If a girl comes up to you at a party and asks you what your favorite films are...

If a girl comes up to you at a party and asks you what your favorite films are, do you reply with something basic that she might know or something obscure that demonstrates your film knowledge?

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Nothing cringier than trying to appeal to a foids tastes. She knows it, you know it, just be honest.

for me, it's Aladdin (for the moment)
fuck you, I liked it


no woman i've ever spoken to has ever cared about my favorite films or any of my interests. ask her abut herself, she'll enjoy that way more than listening to you desu.

I tell her I can never make up my mind but am always looking for recommendations then after she gives them the conversation ends in 5 minutes

for me, its How to Train your Dragon.

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unless you say spiderman or some latest shit she'll assume you're a faggot

If a woman who looked like that approached me and started talking to me I'd probably start wondering if I was being pranked by a hidden camera show

Season 11 episode 5

if it's at a party and that kind of topic comes up, she wants the d.

I'd say some recognizable movie with a lot or very recognizable sex scenes in it, or something with an aggressive female romantic lead.

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sorry i dont talk to jews

Girls never come up to me at parties. I also never go to parties.

I tell her to tell me her favorite movie first


this feel, I never leave the house

This, any conversation they engage you in even/especially if they open with a question about you is all a ping test as to how quickly you'll fire it back and give them their turn to speak
They give you a present they want that they know you don't want so you'll give it straight back to them, don't ever believe the present is yours or you've failed the test

>favorite films if she's an art hoe
Her, Jules and Jim, Good Morning Vietnam (can't just be listing off a bunch of soi movies), and Wild Strawberries

>favorite films if she's a normie
Interstellar, Lion King, Mud, and Ocean's Eleven


Women will never ask you what you are interested in. You ask her and pretend to really listen and care as she talks about herself.


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Why are women so manipulative?

This, you're not gonna get an interesting conversation about cinema with most women anyway, just ask a question about her. Talking to a woman is like being a reporter, you just ask question upon question until you find something you're both interested in and can have an actual conversation. Most of the time you'll find yourself faking interest in completely inconsequential things.

is simple, i farded and shidded my pants

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>went to sum total one real party in my life
>no one approached me and i awkwardly leaned on a wall and endlessly refilled my water cup (yes water, i didn't want to get drunk since i had to drive myself home and also i'm a lame faggot who's afraid of alcohol)
>decide that i need to go talk to others
>try to strike up conversations
>people either straight up ignore me or respond to me with 'that's cool' or 'nice to meet you' before walking away
>go to talk to my friend who invited me maybe he can introduce me to whoever he's talking to
>he's making out with some chick n the kitchen
leave after 45 minutes and scream like a maniac in my car as i drive home

paul blart mall cop 2

i don't talk to femoids

I haven't really liked any movie in the past 30 years to be memorable enough to mention as one of my "favorite films" so I just give my basic default answer, The Blues Brothers (1980).

I really don't understand how anyone can have a "favorite film". What has ever actually been filmed that isn't varying levels of garbage? Maybe if I had to absolutely pick one, La Notte (1961). Sorry to mix media on you but I haven't ever felt the level of response from a movie I've gotten from books. Or real life, for that matter. Film just seems to be a pale reflection of human emotion, a little easily-accessible bite-sized chunk of life designed to be chewed on by the silver screen-gazing cattle like so much cud. I wish someone could change my mind, but it doesn't seem likely given the material there is to work with.

Bad move, indecision is a sign of weakness, which a female can detect like blood to a shark. Give her your firm, honest answer in the form of a movie, then immediately ask her the same. She doesn't give a shit what your movie is, only that you answered the question properly and wants you to now listen to her talk.

I tell her the Fellowship of the Ring, a very brief reason why, and redirect to her to amswer the same question.

You should have tried alcohol. It works for me every time I have to interact with normal people, whether at work or in private.

>at parties
>girl comes up
psh... who are we kidding here?

A say Taxi Driver and then stare into the distance menacingly.

You're not supposed to wait for girls to come up to you, you're supposed to go up to them. Didn't anyone ever teach you this? That's why they go with Tyrone, they're tired of waiting for you. Show some initiative, bucko.

>i don't play favourites, baby girl... i'm daddy material :3

Limited lifetype supply of vagina yolks and hundreds of millions of sperms per blown wad, it is or at least was a biological neccessity that womyn are picky af and manipulation to the point of sociopathy is a decent enough way to filter out the mongs and genetic dead ends. If they aren't inherently visibly viable sexual partners, invent a series of ludicrous hoops for them to jump through and fuck the ones that have the patience/stupidity to make it througb
Evolutionary precedents like that don't bat an eye at any bullshit 'evolving' social landscape
We're young, intelligent bodies that know better controlled by ancient, dumb brains that don't know shit and there's nothing we can do about it, so everyone is depressed

I give a meme answer like Shrek 3 and ask her about her favorite movie.

