i just watched miley cryrus's latest music video. what did i think of it?
I just watched miley cryrus's latest music video. what did i think of it?
Other urls found in this thread:
>virginity is a social construct
>tough titties
My favorite parts was the nipples
>watch me sexually objectify myself
>I'm not a sexual object
wow, truly remarkable.
this has never been done in popular culture by a female singer, truly a new age is here.
in what way is she being sexually objectified?
So /pol/ really was right?
coan some1 explain this to me?
sexually contorting publically.
if you engage your sexuality without having any relationship with the other person you remove any possibility for it to be reliant on anything but your physical form.
That's the essense of objectification.
She's an ugly, filth ridden whore.
/pol/ is always right
I've never known /pol/ to be wrong as much as I hate it sometimes.
/pol/ was wrong that trump is a good president
fuckin kike lover
Tummy tuck?
Could be trying to de-shame c-sections but cesarean scars and stitches do not look like that at all, further more hardly anyone has considered c-sections a big deal even decades ago.
Literally only roasties that willingly ruined their pussies get huffy about it.
got her uterus removed to become a trans man
The majority of /pol/ doesn't like Trump.
Do you even visit /pol/ ?
haha silly user
illuminati and satanic signalling isn't thing
>That's a huge bitch!
... More?
thats a big bitch
they literally worshipped him
i remember when people where cheering that he will bring a race war LOL
This is the dumbest post I have ever seen
Shouldve just worn a real crotchless panty
>he believed the memes
I bet you think Pepe is a hate symbol too
remover your uterus, then abortions are obsolete.
hi guys op here can you please focus on teh video and not policis please? i would really appreciate it. if you want to discuss politics tyou can go to >>/pol/ they have a board or that on Yea Forums.org
By acting like a sexual object
she's trying to be a white RiRi and it's fucking awful. i didn't even want to handjob my peepee.
the fuck is wrong with that girl?
they did during the election
sorry the thread is not about her it is abou mileys new video
Is this song about abortion?
Ashley O > Miley Cyrus tbhfam
[chirping and clicking noises intensify]
salty milk and coins
>"i'm nasty, i'm evil"
well, she isn't lying
triple penetration yet?
she was headed in that direction last time i checked.
>How to make a sexy video boner killing
this knowingly degenerate spin on sanctimonious late michael jackson-style "message music" was a mistake. shit is beyond fuckin corny
what did /vt/ think of taylor swifts latest video? do you
Sad to think she used to be a good Christian girl. Game has a way with young, impressionable minds
taylor latching on to clickbaity tea/wig fag culture with her own whitebread take on it is so lame and arguably the greatest tragedy of the late 2010s
We're in the post-acceptance era. Most people accept the alphabet soup crowd so now they have to grind it into everyone's face to fight a battle for more than acceptance. It's about daring people to say no to increasingly disgusting shit, knowing that no one can say no these days.
she's an aging white woman they cant help it
why did this give me a half chub
a good Christian girl is always a slag
in spite of how much id espite the woke crowd some of them, ironically, are aware that capitalism is just expoloting their antics while they pretend they are winning the class war and "liberation" of all marginalized peoples. ususally these observations take place on social media run by giant corporations lol
that whore managed t be fucked by some mega chad actor. what did you achieved in your shit life? huh
why you do this to my dick?
femcels are ending their genetic lines.
how far the pretty have fallen...
There's no such thing as a good Christian girl in this day and age. They're all taking it up the ass at church camp to make sure they remain"virgins" till mariage.
I keep seeing this pic. Is there some context to it?
>child with incestuous famous father and sold to disney as a slave
>good christian girl
>white girl
its almost comical at this point
Why are women so fucking crude and aggressive nowadays? Its cringy as fuck
It's corny, I felt cringe. Couldn't watch the whole thing. I thought I was going to enjoy it after watching her sing NIN's songs in Black Mirror.
Right about WHAT, you retards? I don't understand your doofus right wing newspeak.
Shara Law is necessary
submit to Allah(swt)
>The majority of /pol/ doesn't like Trump.
