Why yes, I am for equal and fair treatment of minorities, gays, lesbians and trans people

>why yes, I am for equal and fair treatment of minorities, gays, lesbians and trans people
>how could you tell?

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you look homosexual

You look like everything you listed

Ahaha my friend, you jest surely. This is my friend zad and I can confirm he only goes for girls at the club.

That reminds me user, when was the last time you went clubbing? Don't think I've ever seen you with a girl

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by the retarded way you're wearing your shirt

Because you’re a fag posting on a Taiwanese Tailoring gathering site?

Usually at home with my girlfriend. You see straight people tend to prefer monogamy and dont have extremely high partner counts.

>muh partner counts
wanna know how I know you’re an incel? Have sex.

Yikes. Dilate

Oof. Have sex.

Cringe and cope

Good to see that some respectable people browse this board.

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you'll never pass

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>Why yes, we do discriminate against all niggers, kikes, spics, chinks, gooks, trannies and faggots. How could you tell?

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serial monogamy isn't monogamy

Man I thought we were the only ones, you bros wanna hang out and drink some beers and watch the game?

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Because you've got Tiger blood son.

You are white

Trannies should be relentlessly bullied so that they have even higher suicide rates than they do now.


Why yes, I do think it is the responsibility of white people to economically support minorities, how did you know?

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true and basedpilled

Fuck off and leave me be.

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They always out themselves

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