>tfw this situation actually happened earlier
Told her I had a hard time with like lists of top favorites. She told me just to rattle a bunch off.

First ones that came to mind
>The Big Lebowski
>Evil Dead 2
>The Warriors
>After Hours
>The Killer

She was very drunk and very high and the conversation moved on after that. I think my friend with the same name as her is trying to bone her. She's cute, which is nice I guess, and apparently our music tastes line up well, but my homie's out for blood and I'm not getting in the way

For me it’s Jaws (1975) and then turning playful banter about nonsense into a serious argument, because I’m a retarded person

>my homie's out for blood and I'm not getting in the way
gay cuck nigga

>people actually go to '''''''''''''''parties''''''''''''''''''''
I want normies to kys

move in first, don't be a fag if she rejects you which she probably will at least you tried

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what do i say to them

Based. The casual should fear the patrician.

Just say Jurassic Park.


then what

Don't be an asshole, if your guy wants it and you could take it or leave it then leave it, help him even
Taking it just because you can is cold spiteful femoid shit

How you doin'?

what's your reddit username?

I'd reply with asking why she's so autistic she's asking a complete stranger what his favourite movies are. Then I'd go do coke in the garage.

wait for her hi

then what do i do when she says hi back

its so true it hurts. goddamnit

List every boat movie I know to test her commitment

I used to think that way, but none of my bros help me get pussy so know I figure its every man for himself. Its your genes or his biologically speaking.

If a grill asks you a question, you respond with a question. She doesn't care what you like, she wants to tell you what she likes.

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He was there first, I literally just got back in town. I didn't realize it at the time, but he's known this girl a lot longer.

I do wanna talk to this girl more though. Seems like a neat character, even sent me a little apology for getting so fucked up when I met her

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depends on their age I'd guess, but good go to movies that are universally safe would be eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, into the wild and superbad

my real favorite film is stalker but theres no way you can tell a woman that

i reply that he herpes is showing

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Get better bros what the fuck

There's two main pathways.
The first is simply saying "hi" and then something relevant to the situation. I can't give you concrete examples because it's entirely dependent on the place, group, event, general feeling, etc. You just say something naturally, it'll come to you. If you have trouble, there's a miracle wonder drug created that can improve your capabilities, it's new and it's called alcohol.

The other way, perhaps easier for people with less experience, is you gently wedge yourself into an existing open conversation. Conversations that already have 3 or more people are great. If it's just two people, it COULD be open, or it could be private, you'll have to be able to judge which. But you have to show a little initiative and get a word in when you spy an opportunity, don't miss out and just hover on the fringe and then wander away when you couldn't find the right place to chime in. Pay attention to what they're talking about, look interested, and if you know anything at all about the subject or a similar topic, jump in with a tidbit that keeps the conversation flowing positively. You don't want to throw in anything negative, a bummer, or try to play a game of one-upmanship by working in a new example of the topic at hand that you think is better than everyone else's, at least not until you've gotten a better sense of the flow.

I don’t go to parties and I don’t watch movies

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i do the same, then i stand in the corner in this pose for the next 5 hours

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She wants your D, girls don't just apologize to random dudes they met on a party

Based and eroticpilled

>it'll come to you
It doesn't.
>If you have trouble, there's a miracle wonder drug created that can improve your capabilities, it's new and it's called alcohol.
Alcohol makes me hate myself and others.

>You just say something naturally, it'll come to you.
I want to REEEEEE but this is probably accurate.

The second tip is definitely more helpful though.

>messages you first
yeah, you're in bro

you're already in there.

if you're friend want's to be her boyfriend or whatever, ok back down if he just wants to dick her then why would you?

Hello, beautiful


Supposedly my friends had all been talking about me when I was gone, and she's only just recently become part of "the group". It's less a party and more a gathering of friends, there was maybe like 7 people in total and I knew 5 of them.

She kept apologizing throughout the night though, so maybe that's just a thing she does.

ugly cunt

i reply with an a bunch of obscure movies that i love and she instantly loses any sexual atraction she had for me

You tell her that instead of watching movies you like to buy a living scorpion, remove its venom sacs and then stuff it in your colon and enjoy its writhing until it's suffocated, then shit it out.

