The wairing

I’m about fifteen minutes in to pic related and I’m laughing my ass off. I was told it was in the same tier as the witch. When does it get spookeru

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It starts off slow. It's pretty good through the middle and the end. The very end is creepiest.

It doesnt, you got played. Its jaw dropping how tone-deaf it is. Watch for the scene where they ask the villager (wasnt he supposed to be dead with the beast man closing on him?) to show them the house, only to slip on rocks and ham it up for 5 minutes like its a De Funes movie

I heard end was huge payoff so that’s a relief, I should probably go finish it instead of lurking for replies. Will come back to give thoughts if this jawn is still alive

Don't bother it's dogshit, and I enjoy shit asian films.

Go deep and stop writing here. It's the only movie of the decade that made me shit my pants in theater. It's Korean, so off course there's a comedy aspect in the first half. But boy, you're not ready for the end. It's not scary per se, but it's tense as fucked, you're cornered exactly like the characters and the sense of existential void can fill you with dread.

I'm not a huge fan of The Chaser or The Yellow Sea, but this one is a fucking masterpiece.

You fell for it.

It starts of as a benny hill parody flick and slowly makes all the comedic elements seem "wrong" and extremely uncomfortable.

i watched it 2 times, its not great but okay i guess. better than most asian horror

Ok fellas quick update I’m about a half hour to the end and just witnessed the greatest shot in the movie so far. I don’t know her exact involvement yet but it’s the shot of the mc throwing the accused rape jap off the ridge and it pans over and just shows the woman looming on the hill, I fucking jumped, this movie needed more of that, aight I’ll come back when I’m DONE done

>posting a thread before finishing the movie
>updating again before it's over

This board is fucking shit

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k, keep me posted

I bet he also watches it on his phone.

Watching on tv through ps4 with headphones on, posting on phone tho

one of the worst korean horror flicks I've seen in a while, the last act is a mess, only a simpleton would call it a masterpiece

how about you finish it before making a thread

You’re right I’ll do that next time king

Kill yourself.

Why lol

because the fucking film wasn't intended to be watch as you're watching.

Are you implying I need to light incense while playing a yokobuē to be fully immersed?

get laid

Because you a dumb fucking idiot. LOL

This guy gets it

Ending ruled, the quintuple(?) jap switch up and it ends up he was the devil and that creepy smile at the camera holy shit

This. The possessed victims at the start were fairly good, but just after that it switches to slow schlocky shit.

It's much better than the witch tho.

>same tier as the witch
It's not that bad

>out of place bible quote
>ending is literally just HA HA MY TRUE FORM

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this movie is kino as fuck. fuck all the plebs in this thread

>the witch is worse
Oh come on, at least it had good atmosphere and acting. The Wailing is just plain retarded.
>Every cop is a chickenshit
>The old Jap is feared and believed to be the bad guy
>He actually is the bad guy

Fuck that movie.

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Why do any of those things make the film bad?


exactly.. these retards wouldn't differentiate kino from heaven from scat porn on pornhub.

>pausing a movie to post on /tv
How common is this mental issue?

Why are you watching a scary movie at 9am in the morning?

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