Why do Americans do this?

Why do Americans do this?

Attached: witcher yen.jpg (623x1000, 194K)

I think you mean Israeli Americans

just another way to pay "reparations"
>yo we enslaved you, how about we blackwash any european things? we cool now?

What's the problem? Only Vigo is described as having pale skin and that can be done just like how Downey was turned into a black in Tropic Thunder. The others can also be altered with cosmetics.

Yen was described as so pale you could barely see her nipples. Trish is described as a freckled ginger.

not in OP's picture

I'm still telling you how they are described in the books

well then include that in the picture instead of half assing it you lazy millennial twat

Shut the fuck up you nigger loving zoomer

lol why you mad tho

I will fucking rape your whole family

Have sex

I will, unconsentually

Triss actress is ugly
Yen actress is meh but looks too young
I'm too disgusted to look at the third one

This garbage ass show is going to have far bigger issues than race changing the characters.

protip: both "Israeli Americans" and "African Americans" fall under Americans.

That's like saying pizza Subway sandwich and hamburger fall under the same category


Attached: no-teddy-roosevelt-never-said-that-quote-about-liberals-and-conservatives.jpg (736x552, 71K)

The biggest problem that exists is shitskins so I doubt it

The writing will be the main problem.

>muh manchild vidya gam

Those aren’t Americans...

They're from fucking Poland, nigger

The truth of the matter is Netflix can blow their load on a couple of B-listers, but for the most part is broke as hell and they'd rather hire random actors with dark skin that will work for peanuts to drum up controversy and get people to pay attention to their shit. It's not about replacing white people, it's about them exploiting the current social climate for views and free advertising.