How long is your brain in recovery mode from taking in so many high level, important ideas after listening to Dave Rubin?
Rubin Report
Used to listen to his interviews while taking long baths. Peak comf
Hey leftypol
>was a left sjw
>now a right sjw
yikes to infinity and beyond
It's refreshing to listen to acalm conversation where you know that nobody is going to freak the fuck out and try to shut it down with buzzwords because someone said something mildly dissident.
You deserve ridicule if you support this absolute fool
Okay leftypol
It's like listening to Carl Benjamin, at the end you want to kill yourself.
He's just so milktokes
Used to listen to his show a lot, but now it's kind of meh unless he has a genuinely interesting guest on and not just randos. Him avoiding talking to the people on the left he constantly shits on is really petty. Seeder is a dipshit, but he could talk to more grounded people like Pakman.
>mildly dissident
You guys call everything mild. Lol. Fascism. Just mild bro. Bolsanaro. Lol just a mild politician.
You really can't help but be stupid, can you leftypol?
Well I think your ad hom lack of an argument makes you look pretty dumb.
For fucks sake this sad sack of shill shit went on Joe Rogan's show and Rogan, of all people, made his fantasy ideology look stupid. This is why Rave Dubin won't DEBATE SAM SEDER.
Ya seethe Sammy?
The shop of concepts.
If right wing ideology was so great, why do right wingers need to shit post everywhere when it's off topic to force their memes?
I havent listened to him in weeks.
I'm going to listen to his latest episode later today, because you don't want me to.
0/10 leftypol
Go for it moron. I can't and won't stop you. But if you are consuming blue pills to spite people, ultimately, that just makes you pathetic. It's your right to be pathetic.
This is right wing ideology
Whi exactly is he avoiding? Lasy time i checked it was them avoiding him.
>If right wing ideology was so great, why do right wingers need to shit post everywhere when it's off topic to force their memes?
In a thread literally started by a lefty triggered by a complete simp like Dave Rubin. The absolute state of you, lad.
I for one can't get enough of hour long talks about the sjws and the regressive left. Never gets old!
I aways thought he really wished he was smurt like shapiro or daddy peterson
>Lasy time i checked it was them avoiding him.
It still is. The "why won't x debate y" is just shit that morons spew in comments sections knowing full well why there's not ever going to be a debate. At least Cenk has the guts to shout "google it dude" at Shapiro.
There's a thread about Jon Bolton, a thread about Trump meeting Kim Jong Un, a thread about Owen Benjamin, one about the Alt-Right. I actually doubt this thread was even started by a lefty.
This isn't even an unusual night. You know what I don't see with regularity? Bernie shitposters. Or Biden shitposters. Or Harris shitposters. It's always right wing faggots that have to incessantly meme their way into everything.
imagine being this buttblasted at a literal retard
Maybe they're apolitical and just enjoy triggering retards
>It's refreshing to listen to acalm conversation where you know that nobody is going to freak the fuck out
you haven't seen that kino interview where a conservative black guy freaks out for having touched a gay after he handshakes Rubin without knowing?
Sam Seder. David Pakman. Kyle Kulinski to name a few.
He's afraid. Last time he was on with Pakman, Pakman easily made him look silly.
He doesn't have on heavy hitters on the left. His show is an entirely curated safe space for right wingers.
Oh shit? Is it that actual mentally disabled guy Jesse Lee Peterson? He's based.
Dave Rubin is a Koch Brothers shill
Because he wont have people on who disagree with him
>on the jewbin report
He has a 'partnership' with Learn Liberty
Learn Liberty is a project of the Institute for Humane Studies
Charles Koch has been the chairman of the board of IHS since early 1970s
Between just 2005-2017 alone the Kochs have donated thirty four million to IHS
Rubin attends TPUSA events - TPUSA is also Koch-funded
Rubins pals Shapiro and Peterson are also similarly Koch-connected
This is also true. Funny right wing faggots that suck off Dave Rubin don't even realize how blue pilled they are. I bet most of these Dave Rubin faggots don't even know this guy is paid to push a narrative.
It's not a idea that Rubin would share with his audience.