No user, the majority of /pol/ doesn't like Trump ANYMORE.
what is that thing and should I fuck it?
i don't even go to /pol/ but how can you not know this classic
worst thing is that this music isn't even made to be listened to in the first place. it's all assembled for the garish music video to get some clicks and outrage for a few days before it melts into air. like some massive tax dodge or something, but make it girlboss
and even then it's still extremely watered-down. pic related. like who is this for, former hannah montana heads in flyover country who aren't on board with globohomo yet?
miley cyrus, daughter of noted multi-millionaire billy ray, singing "my mother always told me i'd make it" in perfect nigger cadence with tears running down her cheeks groyper
I think that if somebody was to snipe her nothing of value would be lost.
Better than some of what the SJW media wants to brainwash you into fucking.
Bitch wants free sex without the fear of getting pregnant. But in reality she would still beg for a condom since she doesn’t want to get any STDs and it’s more of a political statement for her roastie friends than anything else.
>Hurf durf look how stronk of a woman am I
>I don’t need to raise kids fuck the patriarchy women are more than breeding machines teehee
A 22 year old girl ripped her baby making parts out to be popular on reddit.
For what alleged reason though?
Because bearing children is the patriarchy. Better to be a dog mom and drink wine
>Miley Cyrus pulls no punches in the provocative video for "Mother's Daughter," which dropped on Tuesday morning (July 2).
>The clip opens with the title page "every woman is a riot," cutting to Cyrus dressed in a blood-red, full-body latex outfit, amid flashes of what appear to be two nipples circling each other and a close-up of women's underwear and a tongue running over braces-covered teeth.
>Wearing a red face shield and two handfuls of rings, Cyrus -- who conceptualized the visuals with director Alexandre Moors -- gyrates to the song's pulsing beat, crawling on the floor as the message "you are f*** beautiful" flashes alongside a naked image of plus-size model Angelina Duplisea reclining on a couch.
>The video for the song about taking back the power is heavy on messages such as "Virginity is a social construct," "Feminist AF," "Not an object" and the more playful "Tough titties," and features cameos from Antiguan-American black, transgender, disabled model Aaron Philip, 6’7” friend and frequent stage companion Amazon Ashley, Angelina Duplisea, trans activist/model Casil McArthur, skateboarder Lacey Baker, Pay Your Back chief change agent and tween Flint water crisis activist Mari Copeny, singer/dancer/activist Melanie Sierra, dancer/choreographer Paige Fralix, activist Tydryn Scott and model Vendela, as well as Cyrus' mother, Tish. It portrays women in all shapes and sizes, in classic and modern poses to emphasize the track's central refrain: "don't fuck with my freedom."
>Shara Law is necessary
>submit to Allah(swt)
It would be worth paying the jizya to see the Weimericans stoned in the town square.
Is that what she said though? I'm just genuinely curious what she said her motivation was. Just sex without worry, or some braindead racially suicidal "I don't want to perpetuate whiteness" thing that it's implied to be.
how is this anything other than lady gaga from 2010?
Seriously this shit isnt special or new or controversial.
Try saying nigger.
>At one point, Cyrus appears atop a horse as Joan of Arc in golden armor raising a sword, closing with a shot of the Cyrus women on a couch together as Tish sips some tea. “As a black girl in a wheelchair who happens to be trans -- I just want to have a good life and do good in whatever my endeavors consist of, regardless of what that might mean in the face of oppression. I do not identify or label myself as an activist, but that’s just because I care- and I think everyone should, activist or not. I fight for my freedom by being myself," says clip co-star Aaron Philip in a statement.
>Skateboarder Lacey Baker adds, "Taking a stand for the women and queer community in skateboarding has brought me to life in a powerful way. It’s crucial to create space for marginalized communities every single day, and the platform I have through skateboarding is a perfect vehicle for this. There is so much love to share in the LGBTQ communities all over the world, and to be able to tap into this love through skateboarding is so beautiful. The queer community gives me so much fucking life. #LGBTQ #PRIDE."
you can literally no longer separate reality from even the most low-effort /pol/ pasta
and people wonder why young men are offing themselves, look at the fucking world we live in
I like these opinions, these anons worded it better than me.
>At one point, Cyrus appears atop a horse as Joan of Arc in golden armor raising a sword
Joan of Arc would literally beat Miley senseless.
>I'm white but how can I collect SJW as many points as possible?
Surprised there wasn't a hajib in there somewhere. Like playing SJW Scrabble at this point.
didn't she say hip-hop is evil and she's done with it? what happened? I remember black twitter was mad as fuck when she said that
>At one point, Cyrus appears atop a horse as Joan of Arc in golden armor raising a sword
St. Joan didn't die for this.
