearly out to eat. anyhow she wants to hop around getting beers and drinking finally decides to order an appetizer. Me not wanting to be rude try to eat the sushi. after two of the round raw fish rice wheels i was ready to gag. I told her I cant eat anymore and her and the waitress laughed sympathetically

cause we kicked their asses in ww2

>they poopood the new vampire weekend album
Plebian swine

right? They just haven’t taken the children’s choir pill yet

>right? They just haven’t taken the children’s choir pill yet
I do wish we could get some poppy shit that isnt full of niggerbeats back though

imagine being preached by someone who pays exorbitant amounts of money for """"""choice cuts""""""". you're just a sucker who is too deeply invested to admit it.