>where you know that nobody is going to freak the fuck out and try to shut it down with buzzwords because someone said something mildly dissident
Like when Shapiro went on the BBC and had a nuclear meltdown for being asked critical questions requiring him to explain himself?
The right is always bitching about Soros but all these right wing e-celebs are in the pocket of the Kochs or the Mercers.
You have to go back. Why are you even here? You will never be a real woman.
Nathan J. Robinson of Current Affair Magazine claims that Rubin turned down debating him at a college without a $15,000 speaking fee
Even as someone who agrees with all these people I just can't listen to the same shit I already agree with regurgitated ad infinitum. DAE liberals are retarded?? YES WE KNOWWWWW
prove it
Seeder, Kulinski and Pakman that I know of. Seeder is a moron and a chat with him would just end up in shit flinging and talking past each other, but he would probably have a decent chat with Kulinski and Pakman. I don't think I've seen Rubin engaging with any of the entrenched progressives with which he disagrees with. I know he's had progressives on the show, but I don't think any of them were ones with thought out positions, mostly just "yeah I feel progressive". It might have happened, I don't know, haven't watched him lately. But I know I stopped watching Rubin because I wanted to see him having those conversations and was disappointed that they weren't happening.
There were live audience questions and superchats where people were asking why Rubin wasn't talking with these people, and Rubin dismisses them in a very off-hand way saying that they lie about him, but I never saw any evidence or convincing reasons, so I just think he's being cowardly.
Basically this, although it's not a right winger space. He's definitely somewhere in the center left on most issues, it's just that in the current cultural environment right wingers are more gentle towards the center while the left is more screechy. Rubin is kind of a pussy so he defaults to safe spacing with centrists and right wingers. He stays in that bubble and so naturally people are going to get pissed when he says he likes to talk about ideas, but it just looks like he doesn't want to talk to the people who are most opposed to his worldview.
and the left always screams racism and anti-semitism about soros but is more than happy to discuss jewish donors who fund centre right zionists
You can't take that guy seriously.
that's not proof of anyones shilling.
if i would donate to hillary or something, does it mean she's shilling for me now?
How do you do, fellow 4channeller?
you can be critical of Jews funding pro-Israeli Occupation policies without being anti-Semitics and you can also identify anti-Semitic tropes used in trotting out the Soros distraction while also being critical of Israels policies and those supporting it
There is this thing that is called nuance
no my dude, that's not the same
>center left
Not really man. He keeps calling himself a liberal but coincidentally all of his content paints conservatives in a positive light while painting liberals in a negative light.
I think he calls himself a "classical liberal" which is really just a way of saying your a conservative while sounding like you're actually a liberal. It's not liberal in the colloquial modern usage.
But as others have pointed out, he's probably as genuine as he's paid to be, which is to say not much. He's paid by the Kochs indirectly (which is what the Kochs do) and once he started being funded by them he started pushing "classical liberal" basically libertarian ideology.
He works with/for a group that IHS founded and Charles Koch is the chairman of IHS and donates to it
>Sam Seder. David Pakman. Kyle Kulinski to name a few.
literally who?
I can go on /pol/ right now and find some bs about a Jewish conspiracy. It's not our fault that right wingers so often times align with racists and racist ideologies. Clean your shit up. We won't be PC about it.
That's why right wing faggots single out Soros and don't talk about the Kochs, the Mercers, or any of the other corporate interests infecting US politics.
destiny v rubin when
>anti-Semitic tropes
what is anti-semitic about saying Soros funds many activist groups and media outlets on the left?
I don't think he's the best but he's very popular on the left. They won't even debate him.
It's not just Rubin btw. Shapiro refuses to debate. Candace Owens has backed out of debate with Pakman. That would have been something to watch.
framing it as nefarious jew controlling the media
(and he has no media outlets lolwut)
i think it was Tommy Sotomayor
The Useful Idiot.
shut up faggot you dont even know what efg is
sounds like an antisemitic conspiracy theory desu
they were funding one program of his a month or something like that, and he doesn't even 'work' with them anymore.
show me proof that he changed his views and words AFTER he started to get money from them. that would be shilling. someone donating to you because he likes what you're doing is different
People you don't hear about on Yea Forums because instead you are only bombarded by right wing IDW types.
