I miss the time when they did not cast blacks for sjw quota. Everything feel so natural.
I miss the time when they did not cast blacks for sjw quota. Everything feel so natural
Ghost creeped me out as a kid, those shadow demon things
If blacks were 13% of the cast in tv and film, no one would be mad. But they're so prevalent in media that it's not uncommon to find people in foreign countries who legitimately think America's 50% black.
>Everything feel so natural.
It was way better when it was that way. A lot more enjoyable to watch because those characters actually have meaning instead of being slotted in because PC culture.
Bella plox
tfw no short haired demi gf
And the glass guillotine was also fucking brutal to watch as a kid.
remember when protagonists used to have families in movies?
I sure as fuck remember.
>articles about ESB and ghosts literally say minorities were hired to fill diversity quotas
I love the revisionist history you guys create
So does Riggs
Vincent Schiavelli was scary as fuck
>Everything feel so natural
you mean the propaganda was subtler
Anti gun shill: The movie
probably one of the most natural feeling casts i've ever seen in a movie desu. represented nyc well and didn't at all feel forced, because even movies set there today feel forced with diversity. why the fuck is that?
what makes it forced now but not forced in the 80's?
Cause black people played black people. It felt natural. They were predominantly in urban environments and the 90s were FILLED with urban movies. But then modern day writers write black people as white people and it makes no sense. Have you ever seen pictures of the black people who love movies like Lady Bird and Booksmart?
They look like pic related, a writer for several modern sitcoms. Note his group of friends and not just how many black people there are, but how many minorities.
>why the fuck is that?
because new york is forced diversity
this is why we get forced diversity nowadays, because actual stormfags make themselves known and convince people that vitriolic racists are on the rise
because casting a new york cast as all blode blue eyed whites makes no sense?
t. buttmad new yorker
It's not America's fault you're dumb and think media is an accurate reflection of real life
>I miss the time when things weren't different and I didn't see things I didn't like
if you things are being forced then what do you think is natural?
>Cause black people played black people
I miss a time when a black person could be in a film without buttmad racists shrieking about quotas and sjw shit
all white cast
You mean when black people were cast due to talent and not a "woke" twitter account?
Most media takes place in urban centers like NYC, so the demographics are much more diverse than the average you're probably used to in your comfy white suburb.
She literally did it to sound jewish and get work.
Sure, movie takes place in Baltimore, Harlem, Atlanta, cast a lot of Black people.
But they'll do a movie about anything, anywhere, and cast 50% blacks in a movie about the bolshevik revolution.
In Europe too, watching trailers at the cinema yesterday black people were the overwhelming majority in every single British advert shown, white men were the minority. You’d think the UK was in Africa given what our corporations are portraying.
The racists always existed. Your parents just didn't talk about it in front of you. Nor did the media allow them to speak on tv if their IQ was higher than a mild fever. As well, average people in general were more openly racist back then, so mild racisms you perceive as "heinous" nowadays would've been typical back in 1985.
You grew up and now you live in the real world. Learn to live with it.
Really? I guess it was because you were a kid. Those shadow things were the worst part of the movie for me. The special effects were cringeworthy.
I tend to wonder if many of these people are even from "comfy white suburbs". They give a much stronger impression of being from busted-assed shitholes where the only local industry's been dead for decades and everybody's hooked on opioids.
It’s also racist to erase white characters and enforce mass migration, affirmative action, and diversity quotas on every single Western nation. That’s what people are reacting to, not the presence of black people. You leftards have no nuance, everything has to be oversimplified and strictly black and white in your ideology.
You were never normal and certainly not a representative of the "real world", user.
Patrick Swayze is like a bobblehead
>That’s what I want to believe people are reacting to
Fixed that for you, user. It's not the same thing.
Look I'm not him but what the fuck am I supposed to do with all my life experience telling me that Somalians are retarded? I mean I don't care about what color you are but come on really? do you need to tick all the boxes when I interact with you? What gives man being not racist is pointless and seems live denial at this point
I take back and apologize for misdirecting it at the wrong person.
I live in rural Oklahoma. I experience the diversity of the injun and the bean every day.
Urbanites love sniffing their own farts for doing shit others have been doing for centuries. Diversity isn't new to the south. Nor is it new to my state. Nor is it new to the southwest. It's new to all the wops and micks in the northeast and great lakes area.
exhibit A of the fart sniffing: seethe
your grandparents were probably more racist than I am kek
I know mine sure were, and they were democrats to boot.
>every single issue is self contained
>massive politically and economically forced migration to Western countries which many people have issue with
>extra propaganda pushing for this in most media
Durr why does the black skin trigger u poltard
if you set your movie in america, your cast should be 90% white
>why does the black skin trigger u poltard
because we're such nogs ourselves didn't you see the pictures of us?
then even that 13% of the time the black was the protagonist, you'd still be pissed off
You'd think so but no
The bum in the subway did it for me. His face and hair scared the shit out of me.
pic not related?
>Country steals people and forces them to work for hundreds of years
>Reluctantly grant freedom
>Complain they exist
America everyone
the way matthew lillard was styled in this movie is also very telling of the times: the character was just a weird dude who didn't give a fuck. if he looked like this in a movie today the character would be a tranny and there would be a big subplot about how everyone must keep a straight face in the presence of freaks or go to morality jail, and how morality jail isn't punishment enough and it should be real jail.
