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Other urls found in this thread:


Pretty sure it's iba.

nah it's ima I learned it in my japanese classes

>tfw understood this
can't learn japanese from subtitles they said :^)

you're wrong for sure

Eren turned out to be the best protagonist ever.

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What does it say?


>muh jews
>muh nazis
>muh walls
>muh 1000 year old desert religion
fuck this plot.


sneed? feed, seed (formerly chuck's)?

"Right now?"

you missed a ん

We’re gonna do it, (right). Here and now.

Justice for Bertolt. Eren and Armin must die


that soundtrack is kicking it very hard

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Annie a cute.

Attack on Titan is such a fucking shitshow.
>series starts with titans attacking for all we know the last surviving people on earth
>our main characters want to fight to save humanity
>turns out one of our main characters can turn into a titan
>turns out others can do the same
>the titans who attacked at the beginning are actually humans
>wonder why they'd want to wipe out humanity
>who am I supposed to root for now? They must have a good reason for wanting this and fighting so hard for this goal.
>turns out humanity isn't on the brink of extinction at all and that everyone we know is the descendant of some titan
>these descendants of this titan have been nothing but war mongers and continue to be so
>even our main characters are now becoming war mongers
At this point the villains have better motivation than our main protagonists. What even is this shit?


It is never confirmed that the Marleyan version of history is the true one, for all we know Marley is Cain and Eldians are Abel

i just wish there was a big purple guy with a glove so i'd know who the bad guy is

>Attack on Titan is such a fucking shitshow.
>>series starts with titans attacking for all we know the last surviving people on earth
>>our main characters want to fight to save humanity
>>turns out one of our main characters can turn into a titan
>>turns out others can do the same
>>the titans who attacked at the beginning are actually humans
>>wonder why they'd want to wipe out humanity
>>who am I supposed to root for now? They must have a good reason for wanting this and fighting so hard for this goal.
>>turns out humanity isn't on the brink of extinction at all and that everyone we know is the descendant of some titan
>>these descendants of this titan have been nothing but war mongers and continue to be so
>>even our main characters are now becoming war mongers
>At this point the villains have better motivation than our main protagonists. What even is this shit?

kek, was it so hard for you to understand the last 3 eps? have you even read the manga?

Speedreading ash for brains

Official list of bad guys

For me the entire appeal of the show was ruined when they revealed that the humans in the walls actually isn't humanity.

absolute pleb, this is the worst part in par with the mindless fodder white walkers from GoT now, they arent just le evil guys without motivation

pretty sure it's CIA

Scenes women will never understand.

>oh my good bertoto is soo cute when he thinks about annie :) what a honeybun cinnamon roll

>It is never confirmed that the Marleyan version of history is the true one
And what twist are the going to pull out of their asses next? That the Marleys have mind wiping powers as well and hid the official history just like the king did within the walls. The Eldian version of history is obviously glorified to inspire them to believe that they're gods chosen people.
I just want to know where the fuck they're going with this story. So Marley is going to attack their shitty little island for its oil I guess and that ape-ish titan still wants to eat Eren or whatever but is just taking a year long coffee break with Reiner for some reason.

>And what twist are the going to pull out of their asses next? That the Marleys have mind wiping powers
it is called propaganda, you would understand that if you were paying attention to Gabi's arc

>babys first dissonance
Ya such a shame they couldn't just kill all the Titans and live happily ever after. Fucking retard

Either way the Marley version of history is the more trustworthy one, at best they can bend the facts while the Eldians can outright erase history.
Is that what you call a story that exists purely to drag on for as long as possible.

>AoT basically turned into Naruto
I hate the whole "bloodline" trope. It's like you have to be lucky to motivate you to do stuff. Why do shonenshit suffer from this trope so much?


>As long as possible

It's ending in like 8 chapters.

wtf erenbros how is this possible? i've been walking deaded twice in two days now

The story has barely dragged at all. There’s enough content for one more season before it’s over.

today I will remind them


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Very based list , also correct

This season has been so fucking good with the exception of the disgusting cgi Colossal titan.

>The story has barely dragged at all
It took them years and a ton of irrelevant sideplots to get to the basement.

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We're going to sneeds feed and seed

What was irrelevant about them? It developed the characters and world. I actually can’t think of anything that was straight up filler apart from that part with the maneuver gear training.
None of it dragged at all.