If you believe and enjoy that unironically you're as fucked as the people that buy this miley circus shit.
Yeah, turns out you can't call out the hypocrisy of hip-hop / black culture being hilariously racist and sexist and homophobic. Ooops. Mumble negros can still spout that shit without consequence.
as far as i've seen she's one of those retarded "children bad" people, still dystopic if you think about the big picture
can't wait for miley to discover epic twitter clapback communism in 2024
>you have to belive that to enjoy it
its just fun shitposting
Okay well at least it wasn't some "No more whites" bullshit like it seems to be. Stupid, but not the more insidious stupidity.
I like Lady Gaga, actually. She had similar messages but she didn't make them corny.
its sa meme you fucking mong
Her mom's way hotter and also the reason why she's a whore.
>politician doesn’t keep promises
>support wanes
No I'm not a "mong" you are
C-section birth scar
Taylor's gonna come out of the closet by the end of the year
those are vertical
ok well whatever i'm yrubber you're glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you
you must be 18 to post on this webbsite
>those are vertical
They're not
She could be hot in a "petite girl next door" way if she didn't do all the dumb degenerate shit she's been doing. She's been conned into this bullshit because it's what they want her to do. There's nothing revolutionary about following the commands of her ((management))). I dare her to take a stance on something that really is an issue. I dare her to take a truly revolutionary stance like saying Israel is committing war crimes or that Muslims are sexist and homophobic. Show us a critique of Islamic homophobia. But no, this is corporate "bravery."
She has to to save her career now, even if she really isn't.
you're talking to a woman who has one, so run along and don't reply to me
Didn't she try to reinvent herself as wholesome like a year ago?
miley cyrus is a walking meme, just not in the way she wants it
she did. didn't exactly light up the charts, to no one's great surprise
I know this is contrary to the thread but I don't blame her. She's just been acting as they've told her to act. She's been told to be this degenerate symbol. I bet she really would like to act. She just can't. So the money is in following her orders. She's a trapped puppet.
>West needs VVITCH burnings asap
The only solution which once was very successful before.
all these shock whores have to try and one up each other, imagine in 20 years what the next will act like, live abortions on stage throwing the fetus into the crowd as interratial sissy gangbangs rage on
>heroism of flesh
What did the kikes meant with it?
I thought she was done with the trashy thing?
Maybe this time she’ll do nudes with long hair
I'm talking as a man who has seen them very up close. Also, a google search gives you dozens of horizontal c-secs, the norm. So fuck off
why do you keep lying?
You literally can't say no to them these days without being ruined. I'm sure he hates himself for letting it happen, but can't say it.
hey like a woah
Nope, can't have any nudity that is actually sexy anymore. Sorry, bro, you were born in the wrong era.
this video is kind of like one of those sissy hypno videos you seen on porn sites.
funny that this glorified gift shop has no attendance
only one ride, $200 just to get in the door, and all the souvenirs have already been bought by scalpers.
Jesus Christ, user, what kind of porn sites are you visiting?
Do not ever underestimate what I’m capable of fapping to
>You literally can't say no to them these days
>to them
To them who? The jews? Isn't that a trite response? Also it's just a Netflix episode.
>these days
There was a day in which jews didn't own the media? Isn't that contradictory?
Everyone going there is looking for old school SW vibes and failing to find them.
I think he's talking about the /gif/ board that is just a click away
pornhub mostly. Its not just sissy hypno videos that are like that btw.
>we want the persona audience
>fucking shill thread for a music video on Yea Forums
>There was a day in which jews didn't own the media?
There was a day before they started to overplay their hand. That's all. Most people hate this shit but are peer pressured into acting like they like it by the 8%.
uh uh uh balls to trans balls pussies to pussies uh uh uh slap it slap it curb stomp that fetus to the beat uh uh uh
just what I think the lyrics to that would soundlike
They're ruining our porn. Big surprise.
>imagine in 20 years what the next will act like, live abortions on stage throwing the fetus into the crowd as interratial sissy gangbangs rage on
The jokes or today are the sad reality of tomorrow. It will happen, but people will have to cheer it on even if they don't agree with it.
Unironically triggered desu. Someone needs to die for this.
only white sharia, no semitic dick cutting, ok?