Candace Owens would start crying everytime she was quoted and then bark HOW DARE YOU SIR
Being a moderate nowadays means you're on the right. Faggots like Tim Pool, the Weinstein bros, Rubin, just can't stomach it.
nobody frames it like that except /pol/? everybody frames it as progressivism being push artificially by manufactured movements financed by very rich guys, it's just progressives using the excuse of antisemitism to not own up to being a movement created top-down by very rich people
Yeah it's unfortunate. We all know she would be absolutely destroyed in a debate like that. Even she knows that which is why she backs out.
She's low hanging fruit. Easy to destroy. I mean even Rogan made her look stupid and he's not exactly trying to on his show. Regardless it would have been hilarious to watch.
>That's why right wing faggots single out Soros and don't talk about the Kochs, the Mercers, or any of the other corporate interests infecting US politics.
...corporate donors literally gave 3 times as much to the democrat party in 2016 than they did to the Trump campaign you thick faggot. The point being raised is that the left openly criticises wealthy donors raising money for right leaning media personalities yet simultaneously screeches about anti-semitism when we do the same for the left (who receive a hell of a lot more jewish money than the right does)
>It's not our fault that right wingers so often times align with racists and racist ideologies. Clean your shit up. We won't be PC about it.
what the fuck is this, it's like i'm really on /r/politics lmao
That's his reaction to people reacting to him. He feels attacked by the left, while the right are willing to talk to him. Naturally people with whom you have good vibes are going to be portrayed in a more positive light. It's disingenuous to paint these personal relationships as indications of political belief. When someone says they're for gay rights, abortion etc that's clearly something that belongs on the left.
The Koch connection is just as flimsy as Soros connections for antifa and the like. Judge people based on what they say or do, don't give me this bullshit of people being several steps removed from some mogul.
it doesn't work like that. it's just american idiocy and tribalism about 'you're either with us or against us'
Where is the Semitism for it to be anti-Semitism?
Also the Kochs used to hang out with Holocaust Deniers
>AFTER he started to get money from them
they fund people supporting their ideas so they can give them a larger platform and advance them and the ideas into the mainstream
They create an echo chamber of these views by having these people appearing at their various think tanks and institutes and outreach groups and events creating the illusion of a groundswell grassroots movement of independent thinkers
being a moderate means you still haven't realized what's at stake and you don't really have a position in the current year, you are just living in the past and waiting until everything goes back to """normal""", but normal or the conditions for normal don't even exist anymore
but he is a nefarious jew and he is controlling the media...
it's always fun when Joe Rogan obliterates people in his podcast by being a literal retard and asking question basic questions that they can't really even answer
milquetoast left wing millennials with the same inane talking points and economic illiteracy as bernie sanders and everyone else on the left. these people literally aren't worth your time, they have nothing insightful to say
you can say the same about most interviewers, that's not his job but you're right his latest interviews sucked because the people he has on are boring as fuck mostly
>trying to get us to defend, that he's not talking to lefty people
idgaf, there's more interviewers out there, who the fuck ONLY listens to dave rubin?or ONLY to shapiro?
amerimutts never cease to amaze me, they somehow only know left or right. they can't seem to grasp the idea of a middle or creating their own political beliefs, be it left or right..
spoonfeed me on the stakes pls
Not really. The US is an outlier politically. We're shifted so rightward that whats considered center here is actually somewhat right compared to the world.
But folks like Tim Pool who say they are liberal or whatever but do nothing but peddle sensationalist reactionary content about liberals while sanitizing and ignoring transgressions on the right strike me as dishonest.
It seems like a common tactic on the right for people to misrepresent themselves with labels while their actual content is meant to subversively promote right wing ideology.
The Kochs and their donor network spent 889 million on the 2016 election you fucking retard
Spent on campaigning for Republicans
They spent 400 million on the 2018 midterms
Some contributors to their donor network point blank said that the money would be held back if they didn't get their tax cuts and the ACA terminated
Well they got their tax cuts - for which the Kochs donated 500k to Paul Ryans super PAC the day after it was signed - and the ACA hogtied so I guess that was enough
Bunch of simple minded jews that Yea Forums ignores
>several steps
it's literally 1 step + he attends their events and hangs with their other pundits
>a lot more jewish money
I mean why pretend it's not anti-semetic in one breathe (where just calling out corporatism) and then the next sentence just out yourself?