>>turns out humanity isn't on the brink of extinction
This is when the manga lost its appeal to me. It's a good twist but now the "fight against overwhelming odds" lost all its mystery.

yeah. why they'd change it. S1 was so much better

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Yea why did some of the CGI shots look so bad? It was really only a couple of scenes, but they just look unfinished.

>I actually can’t think of anything that was straight up filler apart from that part with the maneuver gear training.
even THAT wasn't filler, because it was revealed much later to be foreshadowing sabotage from the drill instructor

>It developed the characters
Hardly, they're all incredibly shallow.

meant for

>military training
Would you consider the first half of FMJ filler? Training does various things for a story
>gives a chance to develop characters in a "peaceful" environment
>builds a sense of the level of technology and tactics of the world
>reveals motivations of the society and the individual characters
>training always creates bonds between characters
Without any of the training sequences I don't think any of the [spoilers]betrayals[/spoiler] that happen later would have as much of an impact.

anime only here. someone insist that I should read the manga up until the latest Episode. so I did. Season 2 was so severely censored and the cut the good bits. and some parts of season 3.

>file name
At least we now know that spics shit up Yea Forums and Yea Forums with AoT garbage.

I was mainly referring to that whole section where they were saying Eren was too shit at it to become a soldier, then it was revealed his gear was broken. Though if is right, then I take it back.

They’ve all gone from idealistic children to hardened soldiers in their own way. Eren turned from an angry kid, to a traumatised teen, to a violent revolutionary. The development is at the very least better than the majority of shonen anime.

They shortened the government stuff by a lot. The writer was kind of ashamed of making it as long as he did in the manga anyway. It is a shame though.


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I rabu Piku.

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I love how many brainlets believe Marleyan propaganda about the Eldians just because it's the first opinion presented to the audience. How fucking stupid do you have to be to realize that both narratives are obviously not the full truth?

Kenny's rap theme should not be this good.

"Reiner, you're an idiot"

based Isayama btfoing Shillnobyl

Oh I see. Yea the drill instructor sabotaged his gear to make him suck. I forget why.

>it'll be at least a year to see based Gabi kill Sasha
I can't stand the wait bros

he was mald

The guy got friend zoned by Eren's mom

Eren went from wanting to genocide the Eldians to wanting to genocide the Marleyans to wanting to genociding the Eldians.

>Humanity was being killed by titans
>They built three huge walls to keep the titans out.
So what? Were the titans sitting on a nearby tree and just watching while the humans built the walls?


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I wonder how would eren react to this. go berserk and smash his way through marley?

That's the story the main characters are told as children. It's a lie.

>tfw can't draw like this

he already knows, it was an acceptable loss for freedom



The mangaone has the same problems faggot. The only likeable character is magath, he is only one behaving his age

Where do I even watch this?

shut the fuck up retard

What the fuck are you on about??

pirating it shouldn't be that difficult, and it's on Crunchyroll if you're a payfag

did berthold, reiner, annie etc ever train with their titan forms or was their first transformation at the walls?

presumably they trained after inheriting the Titans, but it's never shown

My house ;).

Kek, i can't believe someone thinks this has any value

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>actually believing this
When did anime industry become full shit?

This, it's pretty obvious that the author was making shit up as he went on

t. HBO shill



Daily rmeinder that the only reason that there is a "female" titan that has an acutal female body is for Mikasa to finally receive that Titan and fuck eren

It's how shonen escapism works, user. Every boy is an special.

>muh show doesn't need actual critics with actual taste to be rated, it just needs the user score

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>turning an Ackerman into a titan shifter
full fucking retard. If the Female Titan goes to anyone, it'll be Gabi, so her and Falco can both become Warriors

She's an Ackerman I don't even know if she can become a shifter.

Not them but IMDB is alot better than RT and alot of people here take RT as gospel.

Humanity was not being attacked by titans. The race of people who could turn into titans were being holocausted by the race that couldn’t, so they escaped to an island and used their Titan powers to build a wall instantaneously.

>build a wall instantaneously
Where'd they get the materials from

The walls have Titans inside

Humanity could capture titans before they even made the flying rope gear? How?

