Which species would you pick for the sequels?
Which species would you pick for the sequels?
Troodon, baryonyx walkeri, ankylosaurus and iguanodon
Google the dinosaur with 500 teeth
This one, terrestrial crocodilians, carnivourus armadillo and prehistoric amphibians.
Triassic forest episode
Triassic Aquatic episode
Jurassic Archaeopteryx episode
Jurassic land episode on anything not sauropod or allosaur
Cretaceous sea episode, featuring early Cretaceous land dinosaurs for the b segment
Cretaceous herbivore episode
I wouldn't... I would hope they pumped their money into a new walking with beasts
What species?
one day they will be watching
>walking with white bois
because they will all be extinct
dem white bois gettin kild by a massaroid
>Triassic Aquatic episode
I want this. Everything is still so different. Shallow oceans, alien looking sea flora, armored bone fish.
Is this the one where the flying dino dies on the beach because he couldnt get laid?
I am that one
Sadder than Big Al imho
Then his corpse gets eaten by the kid of one who did get laid.
As it should be user, as it should be.
>cucking with dinosaurs
Even back when I was 8 I already felt a special connection to that one, little did I know why...
They wont because niggers dont care about history
>Even back when I was 8 I already felt a special connection to that one, little did I know why...
well satan your instincts told you that you are the oddball
Is this that movie where a talking bird tells some random teen the story of a dino who fucked some woman and had a dickish brother?
My personal favourite as a kid, amazing foreshadowing for the rest of my life
there goes my day
Just remember the moral of the story; sex isn’t worth dying over.
Nature documentary and Dinosaurs are both kino. I will always appreciate the Brits for being autistic enough about history, fauna and documentaries to come up with this show, I must have watched it thousands of times as a kid
Yutyrannus for comfy dino-winter
>No Species Lasts Forever
Kino of the highest quality
>The Guinness Book of World Records reported that the series was the most expensive documentary series per minute ever produced.
>The series received critical acclaim, winning two BAFTA Awards, three Emmy Awards and a Peabody Award in 2000.[2][4] Walking with Dinosaurs began a franchise that was followed by two additional miniseries, several television specials, spin-offs, a live-theatrical show, and a feature film of the same name.
>In a list of the 100 Greatest British Television Programmes drawn up by the British Film Institute in 1999, voted on by industry professionals, Walking with Dinosaurs was placed 72nd.
Yep it's kino alright
It's harder & more expensive to animate realistic fur & feather unfortunately, especially for TV production.
That being said, BBC made a pretty good try. Here is a video of a sabertooth cat hunting prehistoric horse, obviously copy pasted from real life footage of lion pouncing zebra. It looks pretty great.
They are capitalizing on Jurassic Park popularity. But they manage to be successful enough on doing it, they end up launching a pretty decent TV franchise during the early to mid 2000's.
Anyone watch When Dinosaurs Ruled America? Voiced by John Goodman. I think it was pretty good, I was like 5 when I watched it though.
Nothing will beat the kino of Walking With series. Though I think I preferred Walking With Beasts. Was Walking With Monsters and Walking With Cavemen any good?
I just watched Monsters for the first time. It's not bad, largely focuses on evolutionary adaptations of various species. But it's kind of rushed; only 3 episodes.
>But it's kind of rushed; only 3 episodes
Budget reason most likely. Also according to the creators they can't figure out how to write a dramatic storyline with those creatures since they are too primal (watched their behind the scene video, if it's still on youtube). The dimetrodon segment is great though.
>When Dinosaurs Ruled America
I do. The animation isn't quite as good as WWD but it's pretty fun. Walking with Monsters is great, try it user. Cavemen is alright, pretty fun to watch a bunch of dudes wearing costume and make ups, acting as cavemen. For the most part it's weaker than the rest of the series. Still worth trying though.
don't mind me, just posting the goat scene of all dino kino
Amazing subversion of expectations, the end of Jurassic World made me think of this
Doesn't this thing get beached and die at the end of the episode?
no thats ur mum m8
Based and Leopleuropilled
I want Eustreptospondyshills to leave