What are you arguing against? You've lost the argument that we call everything racist when you just out yourself, moron.
Your raid sucks shareblue
>when someone says they're for gay rights, abortion
I don't see these folks actually advocate for these things and they are silent when the conservatives attack these rights. Regardless, their economic policy is right wing.
Results speak for themselves. Social democratic policy works. If you want a macro example, compare countries. If you want a micro example, compare states. Don't cherry pick. Look at the holistic picture. It's clear.
This harmless comment got 4 shill comments. They don't want you to know that Tim Pool is a moderate. Ben Shapiro and Tim Pool are neo-nazis
You too
>Results speak for themselves. Social democratic policy works. If you want a macro example, compare countries. If you want a micro example, compare states. Don't cherry pick. Look at the holistic picture. It's clear.
what did the 14 year old mean by this Yea Forums? is he going to start talking about scandinavia next like every retard teenage left winger does
Lol there were like 4 threads that were off topic by right wingers just right now. That's a regular occurrence here. You don't see bernie bros coming here and shitposting.
In fact, I had reported this thread as off topic and I'm not convinced it was created by a left winger. This is just the kind of meme shitposting right wingers pull on here to force political conversations to try to indoctrinate young dudes.
>attack these rights
>right wing
You have to go back. You have to.
Scandinavia would be only one example. But what are you arguing against? They produce a higher quality of life for their citizens. So does Canada and England, Germany, Japan, and so on.
I wonder which subreddit or discord this thread was linked on?
You are easy to see through shareblue
>You don't see bernie bros coming here and shitposting
that's exactly what this thread is. just look at this garbage , it's like a fucking post straight out of /r/chapotraphouse. And then on cue they reference the most bland left wing talking heads like david pakman or nathan gay robinson. I've seen a huge upswing in threads like this the last few months. It's very clearly a raid
I'm sure I've been here longer than you have. This place wasn't always Trump support shitposting central. Some of us remember that time. It was a better time.
This place isn't your echochamber and it's not your personal army.
Jesus Christ.
>make content for /pol/
>is a moderate
Yeh I remember when this board was more than capeshit, soi wars, harry potter, twitter screencap threads, netflix flavor of the month and interracial porn spam too. don't pretend that the people who have brought those things here are anything but left-leaning zoomers fresh out of reddit. they're the exact sort of demographic that chapofags recruit into their cult
Yeah bro I'm not convinced. There were like 4 other threads that were obvious right wing shitposting. This one makes 5 and I don't think it's actually by a left winger because experience dictates that left wingers don't regularly shit post like this. This is the sort of thing right wing faggots do to force their political discussion outside of /pol/.
>hello fellow teenagers, I'm a left winger, let's lol dunk on Dave Rubin, amirite
Just a subversive way to get the conversation going and then duck responsibility. And right wingers probably know Rubin is a joke anyway so it's easy to sacrifice him anyway.
>We're shifted so rightward
Yes, legalizing fag marriage, allowin 20,000,000+ illegal immigrants into your country, paying them welfarr etc., having a national conversation about handing them all citixenship for the second time, legalizing drugs, having fag parade, drag queen story hour, letting junkies shoot up in the BART, letting perverted crossdressers us the bathroom with little girls... what a massive shift to the right
>pretend it's for /pol/
Stop being a disingenuous shitbag
This is just a fucking excuse. And projection at that. Left wingers don't regularly come here to shit post.
You can dislike harry potter and marvel but those things are on topic here. Shitposting about politics belongs on /pol/. But you faggots actively ignore it and moderators clearly have a bias.
You are not good at this shareblue
>Left wingers don't regularly come here to shit post
Just stop before you get more embarrassing
>making fun of SJWs, forced diversity brainwashing and female empowerment garbage is right-wing
did buzzfeed tell you that? there's far more left wing spam on this board than right wing posts, ti reflects the changing demographics of Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general. just think about how /lgbt/ is the fastest growing board on the site, or that there's a semi-permanent tranny general on Yea Forums now. this shit would never have happened even 3 years ago.