The end result of this series is obvious, but I like it anyway.
>Eren munches all the Titan shifters and becomes a reborn version of Ymir (the first). Uses his power to genocide Marley and then dies.
Only issue here is that the founding Titan abilities shouldn’t work, because Eren isn’t royalty. Thus
>Historia’s baby is born, gets named Ymir (after her waifu) and then eats Eren after he eats all the rest of the shifters.
Boom. It’s like poetry, it rhymes. It’s probably also Eren’s baby anyway.

In the manga, there is a brief part showing them in combat. It describes their abilities, saying something like “Reiner will be our shield” as he is hit by attillery, “Annie is well-rounded as the female titan” as she attacks their enemies, and “the colossal titan is a walking god of destruction” as it shows Bertolt being launched into the middle of the battlefield and shifting to blow up the enemies.

Zeke, the jaw titan and probably the cart titan are all there as well in that scene. I guess it’s just some random skirmish between Marley and another country.

It’s made out of the hardening ability that some titan shifters have.

Did you not read the post? The titans are not the enemy. The main characters are the titans. People willingly shifted into giant titans and then covered themselves with a hard material so that they could protect their race.

Just link the bait poster the wiki.

Did you miss the "race of people who could turn into titans" bit? The "humans" inside the walls aren't actually humans.

Rather than saying the people living within the walls aren’t humans, it would probably be more correct to say that all the titans ARE ACTUALLY humans.

there are two races of people Marleyans and Eldians
Eldians are descendant of Ymir a girl that made a pact with a demon/was blassed with the power of a god/tapped in the source of all life, Eldians could control titans using the founder titan that was passed throught generations to the next king, a bunch of years ago Marley got tired of Eldians conquering everything and rebelled against them, King Frtiz of the Eldians fucked off to an island with a buttload of Eldians and made the walls using titans, he vowed to never wage war against the world if they enver bothered him, otherwise, he would awake the titans inside the walls and destroy the whole world, sadly King Fritz was a cuckold and he never meant it
The Eldians left behind by King Fritz we put in jewish style ghettos and used as fodder to make titans to fight for Marley, the Eldians that dared to rebell were captured and taken to the island were they were forcibly transformed into mindless titans forced to roam the isle forever

It's all Eldians who have the power though. Millions of people, not any single family.


now that season 3 is over there is no more kino currently airing aside from jjba

>not devils
Pick one

But being a Titan sounds fucking terrible. You only live for a few years after getting the ability, and with the exception of Eren, all of the other shifters were forced into being soldiers used to genocide their own race.

Vinland kino soon,its by the same studio.

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>and with the exception of Eren
Well also his dad, Kruger, the entire Fritz/Reiss family, the Tybers...

Eren has literally been forced into a soldier that genocides his own race what are you on about?

looks kino even though I know nothing about it

He volunteered both times

This season of anime is coming to a close. A bunch of new series are coming out soon. Most are Isekai though.
For series that have a chance of being good, look into:
>Vinland Saga

And uh... that’s it I guess. Maybe that one Fate series spinoff? This season is trash.

whatever happened to made in abyss is there ever a second season?

movie coming in January i believe

Would you shut up about the Jews for one goddamn minute fucking hell

>his dad
Was literally manipulated from childhood and then pressured into it as Kruger died. Did it seem like he was having a fun time?
We literally have no idea how he got his shifting abilities, but he kept them a secret as he killed thousands of his own people. Once again, he wasn’t enjoying it even slightly.
>The entire Fritz/Reiss family
They systematically sacrificed themselves to be eaten so that the shifting abilities were passed. After eating the last person in line, it fucked with their heads so badly that every single one decided to brainwash the population into being less technologically advanced and more docile. This caused the deaths of millions, probably.
I don’t even remember who this is, if I’m honest.

Yeah, gee, I wonder why everyone always brings up the Jews when explaining the mythology of Attack on Titan.
There are no parallels at all!

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Ah yes when his dad forced Marley to attack them forcing Eren to leave his home and join the Scouts and the entire time since when he's getting someone else memories leading him down a path.