I don’t have a favourite film. I like each film I see but nothing has ever been so good that i think “damn I want to watch that again that was amazing”

>>You just say something naturally, it'll come to you.
>I want to REEEEEE but this is probably accurate.
I understand the concern, it was hard for me at first too. One thing that helps is to just tell yourself you're not in "pickup" mode. You're not trying to impress or fug a girl, you just came here to enjoy yourself and have a good time, and if she's having a good time too, that's cool. This is going to sound really dumb, sappy, and fake, but if you actually make a point to look like you're having a good time, you will. You might be thinking "this sucks", but just tell that part of your brain to shut up and enjoy the things around you. "Fake it till you make it", "positive thinking", whatever you want to call it it, it works. You'll eventually find something you like about the situation. Maybe you'll just start talking to some other dude about a topic that actually interests you and you weren't aware he liked it too. The people around you might be total phonies you hate, but the more you get out there, the more chances you'll meet someone who can have a real conversation with. It might not be what you initially wanted (meeting girls), but it will show you get along and are a fun person to have around, so people will be more likely to want to be around you, and eventually you'll make progress. Shit takes practice, doesn't happen overnight (except when it does, thank you alcohol).

But yeah, realizing that social skills are an actual SKILL, and not an inborn talent you were fundamentally either born with or not, is a game changer. Practice, fall, skin your knee, get up, and practice again! Remember the feeling the day you're in the middle of the room and you see a younger, nervous guy in the corner not having any fun at all, and you think to yourself "yeah, I remember what that was like".

>My favorite films? The Cat in the Hat, Kangaroo Jack, Daddy Day Care, the list goes on.

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>a woman coming up to me

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I've never been to a party.


did it once, just kept smoking bowls until i was too high to participate in conversation which gave me nothing to do but smoke weed so i just got really high then went home

They're not great. See

It's possible to simulate social interaction without "getting" it.

Absolutely patrician

kino, I can imagine the jump cut to the screaming

Based healthy living poster

When I went to parties I'd always have tons of extra smokes, weed, coke, and ex to use as social lubricant but autistic normies never wanted to hang out they just wanted the drugs and assumed i was a dealer so I overcharged them and eventually just started dealing as a small side business until I finished college and left. I would have given away all my drugs for free if they would just hang out and talk to me but we were never meant to have nice things

lookin' good, ladies

>No worries yo

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Why would you lie? If she doesn't like your taste in films you wouldn't have much to talk about anyway, but if she does you have stuff in common. People should either take you the way are or fuck off user.

I understand what you mean, for some people, it's very hard to "let go" of other thoughts when engaging with strangers and even worse when it's people you've known for a while but never really opened up to one another.

Being friendly is the biggest part of it, be open to the fact some people can be very different from you and try to understand them. Realistically you can't connect with EVERYONE you will ever meet and you shouldn't feel bad if that happens. You just gotta keep going and understand that not everyone is compatible.

>But yeah, realizing that social skills are an actual SKILL, and not an inborn talent you were fundamentally either born with or not, is a game changer. Practice, fall, skin your knee, get up, and practice again! Remember the feeling the day you're in the middle of the room and you see a younger, nervous guy in the corner not having any fun at all, and you think to yourself "yeah, I remember what that was like".
Based and redpilled but spergs will never know this feel

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God she's so beautiful

Drink alcohol

Ive sharted before its the worse

Imma cum on this tonight.

Too late now.
I don't feel healthy.

>If a girl comes up to you at a party and asks you what your favorite films are, do you reply with something basic that she might know
If movies are her opening line at a party then she likes movies and if you pick some low hanging fruit in an effort to be relatable you're going to bore the shit out of her.

star wars 1, 2 and 3

Lurk user here
thank you all for this thread
the tips here were very great and more than I can ask for
Thanks you all

Say tits or gtfo. Is she doesn't get it she doesn't deserve me. Then I'd say von trier, because he is unapologrtically blackpilled.

Eyeball the girl--is she's an uggs and tights girl? The Notebook. Tattoos and denim art chick? Evil Dead 2. Nerdy girl (for real nerdy not alt nerdy) Joy Luck Club, d-drunkerer party girl "ME? NAH YOUU GO! top three!" Alt nerdy--The Neverending Story or Goonies. SJW type--At Play in the Fields of the Lord. Stoner chick--Up in Smoke/Harold n Kumar, Ethnic girl--NOT Slumdog Millionaire. District 9. Stuck up cunt? Dead Alive, Street Trash, and Ebola Syndrome.

How's your night going? Do you seriously not know how to start small talk?

You've got mail

You're never going to follow the tips.

This. It's the classic prisoner's dilemma game theory.

>She likes dumb flicks
>You like dumb flicks
>You win pussy but lose your pride

>She likes dumb flicks
>You like real films
>You win your pride but lose the pussy

>She likes real films
>You like dumb flicks
>You lose!

>She likes real films
>You like real films
>You win both!