Who the fuck cares about this shit other than /pol/ and the_donald? Seriously?
What even IS fascism?
Most of what you talked about was social liberalism, which btw is what a free country is supposed to be about. You don't have to like gay people being gay, but we don't live in an eastern authoritarian country. We live in a free country.
But we are shifted right. Most western countries for example ended slavery and segregation faster than we did. Most legalized abortion and woman suffrage faster than we did. Most accept climate change. Most legalized gay marriage faster than we did. Most have universal healthcare for decades now.
We're the only modern first world western nation still getting hung up on gay dudes triggering conservatives and still debating abortion.
You care enough to make that screencap to try and influence people away,
By what? You're full of shit and hot air.
Do right wingers even know what fascism is? Do they even know what socialism is for that matter?
>What even is fascism?
Fucking hell man. Where did you get your education? Where is someone raised in a first world country where fascism isn't covered in history?
It was covered in history, it was about germans killing jews and homos. But this guy IS a jew homo. So I ask again, what even IS fascism?
>try and influence people away
God your victim complex runs deep.
You aren't doing well shareblue
>on /pol/ everyday now
>"why am I subjecting myself to this?"
>go on another board
>shit like this
>every hobby and every aspect of our culture has been consumed
I mostly stick to /pol/, /k/, and /out/ now. You can reach your own conclusions why.
Does Shapiro, Rubin, or Pool ever stop fear mongering about socialism to teach their audience about fascism?
If not,...why not?
Two of them aren't even against socialist programs you stupid fuck
Literal Mental Midget Brainlet Right Wing Gate Keeper
Fascism is an ultra-nationalism political philosophy characterized by:
-regression to tradition and appeal to nature
-rejection of liberalism and modernity
-militarism and fetishizing of military
-persecution of ethnic and religious minorities
-authoritarianism and cult of personality
-autarky economics
-spy state and police state
-strict social norms imposed either systemically and/or institutionally
-might makes right
-state run media
-attacking the free press ('luggenpressen' or 'fake news'- enemy of the people)
-normalization of human rights violations
For a movement to be fascistic, it should exhibit a lot of those features. It seems the right wing in the US probably exhibits all of these features in varying degrees at this point.
>It seems the right wing in the US probably exhibits all of these features in varying degrees at this point.
Hmm they seem to reject every candidate that pushes for those kinds of policies, actively work against those politicians while actively promoting politicians that work against those policies. They don't put out content advocating for those policies or defending those policies.
All they do is put out content shitting on the left.
For me it’s the Rippa Mega Box.
Nope. Half the stuff on the list was wrong too pajeet.
They're raiding /pol/ and /k/ too
I've never actually seen anyone advocate fascism despite the Left openly engaging in it. People are more nuanced than that and discussions are necessary. Don't be an idiot.
r8 my waifus/b/ros
You're literally posting on a website were a certain board has a natsoc general.
>advocate fascism
Lol are you naive? You think people will come out and say, "Yeah I love fascism, let's implement fascism!". It's like the alt-right, these ideologies have to rebrand themselves for a modern generation because every generation they make a bad name for themselves so they are constantly shifting their terms.
Fascism has become taboo. People won't claim the label anymore but it's not like the personality type that led to fascist governments in the mid 20th century just miraculously disappeared. Look up social dominance orientation.
fascists actually subdivide citizens: they exclude the rich 'parasites' just like communists do (for some reason Hitler and the Thule society/Nazis blamed jews exclusively, but Mussolini blamed the super rich in general)
as well as excluding all citizens who do not agree with facism for any reason (including any people who like democracy or even monarchy which would be more 'traditional').
A nationalist wants policy that protect ALL citizens, they don't subdivide and they don't exclude people who disagree with them like autocrats: nationalists want their policy even for the good of their ideological opponents within their own country.