You're right, white people should just execute them all. But that is pretty radical of you to say.
1.5 in 10 Americans are black.
Why wouldn’t we be casted?
fuck that. i've gotten like a dozen mexicans deported. get these worthless shitskins outta here
Because they cast black people for black roles. Nu cinema only casts black actor for white roles. It's kinda weird to describe but there just are little differences between black and white folk that can be explored in a script, but today every character reads as a white dude and somehow hollywood thinks this is progress.
Is it only me? but i feel like Hollywood only turns "bolder" after Obama becomes the president
48 hours, predator, rocky, running man, pretty much anything with Arnold in the 80s and 90s never felt forced.
Im just sickened when hollywood casts a woman to play a mtf transsexual. Hello its 2019 sheeple!
we all listened to michael jackson and watched will smith movies and there was always at least one black person in any larger group of characters (5+) in the 90s. hell, they put morgan fucking freeman in a robin hood adaptation and it was more hilarious than forced. a lot of the 90s non-white token writing was cringy, "street smart" unicorn characters all over the place, star trek tier "protagonist educates a racist" moralfagging, it wasn't pretty overall. but there were also writers who knew how to keep things fun to TRULY bring people together. they lost and the nepotistic, ideological turbo-kikes had their way. everything got more serious, more divisive, more confrontational. we're going to shove more non-whites in everything year after year and you better be okay with it. as in real politics so in entertainment.
consequently it makes sense that audiences are segregating themselves. movies that target specific ethnic groups like blacks and hispanics are already huge genres and as mainstream "mix everything together" shit becomes ever more soulless by the second all groups will gravitate to their niche content. asian cinema will grow and eventually "white cinema" will also become a thing and americans will openly go watch a "white movie". this is the future the kikes created, whether they meant to or not.
>Country steals people
*Jewish elite of a country
*buys african slaves from african slave owners
*a white dude with no balls or soul
every movie character is a blank onions slate ready to switch back and forth between sarcastic quips one moment and a dramatic monologue the next.
>Blaming Jews exclusively for Slavery
>Doesn't address the point anyway, just tries to make it about "muh joos"
>rich people bring niggers over to work for them, get even richer
>slaves are often treated on par or even better than free workers
>rich slave owners reluctantly let their slaves go
>the slaves are now part of the regular poor population and due to their nature (being african) they are more violent and generally less trustworthy so conflicts are inevitable
>the working population who never had any part in bringing the slaves over or benefited from them gets to share neighborhoods and work places with the violent, stupid former slaves
>the rich who DON'T live around these savages produce a media onslaught painting anyone who complains as "racist" while they handpick tolerable savages to signal that they themselves are not "racist"
not one mention of jews, until you remember who is rich and who owns the media.
I forgot to mention how rich people don't pay taxes so the complete economic failure of the former slaves is a burden on the working class. even if they were okay to live around they would still be a detriment because every neighborhood they inhabit becomes a money pit and all the money comes from the taxes of the working population, not the financial aristocracy.
>slaves are often treated on par or even better than free workers
Best laugh I've had today, user
Stop with the raid already, you dumb shitheads are obvious
Damit, Weathers had some sexy legs, on par with Selleck
>I miss the time when they did not cast blacks for sjw quota.
The blacks back in the 80s and 90s were literally QUOTAS. The good thing compared to today is that they were there to be cool or friendly and it was 'exotic'.
Now they put black people for quotas and parading with them for progress while shitting on their audience.
It's much more insulting because you dont even have the singularity and coolness of the characters to cope.
>Most media takes place in urban centers like NYC, so the demographics are much more diverse than the average you're probably used to in your comfy white suburb.
Why does every movie set in the comfy white suburbs have a 50% black cast
Cruel, dude, cruel.
Nigga what the fuck are you on about? Riggs was a fucking marksman from the army. And Roger was like the best shot on the force. Have you seen the show? Every episode has like a five minute shoot out. If anything its pro gun.
For a quick example they wouldve never considered making james bond black in the 80s or 90s.
I miss Eddie Murphy
Or 2000s
how do you know it wasn't for SJW quota back then?
>black bond
Ian Fleming did write 007 books in Jamaica. Maybe the black Bond could be Jamaican.
they actually attempted to be subtle about it back then, now it's blatant and obnoxious
Da name's Bond mon. James Bond. Give me bumbaclaat spliff. Twisted, not rolled.
I'd watch it.
Maybe it's my nihilism but I just never gave a shit. I love movies, but I don't give a fuck what bullshit they put out, I just won't watch it if it doesn't look good. Like all those USAcirclejerk movies like Forrest Gump, WTC, ect.
More white majority cities in America than "diverse" ones try again.
so you mean to tell me you were born in le wrong generation?
Stop bitching manbaby
>years ago /pol/ psychos start pushing this “slaveowners wuz jooz” thing using 1 or 2 unsourced and illogical .jpgs
>a short time later, they all believe this. it’s now a “””””fact””””” in alt right circles
Watching this stuff happen is surreal.