He was a literal NPC (side character in his own life) and mad he got cucked by Eren's dad

Probably bait but if not you're an absolute brainlet.

it is literally identical to jewish ghettos you dumbass

>3 week break between this week's Jojo ep and the finale

Fuck you David pro, this is torture

Warhammer Titan, they sided with Marley in the war that destroyed the Eldian Empire

both are trash, and that wasn't the point of my post, illiterate faggot, my point was that those anons somehow think that the user score has actual value.

>that music
>those scenes
How do they do it bros? It gives off a big Band of Brothers vibe.

this has to be bait, right? no one is this fucking retarded to not see the parallels

Eren and Reiner in the basement in season 4 is going to be absolute kino to surpass kino

>I don’t even remember who this is, if I’m honest.

Absolute Eldian


>snk reminds people about band of brothers
this is some shinkai-user levels of mental gymnastics

With Willy giving the greatest speech in human history knowing he's about to die right above them.

It could potentially be the tensest scene in anime history

>why they'd change it.
Budget and time constraints.



Who is the father, anyway? Eren or Farmer?

Based retard.

>why did they change the art style
Animators change from season to season as well as budget issues like mentioned above. A new season of an anime can sometimes lead to new art direction.
>why did they switch animators
Budget issue again.

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Most likely Eren due to the proximity by which Eren and Historia have gotten close, and the anime pushing that ship more than the manga. One could say it is the one true ship of the series.

It would have been better if they transformed at the tower to protect the others. Just cut Ymir out of the equation entirely.

Fucking this. The first season looked great and the second season looked even better when they did use thick lines.
Also, why did they remove the lips of some of the characters and made them all look ugly with their long faces and fucked up mouths? Anime watchers really are the worst for complaining about these back in the first season.


>why did they change the artstyle
Why do you think? Read the damn thread. I swear it's like this is babays first anime.

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>doesn't mention "horriblesubs" for the spoonfeed fags

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It's on both Crunchyroll and Hulu.

They cut this scene from the anime

Historia is going to become a shifter btw

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I have a question. In the manga, one chapter shows how Annie, Renner and Bertolt invaded the walls. Annie and Renner take turns in transforming into Titans but in the first episode, only one lightning strike can be seen right before Bertolt turns into a Titan. Why?


They all turned at once and climed on colossal's back

There are no lightning strikes in the manga, that's a show thing for dramatic effect. Plus it saves money on showing the full transformation, you can just have a flash of light and *boom*, Titan.

Annie and Reiner took turns carrying the other 2/3 to the walls, I don't remember if Annie ever transformed the day they attacked Shiganshina

>I don't remember if Annie ever transformed the day they attacked Shiganshina
She did, she was the one who carried Bert to the gates.

AOT season 1: wow cool mysteries! What are these titans? How did mankind get trapped? What secrets are the nobles hiding? What is beyond the walls? Is this earth's future or past?

AOT season 2:
Soap opera

Why the fuck did ching chongs set their cartoons in white man's land if they can't even probounce white man's name properly

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Then it's what the other guy said, the lightning strikes are anime only and Annie's role in the attack wasn't revealed until much later in the manga

Reminder to devote your hearts to Eren!

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They wait until season 3 to answer all those questions, S2 just hints at it

Attack on Titan is one of those series that is both incredibly popular but also incredibly good. Eren, Erwin, Reiner and Zeke are all 10/10 characters.

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>What are these titans? How did mankind get trapped? What secrets are the nobles hiding? What is beyond the walls? Is this earth's future or past?
Literally all of these questions get answered in S3

The artstyle is the same you fucking autist. I already said why they changed some parts, so YOU read the thread, you illiterate ape.

They have no problem with Erwin for some reason though

>we must secure the existence of our people and a future for Eldian children

wtf Eren

Yeah and the answers are shit
Everyone's a titan
Cue tedious "I'm gonna BEAT you!" "No I'M gonna beat YOU" build up and what are essentially meat suit mecha fights.
You can tell how bad AOT is from the discussion in this very thread "I think X will become Y and fight Z!!!! OMG!!!" pathetic

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It's Eruvin in Japanese and sounds very similar to Erwin

>Cue tedious "I'm gonna BEAT you!" "No I'M gonna beat YOU" build up and what are essentially meat suit mecha fights.
We get an Eren-Reiner fight that lasts like 5 minutes and that's it for the season. Not exactly Pacific Rim.

I'm pretty sure no woman ships bert with annie, only with reiner