Pumba looks fucking terrifying
I wonder if zazu is going to agitate to let hyenas into the lion's territory in this one
All kikes should be cast only as animals to be honest.
They let white people in this movie?? wtf?!
I think I saw a video about this. How it's all about grabbing famous names for voices. Weird innit.
is it a movie or some fucking politics youtube show
why do americans love john oliver so much
i am pretty sure they are all jewish
Who is playing Rafiki?
You're correct
because they realize it's TWENTY-FOCKIN-NOINTEEN and so we must stop donald drumpf from getting the nuclear codes
They didn't even need CGI, each of them looks exactly like the animal they're playing.
Oliver's not
These cast meet their animal counterparts photos are definitely NOT exploitable.
Jesus when can we just gas these shifty kikes? I have a strange urge to do nasty experiments on these semetic savages.
What would happen if we replaced a developing jew fetus and stick it inside a pregnate boar, would the spawn survive? Could we cut off limbs of one jewess and attach them to another, would the appendages still function? How much Zyklon B to kill a jew baby?
Almost certainly little beaked nosed fucker can't go against his nature can he
this shit look retarded
oy vey
I hate this movie so much.
I could honestly put together something more interesting if I took a trip to Africa and filmed a bunch of wildlife there with my smartphone and put everything together in after effects.
hes a cryptojew. his wikipedia and family history is clean but the nose always knows
Gotta be honest, Oliver is a pretty fantastic choice for the role, Zazu is insufferable, Arrogant, Bitchy, Sneaky and Narrow-minded
>kids are supposed to watch this and not be terrified
Lol, there's a reason that OG Disney made cartoon animals and not live action ones.
he leveled up
Actual "adults" are going to watch this?
these movies are for children, right? the most profitable target demograph?
Man-children, not children
so this is the power of photoshop
hope it flops like dumbo
Glad that Crowder is finally getting some roles
Find me a picture with three more unlikeable men.
a brit, a kike and a fag walk into a recording studio..
turn your monitor on
white men shouldn't voice african animals. taking jobs away from poc. baka
know your place whitey
Is this how they're actually advertising the new Lion King? How sad.