If you consider pride and pussy to have equal value, then choosing the real films answer gives you potential outcomes of 0 or +2, while choosing the dumb flicks answer only gives you potential outcomes of 0 or +1.

no i don't, asshole

>If you consider pride and pussy to have equal value
I don't.

Ok, what relative numeric values would you place on them?

middle brow bullshit like Inception, which she will recognize, feminist tripe like Girl With the Dragon Tatoo and a kind of serious "maybe she's actually seen this" kino like The Fountain

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where can I find whores who's bar is low enough to fuck me because I share their taste in movies?

Then why are you on Yea Forums and not /adv/?

I ask her whether she's an archeologist 'cause I got a large bone for her to pick.

Idiot, girls don't like movies, they watch movies but they don't like them.

GL out there

Doesn't matter, as long as he remembers, one day it might help him out. Stop being jealous, there's hope for you as well

I'm gonna name something that she knows and probably likes a lot as well.
Home Alone is what I would say. Coincidentally it's also my favourite movie!



Honestly man watch your mouth.

Just be relaxed and let the convo flow. You want to know how to talk to girls? Dont overthink it. Be relaxed and beeee yourself.

Absolutely beta. Your “homie” will be the first in line to fuck you over if he gets the opportunity. Don’t be foolish.

Yes I go with Manhattan or Bananas, it depens on how drunk I am.

>scream like a maniac in my car as i drive home
Been there lol

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Reply with obscure kino and with normalfag popculture so that she can grab onto whichever one interests her to continue the conversation

>Alcohol makes me hate myself and others.

Why yes, I do enjoy The Magic Roundabout (2005). How could you tell?

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>A Few Dollars More, Fistful of Dollars, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. The list goes on baby.

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>my favourite movie you ask? That pedo one with Jean Reno and the little girl with the tight ass. I wonder whatever happened to her...

Were there any ass shots in Leon?

The correct answer is Kung Pow

>"What about High Plains Drifter?"
>he just smiles and winks at you

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Sword of Doom
Barry Lyndon
Glengarry Glen Ross
The Thing
Wicked City
Days of Being Wild
All Leone

That is if I can remember them.

>are you implying my ass is not tight, user? Wanna test it?

Once at work I was trying to hit on this 10/10 Russian girl with a hot, thick accent during lunch break. I told everyone at our table that I liked foreign movies and I mentioned Come and See (1985) before it became a meme movie and everybody just looked at me like I was retarded. Russian girl totally ignored me and started talking about her day.

The cringe still hurts.

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>sum total one real party in my life
In English?


Sounds like a shitty party. Even at my most awkward people would talk to me, they'd talk to anyone who had something interesting to talk about.

You left a bad party after 45 minutes and didn't waste the rest of your evening. Why were you angry? I always just leave when I'm no longer having fun

My favourite films are a mix of more plebby stuff and actual kino so my answer changes depending on if shes an arthoe or a normie.

If any girl that attractive approached me I'd assume I was having a joke played on me so I wouldn't answer properly regardless.

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If it was a bad party and not his fault he wouldn't be screaming in rage. He knows it's his own self-sabotage that's responsible for his unhappiness. Getting an ulcer and dying of stress, loneliness, and antisocialness is not being healthy.

You forgot the part where you were crying like a sober faggot singing along to Alessia Cara songs in your car. Your friend didn't even hook you up with running a train on the chick he was making out with. You're a loser and so is your fren.

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>Wicked City
Wanna fuck user?

For A Few Dollars More is unironically my answer. It is actually my favourite movie but its just kino enough to be acceptable to pretentious cunts and its a clint eastwood western so its respected by normies too.

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Once my coworker told me she watched Suna no Onna which caught me by surprise, I told her the movie is beautiful and she replied it was boring and proceeded to tell me about Young Adult novel adaptation #9236. Yeah, that was more like it.

This is one of the saddest things that I've ever experienced, it truly makes you lose all faith in people.

I've only been to one party.
I'm angry more often than not. Mostly about the fact that I'm angry so much.
I usually don't cry and scream at the same time, I keep my sadness and anger separate.
Who the fuck is Alesia Cara?

My response ?

Death to Smoochy.

It's 2003 movie starting late Robin Williams as drug, alcoholic, sex addict, children's entertainer, who after losing everything that he had because of his addictions decides to kill Barney The Dinosaur for revenge

I know it not best movie but then that not what I'm about as I'm fun guy who likes fun movies, I'm not into full on serious sort of things. So saying that how about we ditch this party and go get some Mexican and ice cream tacos ? I know this totally cash all night mini golf course we can hang out at ! Let's go ...

>user that is some great taste

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> maybe some other time, i need to go talk to some friends

It would literally never happen. Girls don’t talk to me.


