Tfw would watch this on repeat as a kid on VHS before bed

>Tfw would watch this on repeat as a kid on VHS before bed
>Tfw still kind of like it but never admit it

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it's not the worst movie i've ever seen. it's not a very good godzilla movie though i'm afraid

this and ice age were my bedtime kinos as a child, i would wakeup with ice age on the dvd home screen, put it back on and go back to sleepy

On a technical level it was better than KoTM Even though the latter was a better Godzilla movie.

Hell it might even be a better movie than 2014 Godzilla

Rewatched like 100 times when I was a kid


Zilla felt fucking huge in that

you had horrible parents

It’s honestly one of my favorite Godzilla designs desu

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>local Hollywood Video was closing and selling VHS' for dirt cheap in 2004
>loved Godzilla so asked my dad to buy this since it was only 99 cents
>get home and put the tape in
>asshole who watched it last didn't rewind so as soon as I turned on the T.V. Zilla Jr broke out of his egg screaming surrounded by fire
Scared me shitless as a 4 year old . Still love the movie

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If you don't compare it to other godzilla movies it's not too bad. As a kid I knew fuck all about godzilla except that he was a big monster that wrecks cities, so I thought it was great.

I know exactly what you feel, used to watch it all the time on my little vhs tv player. It’s 90s nostalgia kino especially the New York rain scenes and donuts and coffee shit no matter how cheesy they were

Poster made it look like he'd be way fucking bigger though

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>you call this coffee?

>I call this America
>*spits on the floor*

>on a technical level
Nigga what

all i remember from this movie was the Puff Daddy remix of Kashmir

Did you know the earthworms at Chernobyl are now 17% bigger?

I remember the day I found out this wasnt the first Godzilla film.

What a good year that was

Oh come on, even as a child you recognized something was off. The weirdest thing about Roland Emmerich is he knows how to create a spectacle he just can't get anyone to give a shit.I think Independence Day was the last time anyone took the guy "seriously"

>Emmerich makes a Godzilla film as a commentary on military/political incompetance in the US
>gets roasted for decades

>Anno makes a Godzilla film as a commentary on military/political incompetance in Japan
>gets hailed as one of the best G films ever

Really makes you think


Uh huh, yeah

btw was that the song where the music video was in the cinema?

There's something off with every single one of his movies except for Stargate

I cri evreytim

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Can Zilla / Zilla Jr. possibly fit in MonsterVerse? I want Zilla back bros :(

>Hell it might even be a better movie than 2014 Godzilla
What do you mean might? It's unquestionably better.

yea that's the one thanks literally kino

The sub scene was kino

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What did TV think of shin Godzilla?

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Infrustructure porn, loved it

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this is the thing with all the Emmerich films of the 90's: they are all bad, but people seem to remember them fondly. Probably because most people here were kids or young teens around the time and his type of 90's spectacle flick was the norm at the time. Even Stargate is deeply marred by Emmerich's direction and the sense of tone so that it has not aged so gracefully.

Godzilla is when the excess of Emmerich's vision really started to bog the movie down to intolerable levels. This movie is bad even without knowing its supposed to be related to Godzilla. Remove the name and references, and you have an obnoxious creature feature with a skyscraper size iguana that would have come across as ridiculous even compared to the schlock of other 90's monster movies. Also people would have compared it to Godzilla anyways. Its a god awful movie that makes both 2014 and KOTM look like proper cinema in comparison.

My boomer dad loves Stargate, ID4, the day after tomorrow, godzilla, he watches them often

my condolences

>The french guys chewing gum to "look more american"

It isn't a Godzilla movie and is one of the worst movies ever made.

How can one person be so wrong about everything?

More importantly, why did he double blink?

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It's a The Beast from 10,000 Fathoms remake


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2014 Godzilla was absolute shit. I didn't bother to see the new one

Don't let anons fool you. It's the best godzilla movie out there. And i'm saying this as a massive zilla fan who has watched every single godzilla verse movie atleast three times.

It was fun. Mainly because it acknowledged how retarded the concept is, and didn't take itself too seriously. And it had Jean Reno.

So far ...

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