>They're ruining our porn. Big surprise.
porn is theirs user, dont fool yourself. the extreme stuff normalizes the more "tame" stuff, and fools people into thinking that at least regular porn isnt incest skat interracial tranny stuff. it's all bad
Into the trash it goes, sadly enough.
Pretty boring overall and its attempt at being provocative and shocking is pretty bad.
>trying to be provocative with mother/daughter
>lots of sexual imagery, like who cares
>Uses the stronk women meme
>Puts in some ugly trannies, disfigured people etc, nobody gives a shit
Pretty sure people are tired of this and this phase is gonna be over in 1-2 years, it seems it has just ran its course and like all fads and trends wont last very long. Boy are many people gonna cringe when they look back their trannyfemmigirlpowerracsis phase of whatever the fuck to call it
Forget about scat and things like that. The thing they're trying to push is alphabet soup porn. That's been deemed officially acceptable. The outlier porn will continue to be ostracized as it doesn't serve a purpose. Like watching girls poop? Still ok to make fun of. What's important is that you are ok with interracial tranny gay porn and if you won't fap to it you're evil incarnate.
They're overplaying their hand right now. Most people secretly hate this. They just can't say so.
lady gaga sucked just as much
It's absolutely stunning to me how much the Jews have perverted society in 80 years since the holocaust
At least she was willing to do it when it was genuinely against what what corporately acceptable. At this point it's just "corporate bravery."
Step 1: Make yourself unquestionable
Step 2: Act out your evil plan
it would be cool if you were right, but i think it's gonna get worse. no one is doing anything about drag kids, or canada taking away peoples kids to transition them. it's a bit of outrage for a while, but eventually it all subsides and get's accepted. they already have the minds of many people, the mainstream reaction to degeneracy is acceptance, and you are "living in 1940" if you fight it.
lol shit like that hasnt been edgy since the 90s
>all this pearl clutching ITT
I thought /pol/ being full of old boomers was just a dumb meme but turns out it's true. and why does everything have to be about black dicks and trannies? you faggots are obsessed
Meh. Remember when dance songs were just that? Songs about partying, having a good time? What's up with all this preachy pop shit lately? Taylor Swift telling me to "calm down". Miley telling me that womyns is stronk. A waste of good beats really.
>lol shit like that hasnt been edgy since the 90s
Homosexuality has been. This current level of nonsense is a new paradigm.
pretty much this anyone that fights the degenerate shit gets called out for saying anything against the propaganda bullshit that gets pushed.
>and why does everything have to be about black dicks and trannies
>is the first post to mention black dicks
is there something you want to tell us user?
Dude the most edgy shit you can do today is be straight, conservative and Christian aka normal.
Is this that lady bug show?
Oh I know. No one is willing to be that crazy if they are a public figure. Behold Chris Pratt, for example, starting to be ruined.
christcuckoldry is a heresy, there's nothing normal about it
Do you think he ever regrets selling his daughter to the jews?
he probably gets off on it
Imagine not knowing that Trent Reznor became everything he preached against years ago. He's a male boomer Miley Cyrus.
>not knowing what normal means
pagancucks in charge of iq
very swish swish
Bitches need to be reined in. Lot of nasty, weak shit going on now.
just like trump
women have no morals
they're the NPC of genders
>anyone wanting to spend their life with these nasty evils
Reminder that the real Miley Cyrus was murdered by Disney and replaced by lookalike.
Jewish satanic nigronic and moronic in its origin. I say 1/5
epic, can i post this to r/politcalhumor?
>drumpftard has a reddit account
they should get back to marketing her as an all american country girl
the gaga persona just doesnt fit her
especially with those shitty beats
>Pay Your Back chief change agent and tween Flint water crisis activist Mari Copeny
its what sells tho
I like the full latex catsuit and gloves, and the matching boots. Glad she doesn't have that dumb vagina thing on all the time.
True. The real Miley Cyrus was way sluttier.
might be but the product is just so weak compared to the former ones
this shit stalled well beyond the top 40 tho
don't you have a tumblr tranny page to run?
>Virginity is a social construct,
>Not an object
She seems confused
If you're getting jobs specifically for being a handicap, black tranny, then how exactly are you being oppressed? Same with these fat female models. Funny how they never advocate for fat, bald and short male models.