Just be honest and tell her it's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Great answer too; even tho I prefer GBU and OUaTitW, FaFDM is shorter and a lot easier to watch/show to people, but also similar enough that you can easily gage someone's reaction/opinion on the better spaghetti westerns you know

Are you a giant blue Lady-Spider?

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Can't believe no one gave this a FPBP. Here you go buddy.

>mentioning literal cowboy movies, SWORD OF DOOM, CONAN and several movies only men really get and enjoy to Staceys at a party
holy YIKES, never gonna make it

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Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Un fucking ironically.

It's the perfect film. It perfectly captures the boomer vs genx conflict in a positive light. It deals with teenage angst without dwelling pessimistically on it and embraces the joy and free spirit of youth in a way that's enticing to the young and wistfully bittersweet to the old. Women love it for the "omg they're so cool/cute". Men love it for the lucidly reflected 80s zeitgeist and philosophically self-aware apologetics. It just holds up perfectly.

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>being a spineless chameleon that changes to appease others


I don't live to please others. I select the ones I want to please.
You will never make it if you're this insecure.

It's not what you say, it's how you say it.

>What movies do you like, user?
>I like [takes on accent] CONAN THE BARBARIAN! [flexes and makes face]
>[uncontrollable giggling] user you're so funny!

>"Sword of doom?" haha sounds fun I guess
>Wicked city? Isn't that one of those animes?
aaand you're out

My mom throws me a birthday "party" every year. She already knows what my favorite movies are.


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Literally the only women who would realize Wicked City is an anime are girls with green wigs and anime-themed ASMR channels, and they'd gush on the spot.

>My favourite movie? Probably American Psycho.
>Speaking of movies, I just remembered that I have to return some video tapes.
And then I'd leave and hopefully never talk to her again because I'm an emotionally stunted fuck-up of a human being that hates talking to other people.

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Is your mom hot?

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>user what movies do you like?
>AYAAAYAAAAAHH WAH WAH WAOOOOO points fingers like two guns
>heheh, the good the bad and the ugly, though right here looks like its just the good and the real buyutiful tonight darlin', how u doin'

I'm only there for the hors d'oeuvres, so I just push her out of the way and keep eating.

>Why yes, my favorite film is The Last Remake of Beau Geste.

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>my favourite movies, heheh, the princess diaries? You like that kind of film? yes? No? huh. uh, please.

Just say Leon

>oh so you like movies about psychopaths? haha fun I guess

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Yes, we're in bed together right now naked. Her big tiddies are pressed against my back as I'm phoneposting.

There's no god, deal with it.

My homie helps a lot but will never leave the better looking one to me. I take it as a tax since I wouldn’t intimidate without him but I secretly hone my skills while talking to the girls so I won’t need him anymore

The rape scene from Irreversible


Tommy you must be a big guy. Only based big guys are called tommy


The Series.

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What the fuck are you doing on this board then you pretentious retard

As if normalfags dont love movies about psychopaths, that said I don't really care what they think if at all.

>ha ha imagine I couldn't ever fully watch any movie cuz had to always interrupt it for sex

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why did this thread draw out all the fedora-tipping weirdos. This is "my feet hurt" level of party autism, holy shit.

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"Riverdale is fucking awesome, my dude."

"You don't know what the hell you're talking about, loser."

"What the fuck is a 'pleb filter'? Sorry, but I don't speak nerdanese."

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Is this your first day here?

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>if you're not a simpleton you're a fedora tipper
Sure thing, Billie Joe.

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>obscure = good
fucks sakes

An Idiot Saves the President, Rich Boy Hero 4, Silent Hero Journey Boy, Fight Fight Fight , Boats

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pretty sure it’s acceptable to just be gay these days
no need to hide it with “memes of hot guys”

oh shit I can see it too

>t. never been to a party with his bros

imagine being ashamed of your tastes,
the worst it could happen is the girl saying "ah i don't really like action movies" or "i don't realy like westerns" and then you two talk about other things or other movies

Never lower yourself to a w*mans level to get the attention of some roastie, you're all kings and deserve better. Bust out the most obscure, yet kino film you possibly can to absolutely btfo them with your superior taste and intellect, so you can show them who's the king and who's the bitch retard. For added effect, grab them by the shoulder, look down on them, and say "Do you feel in charge?"

Oh yeah and sneed

Ba sed

Normal humans understand that you don't mention some things to others even if you do enjoy them, especially not to girls at a party. Telling a stacey that you like cowboy movies, anime, grimdark or pschological movies is a dead sentence to immediately discard you as "that guy".
Obscure movies are a thin line and only work if they don't sound strange and you can explain them quickly without sounding like a fedoralord.
If you can't understand that mentioning flicks or somewhat normal movies would be better than any of that shit, you're just a lost cause.
Saying "I don't care what others think" doesn't help any of your cases btw

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The right reply for shit like this is always "Whatever".

