Why are there so many Youtube channels about Yea Forums now? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Why are there so many Youtube channels about Yea Forums now? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
wojak needs to fucking die
it's a bad thing - here is why
Well? Why?
lil capo the goat btw
They're for people who think you can get hacked by visiting Yea Forums
Yea Forums used to be a place where people were creative.
shit's old, now, and the content creators have moved on. all that's left now is "aggregators" who steal material and upload it to youtube.
this used to be the bad side of town. now it's just an echo chamber.
cheer up fren
People are just using this site to gain popularity and money. One can only hope the people who watch the videos don't actually come out of curiosity.
It's a bad thing when they represent our culture in a retarded way, like shitty greentext garbage.
>websites have culture
I bet you unironically think there's a "war" between Reddit and Yea Forums
>our culture
There is no divide any more. It's all the same shit on every website.
did you come here yesterday?
Bizonacci is based. His content isn’t accessible by normies
Its funny how both of them started just to feed back into the site, but both blew up due to the content being so good.
Most of the memes go straight over the heads of the people watching them, ive seen so many normies laugh and have no clue what they are looking at.
This is literally Reddichan. No other chan has this problem. Stay here, containment nigger.
What makes a board or chan reddit?
Literally all of you.
>/pol/ speak
>knowing what r/ is
>marvel everywhere
>one of the bigger sites on the web
>literally mentioning reddit every thread
>lack of creativity, very obvious all the hot fresh memes disappeared long ago, not that anyone should enjoy memes that isn't reddit material any longer
>mentioned constantly on reddit, youtube, twitch, literally all reddit platforms
Might as well be saying "Pog monkaS Kappa LULW" every thread before posting literal pictures of upvotes, because it wouldn't change the dynamic of what this site's become.
Yea Forums has been mainstream for a while now...
Wow i just asked a question no need to be hostile
BIZONACCI >>>>> POZ > every other -oomer wojak youtuber > greentext compilations
Bizonacci is authentic kino while Prince of Zimbabwe comes off as a /r/Yea Forums tourist
Because Yea Forums isn't that feared, dark corner of the internet anymore. Both the moderators, and the users of the website made it so much more accesible than in previous years, and now the same people who come here also browse other sites like plebbit, twitter, etc.
People like me who literally only use Yea Forums are in the minority. This site is the only social media I use and will ever use.
well of course you're in the minority, what sort of incel would use Yea Forums and nothing else?
One with half a brain, you can get everything here that you would on any other social media site
Those two in the OP are being creative but you're just being contrarian
Bizzonacci is kino, fuck you.
You're just mad you didn't think of cashing in on animated boomer/zoomer meme videos for free neetbux like those guys
I remember back in 2012 when people here were freaking out about "epic dank maymays" and Yea Forums getting mentioned outside of Yea Forums. But by 2019 the shock seems to have worn off and the gentrification of this site became less resisted.
Forgive me, Lord Bogdanoff.
What happen to /biz/onacci?
>Last upload nov 18
those channels are having success off Yea Forums and memes and in a sense stealing content, but from what i've seen they are ok, they put efford on it and most videos are ok and creative, some are pretty good (some of Internet Historian for example I love). so it's not Knowyourmeme kind of bad, but also not amazing. i'm fine with it, it's an evolution like any other, could be much worse
Waiting for the Chainlink singularity in his Amazon wage cage
here's 5 reasons why you should be UPSET over Yea Forums YOUTUBE CHANNELS
>uniform landscape theory was correct
go on another site and call someone a newfag or normalfag or something else with fag on the end and see how that works out for you.
then come back here and post a picture of the ban message you receive.
>This site is the only social media I use and will ever use.
I’m with you fren, fuck other sites. this is all I need