Why didn't Rocky use the robot to kill Drago?

Why didn't Rocky use the robot to kill Drago?

Attached: rockyrobot.jpg (600x514, 58K)

Got confiscated at customs

He got the basic birthday/sex model and didn't buy the fighting upgrade.

Drago was a robot with superior AI

The three rules innit

are you assuming the soviets did not also have a robot prepared to kill Rocky should he have taken the initiative?

The entirety of Rocky 4 was Paulie's dying dream. He had a heart attack and was fading away on the mansion flooe hallucinating that he was at a birthday party where none of his frienda were there and Rocky gave him a robot. He had a small funeral that was only attended by 40 people, most of whom were only there to talk to Rocky.


because Drago is magic-immunity

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Rocky was the robot.

I wonder if they actually had robots like this for sale back in the 80's that only the extremely wealthy could buy. Seems kinda weird to make shit like this up for a Rocky film.

Turns out the robot is real and was used for Stallone's autistic son.

Reminder that Paulie is the biggest piece of shit in movies and never even apologized once.

Boomer Humor/10

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A better question is why didn't she travel along with Adrian to see her husband Pauly?

god that thing scared me when i was a kid


Why did Rocky lore just abandon some things? The robot vanished after this and after Rocky 5 he didn't have that weird head trauma issue anymore

paulie fucked that robit

They would've traced the murder to Rocky because of the rowbits dna.


Fuck Balboa for forgetting that he has literal brain damage and could die in the ring.

Of course.


he did die in that ring, just took him 30 years.

Looks like a Power Rangers Alpha robot.

oh for the love of pete

>beats his sister
>whores her out to his friend so that he gets on his good side
>emotionally blackmails his friend to make him try try to get a job for a loan shark
>takes expensive jewelry from his friend even though he knows he's running out of money
>comes back to friend when he has more money, goes from "fuck you I don't need you or your money" to "can you give me a job?" in less than a minute
>comes with Rocky for emotional support while he's training, complains about the neighbourhood and how bad he has it the entire time
>gets a fucking fully sentient robot, doesn't even say thank you
>loses millions of dollars and the house because of a guy who came to their house and made him sign some papers which he did without thinking about it

Checked but really the rocky + adrian was perfect. She needed to be pimped out to marriage.

>tosses out a perfectly cooked turkey and only cooking a bit for himself


Attached: paulie.png (798x409, 484K)