Your freudian faggotry suggest that you came from twitter. Go back. Faggot.

your a fool to think a party only has stacys in it. Theres plenty of 'weird' girls at parties. Pussy is pussy so the hosts always has to make sure pussies come in

You are just a spineless faggot. If you can explain why you like what you like noone will bat an eye. Most often they don't realy care anyway, just want to start a conversation.

right, just keep being "that guy" until you find the weird girls then... life goals I guess

you couldn't be any more of a cringe NPC if you tried


>is a dead sentence to immediately discard you as "that guy"
little do you know that with the right personality and confidence you can get away with literally anything you say, i remember one time i said to a girl that i enjoy watching gore videos involving police officers being killed and she thought i was kidding.

I say the Iron Giant, because i watched it so many times as a kid and its not known by enough normal fags
Shits super wholesome and only an ass that i would never hang around would think it was a bad film.

I don't have to explain shit, retard. God you're fucking stupid. If you're not an insecure little faggot you can just say whatever the fuck you want, where the fuck do you come from that being an individual with critical thinking is shunned?

What a pathetic little bitch.

I don't want to fuck thots, I want a serious relationship.

Calm down Adam Kokesh

i like tarantino films although people would call me a faggot if i say that irl

something on the brain? :^)

In what world? His stuff is universally liked for "leXDedgy" aesthetic. I enjoy all his movies except Reservoir Dogs, which usually rises some eyebrows.

>Tell me, would you rather settle down with someone who doesn't understand what you like? Wouldn't you want someone who you can converse about the things you enjoy? Someone who isn't afraid to be weird and really nerdy? Or do you want someone who thinks texting her friends is a hobby or someone who thinks pizza is her weird trait? Would you honestly rather prefer someone whose so shallow that she values instagram likes over everything?

>I don't want someone to say 'yea thats all his weird things'. I want someone to see it and appreciate it and not shun it away as if its a bad thing. Especially in today's social media world, everyone has been getting more and more shallow and judgmental. So finding that genuine person who isn't afraid to be nerdy or weird is fantastic and someone I can see myself settling down with.

>So please, excuse me while I go listen to Ennio Morricone

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I reply sincerely with my favourite film because I'm not some creepy retard that overthinks everything.

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of course i only reveal my power level to weird girl. in the original situation the one that would likely asking you about movie/music are those kinds
>implying stacy will go to you and asking your favorite manga

Everyone knows only closet homos like Lawrence of Arabia. Real men like stuff like Brokeback Mountain.

I bet you 100 bucks your "powerlevel" is 0.

i have like five persons asked me the question and i always replied with this

Still makes me hard.

Attached: lawrence-of-arabia_whipped.png (1920x1080, 1.83M)

I say I don't watch movies

Merry Christmas, Mister Lawrence!

>If a girl comes up to you at a party


One birrion twoops.

Original Lawrence poster here, that movie is incredibly based. Amazing score and actually implicitly homoerotic rather than just implied.

>unironically watching tv
wew lads...


>If a girl comes up to you at a party
How and when does this happen

Sergio Leone films don't really deserve to be lumped in with grimdark or anime. They're very mainstream and regarded by most normies as classics.


I see real patrician here

what would happen if one said "pretty baby"


Even when that's a thing I stillhave to initiate



how come it's always the guy that has to come up to a girl and start a conversation?

It doesn't matter what I say she's too busy ogling my muscles to listen to what I have to say..


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this or Heathers.

Last Action Hero

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Because women are always shy and lazy. The fucking meme gender. Equal rights but not equal effort or abilities

Say the truth duh...my only problem is i have to add "The classic" in Robocop now because It gets a shitty Remake...danm remakes...

Basically this. It's kinda like rummaging through the 5 dollar movie bin till you find something you can watch

>he thinks people on Yea Forums actually watch films

>my favorite movie is one without any women in it
based, my favorite is the thing

based pathetic incel

Whenever someone asks me what my favorite movie is I just scream SPACE JAAAAAAAAAAAAM right in their face.

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>thinking about what other people think of you
This is why you're all socially awkward. Just tell her your favorite film.

>If a girl comes up to you at a party and asks you what your favorite films are, do you reply with something basic that she might know or something obscure that demonstrates your film knowledge?
I tell her what my favorite films are.

What is a foid?

>he's been to a party
fuck off chad

something you'll never get to see

do normies know about fistful of dynamite?