>regression to tradition
Fascism isn't monarchy or any fucking 'traditional' system, not even ancient rome had a 'fascist' system. The idea was that they would make their new empires BETTER than ancient Rome or the reichs of the past.
a lot of these definitions are plain wrong.
Fascism is an autocratic/dictatorship excuse similar to communism or military juntas. It's just a cult of personality using a particular person's paranoia about 'what's wrong with society'.
hi Ana, you mad?
You raiding retards can't even get your own shit straight.
>basic border controls are now considered fascist by the left
it's scary how far the cultural zeitgeist has shifted leftwards in the last decade. they have a virtual monopoly on discourse thanks to mass censorship of alternative media outlets, propaganda and boycott campaigns. All this has seeped firmly into the minds of younger generations who are more left-wing extremist than any previous generation, couple this with the impending demographic cliff we're about to fall off (already a majority of births are non-white) and it's hard not to be worried what the next 50 years will look like.
see, the problem is that leftards literally label anyone in favor of basic migration controls as fascist and alt-right these days
>hitler won
>these women have never even heard of a black person (nigger)
>every day after class you and the other lads head down to the river to wrestle and swim
>girls from the girls school rest under the shade of the trees reading braiding each others hair and making flower chains
>you pin your friend with a new grappling move youve been learning
>you look up and shes watching with interest
>shes heard how your greek translations are the best in the class
>you smile
>she smiles back
where did it all go so wrong
Wrestling is gay.
You’re gay.
the good guys didn't win the war
In the paracosm where everything's simple enough to be within the limits of your understanding anyway.
the /pol/tards should be various shades of brown but you get the idea
Why won’t someone man up and ask Charlize Theron out, Yea Forumsros?
>joining me today is a fellow at the Ayn Rand institute for the 6th time in a row
Rubin Report went from being a show with truly diverse range of guests (both the left and right). Now it's become Koch sponsored Neo-Con circlejerk.
You showed up late to the raid, this lie was already blown the fuck out
Pic related is the Dave Rubin of "journalism".
>The left are the REAL fascists maaaan
Yeah, thats why they hate the nation state so much...
You shoould take you basic bitch boomer takes and fuck off to boomerbook faggot
>muh sharia blue raid
you mean the only real journalist there is
He's so tiresome. Just sitting there reading aloud articles with his own shitty anecdotes interspersed "muh occupy wallstreet", "I'm center left", "hats are cool"etc it gets old really fast.
>You don't see bernie bros coming here and shitposting.
They're on reddit, why would they come here?
Dave Rubin changed for the worse. Nice coping, retard
I hear that claim all the time. I challenge you to post 1 (one) original reporting he's done since his Antifa protest coverages in 2017.
you're confusing nationalism with patriotism. A 'nation' isn't a country, it's a group of people. Nationalist can be civic or ethnic nationalists. The nazis defined their nation as exclusionary from jews and others.
I love that he claims to hate identity politics, yet uses identity politics all the time for his arguments.
You aren't fooling anyone shareblue
No not really. You're divorced from reality.
I hear it all the time on the right. Apparently everyone else wants open borders because they think family separations and the detention of children is currently inhumane. Or because they disagree that a medieval wall is reasonable border control. Or because they don't think border control needs to come with xenophobia and the dehumanization of foreign people.
oh my god it was me all along
They actually do. Try listening to them.
Seriously what subreddit was this thread linked on?
You are too stupid to understand that he's using your bullshit and hypocrisy against you shareblue
Check out the threads. They're planning the raid here:
>Most of what you talked about was social liberalism
So in other words you cant deny that these are ways in which the US has shifted left...
Then you go on to state the myriad of ways in which other counties shifted to the left faster than the YS as though this constitutes a shift to the right... air tight logic redditnigger.
Its hillarious that you faggots dont realise you share the exact same thinking as the people you claim to hate like kochs, shapiro, peterson, milo, sargon, rubin, hannity etc. Its all about "muh freeedumbs maaaan"
Same exact talking points too
>we don't live in an eastern authoritarian country. We live in a free country.
Literally a booercon bumpersticker
>you guys call everything fascist
>the Nazis were the good guys
Is this the so called 5D chess?
Thanks for the non sequitor
You don't fit in not do you fool anyone