I'm just honest... what the fuck

hmm tough one probably a toss up between american psycho, falling down, and american history x

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A mixture of both. Probably name a movie of a film franchise that is considered an underdog but is actually pretty good



How an incel can get a Stacy?
Chad has so many Stacies why can't he leave some for us???

>If a girl comes up to you at a party

ITT: things that never happened

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I would think that it would be more common for a gril to want to talk about TV series more than film. At least that's what's happened every time I've talked to people socially forbthr past couple of years now.
Theatrical release stuff rarely gets bright up its all
>hey user do you eat [worldwide popular meme stuff] too? It's my favorite!!

What bothers me is that we're 259 posts into this thread and everyone just assumes that all girls in all parties are all equally generic Stacies. And that all parties, for that matter, are equally tedious affairs. Have you SERIOUSLY never had a real conversation with a woman before? Stop believing all these "incel" memes. There's some dumb bitches out there, and there's equally more than enough dumb men as well, as you should well know by now. Contrary to these easy to digest memes to make you feel better about your lot, there are smart creative conversational women out there, you just haven't made an effort to climb out of that hole you've dug for yourself and find them.

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

Nigger like 99% of women are dumb hoes, even the 'smart' ones. Not even close to as many men I come across are as dumb. Women just lack a self-awareness that oozes into everything they do. 'incel memes' don't factor into it when I got this impression from actually talking, dating, fucking plenty and plenty of girls. Women are far more disgusting, self-deluded and retarded on average than men. I would say that the more you fuck women, the more you understand just how retarded they are.

I've had to actively train my girlfriend to be less of a fucking retard when it comes to her total lack of self-awareness.

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Fellow man of taste I see.

How am I supposed to be a big guy

What must I learn

I'm tired of this I want to kill myself

WHY ALWAYS ALONNNNEEEEEE WHYYYYYhoufgsiopusdfioysefiàysfiyàefs

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there was nothing wrong with you, you were at a bad party, that's all. those people are probably cunt-y; people that aren't dicks will engage in conversations with you if you approach them, even if initially out of politeness. if you are talking about something amusing, funny or interesting and you are easygoing and relaxed, people will enjoy and will keep up with talking to you. It's wise not to drink alcohol but truth is, it helps to loosen up and break the ice, especially in places where you don't know anyone. but it's important to know your limit and to have a real friend with you. if you are in your early 20s-upwards people around you usually don't mean to drink to get drunk (sometimes yes, but not on a weekly basis), just to loosen up, and it's important to know your limit.

but if you are a teetotaler through and through, who rejects alcohol for good, just remember that there's nothing to be afraid - it's just people, and most of them will be fairly drunk and excited to talk and to have fun

i tell the truth and say groundhog day. i also ask if she is familiar with the filmography of adam sandler and swirl my juice in my glass with a straw.

>her juice is swirled

also when striking conversations it's important to give back to the other person the opportunity to talk. say something funny about the party or the music that is playing, and then immediately shoot back asking the person how they feel and what they are up to. it's instrumental in striking a friendship to hear the others.

and remember that everyone, namely everyone, on a higher or lesser degree, is just as awkward as you are. even people that are very extroverted and with great social skills usually use the extroversion to avoid the awkwardness to seep in. that's the truth about being human: we are all a bunch of awkwards.

I like a lot of different films, what is your favorite film?

And then go from there.

>talking about anything other than other people

>If a girl comes up to you at a party and asks you what your favorite films are, do you reply with something basic that she might know or something obscure that demonstrates your film knowledge?
If you are ripped and look and act like a chad or a meathead, then you should reply with something obscure and interesting.

If you are a pale-skinned dweeb-looking type that looks like they never leave the house and spend all their time watching movies, change the subject and/or get her to share her tastes first.

Are you being serious or is it just a random post to fit the thread, user?

>Didn't anyone ever teach you this?
lots of people got told the polar oppsoite growing up

>Lion king, but I haven't seen the new one yet
>Spider-Man 2, but I haven't seen far from home yet
Literally fucking fish in a barrel if you don't sperg out for the rest of the conversation. You just ask if she wants to go see that movie with you, that's it. That easy. She already fucking came up to you with movies on the mind.

Guaranteed panty dropper: "questions about superlatives are for children and the weak minded."

That's because you don't have charisma

>do you reply with something basic that she might know or something obscure that demonstrates your film knowledge?
I tell her what I like, faggot. Chicks know when you're trying too hard, and also know when you're a pleb, especially when they're slimy hebrews like in your pic

Be honest.

If she came up to me I would drop all my spaghetti and make incoherent noises.

girl on the far left would get the dick

I'd just answer with my top 10

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the big lebowski and Evil dead 2
then it just gets worse

you fagot i guess you are either come from reddit or are 18 or else like cocks in your bum

You don't get pussy really often do you?

>I don't remember a whole lot of last night
Subhuman scum.

I wish I didn't know the answer to that question

>Taxi driver
>clockwork orange
>fight club
Cool if you want her to think that you are a psycho

Just be honest. Why would I lie in this situation?
Either you need to lie and keep up the lie to get the girl, or you can relax and be truthful.
I don't care about the opinions of random women enough to lie to them.


Best advice I've seen on the chins this year. My issue, more so in the past, was being able to contribute to conversation when subjects

Also, growing up well-mannered sucked when most people I’ve encountered CANT WAIT THIER FUCKING TURN TO SPEAK. It’s as ADHD is real and people can’t wait for a social prompt signifying that the speaker is either pausing or done with their portion.

Anyhow, similar learnings eventually yielded me a QT whos sweet, fairly mature, and engaging to speak to. If I get dumped, I’m coming to you

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so you're saying this should be a factor at a party

Is it that chick from pic related?

In that case, The Pianist, my favourite comedy.

Lord of the Rings trilogy, action adventure comedy in general. "guy stuff". Pretty basic answer. If a girl is approaching me voluntarily it doesn't really matter what I say because she's already into it.

Fight club is socially acceptable, even if it’s due to Le Chad Pitt

Any one of these films on its own isn't a particularly glaring red flag on its own, but combined they might just be the most obvious "Incel" signal you could possibly put out.

I'd say "the one we're shooting on my phone later" without mentioning that it's snuff.

You lack style so no one gives a shit about your perspective.

>he's known this girl a lot longer.
she's not even interested in him at all. your friend is a beta bitch.

Embarrassing t b h

wow, thats actually kind of true

That's actually pretty good

Too much like hard work.

>socially retarded
>can't even drink because it brings out the worst in you
there's another treatment you might try. it's still in the trial phase in some countries, but it's reportedly very effective at solving cases like yours. it's called euthanasia.

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

>and remember that everyone, namely everyone, on a higher or lesser degree, is just as awkward as you are. even people that are very extroverted and with great social skills usually use the extroversion to avoid the awkwardness to seep in. that's the truth about being human: we are all a bunch of awkwards.
wrong because most people weren't born with autism

shhh, autists please go to your containment board. this advice thread is for people who at least had a chance to begin with.

I've never met a legitimate sperg who wasn't blissfully unaware of how socially retarded they were, and giving off a funny sense of confidence as a result. You're not autistic, you're just a low self-esteem loser. On the plus side, there's still hope for you when you decide to start actually improving yourself.

in bruges
the beach
catch me if you can

interchangeable, depending

It's pure gold.

>I've never met a legitimate sperg who wasn't blissfully unaware of how socially retarded they were
social anxiety disorder is very common amongst high functioning autistic people
>You're not autistic, you're just a low self-esteem loser
thank you doctor for your great diagnosis
based on literally one sentence of mine and your years of psychiatric studies


All qts want is to share experiences with a real person and not the caricature you make up in your head.

>but what if they don’t like me
Then it’s one of three things
1. You have to work on yourself. Maybe your shelfishness, or general laziness that makes you boring.
2. You just aren’t her type. Happens all the fucking time.
3. She’s an actual cunt. Write her off and move on.

It's an excellent choice, and one I go with regularly.
>I had one girl espouse that she believes in the "Fight Club" theory, and I had to pretend to agree with her in order to get some ass.

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why do you think that autistic people have no chance? that's just wrong

based sociopath snuff poster

It aged like shit though

>so hey, what movies do you like? Anything interesting
>Lord of the-
>Ok later nerd

really, dude?

Give her one honest answer, one pretentious answer, and one that you think she would say.

Something like:
7 Samurai

Gage her reaction. Then say you were just kidding and edit your answer depending on how she reacts. Whatever you do, don't get negative until she does. Stick to praise and agreeing with her when possible. Don't say "That movie sucks!" when she claims to like Lawrence of Arabia. Say "Yeah, some beautiful visuals in that" while you secretly know that that is a lame ass movie that only quasi-intellectuals like just to try to fake being secret film society members.

Don't acknowledge, immediately walk away and avoid false accusations.

this guy gets it prod something but do it in a way that can pass off as a joke if it doesnt go well

I hate that fucking quesiton. "What's your favourite _ ?"
I can make a top 10 but I can't choose one

This. I have so many films I like I can't really make a list and I definitely can't order them.

>the incel movie kit

Leon is the right answer.

I honestly can't even make a top 10, if I like them, I like them all in the same way.

I mean there are these movies you like and some movies that you just find absolutely amazing and these ones would be the ones in my top 10 but I agree that if I find them amazing I do so in the same way for all of them

A guy ahead of the curve. Well played