>not an object
>100% object-type of imagery with her body
Very satanic and degenerate. No value in any way.
Any more pompous platitudes?
Britney Spears rip off
>is on Yea Forums
>will call the cops when black people walk past his house
>is scared when a group of black youths walk towards him
yadda yadda talk more shit cause you cant get hit
not atheist
not liberal
Reminder that's the plot of Black Mirror's Miley Cyrus episode (almost)
It's a sterilization scar so she can fuck without condoms and get trillions of cum drying in her. Disgusting.
>pompous platitudes
No examples of men who did shit you will never do but to whom you owe your cozy life and use it to shit on reality.
The world isnt a safe space you poofter
I thought Miley was trad now
No she is just using that to destroy your children while accumulating wealth over their corpses
>Any more pompous platitudes?
truly pathetic. this is what a man says when he has lost all respect for himself
I don't owe shit to anyone
Nice, you have a talent for this.
This video made me more depressed than ever. Every girl I meet is going to parade it as a huge win for feminism. It disgusts me. I've never been a religious person but the more I see this kind of shit the more I believe in some sort of metaphysical evil that was unleashed upon the world at some point. I've nearly given up on dating because every fucking girl who's mildly attractive is basically Miley.
Yes you do.
You werent born on a desert island
Obama voter?
Why does nobody ever shoot these rich people anymore?
I remember when some nutter shot a guy over a book.
>obama voter
Amerikans are retarded
Just don't fall for the liberated woman meme and you'll be fine
Get a cute shy church girl
even worse than an atheist, he is -may allah forgive me for uttering this word, a pagan
Just a leftie then
No just sociopathic behavior being normalized
no one gonna mention the black disabled tranny in a wheelchair?
im starting to believe that human consciousness is a collective organism and the general feeling and thought processes of the masses dictates what the future will become and Yea Forums and social media is a proponent and accelerant in both cultivating and controlling the "hivemind"
get on my level
>Every girl I meet is going to parade it as a huge win for feminism.
i wouldn't worry, nobody cares about miley anymore
Virginity isn't but being an incel is
>nobody gonna mention the tranny
dude its a bit fucked up laughing at disabled people let alone mentally challenged people
now add black to the mix and its all just a sad mess
Diabolical isn't a compliment
This isn't what objectifying means.
This is literally not at all what it means.
Where does it say that retard?
>virginity is a social construct
>a lefty
This is called dancing dude
"virginity is a social construct"
basically just means that its okay to ride the cock carousel? is there any support for incels in this statement?
Why would incels need support? They choose to be fucking losers.
Of course virginity is a social construct? Do you think it's natural? When is a dude not a virgin anymore? When he put his dick inside a woman? Only when he cums inside a woman? What about anal? Or gay guys, who never have sex with a woman? What about passive gay guys, who never put their dick inside anyone?
As for women, it's possible to have sex with the hymen staying intact. Or they can lose their hymen to a thousand different accidents.
Virginity is not something natural. It's a social construct. I first thought this was bullshit, too, but think about it for a second.
Pizzagate, blm, the wall, jews, etc
They're basically wrong every day all the time.
this shit is worse than porn for you
>im starting to believe that human consciousness is a collective organism and the general feeling and thought processes of the masses dictates what the future will become and Yea Forums and social media is a proponent and accelerant in both cultivating and controlling the "hivemind"
i'm starting to think this as well. i always found the "first the trannies, then they'll rehabilitate the pedos" stuff being bandied around on /pol/ to be paranoid delusions of basement dwelling nazis with vivid imaginations, but i've recently seen tiny steps being taken here and there to drum up sympathy for pedophiles who do not act on their impulses or whatever. kinda spooky
When they have sex duh. Why are you virgins so vulgar? Relax dude. Virginity is absolutely natural as everyone is born a virgin.
>When is a dude not a virgin anymore
benis in bagina
for women, benis in an orifice
nice b8 post
Sauce on image?
You thought the parts with Miley were hot but everybody else in the video was grotesque so you couldn't fap to it.
2009 we'd kill to see some miley titties. now we don't care..
Lines are blurry and partially up for defintion or individual from person to person, doesn't mean the whole thing doesn't exist. That's the infitism fallacy.
You are literally saying sex doesn't exist.
For most people sex is penis in vagina, and that's also when you have bonding chemicals bearing out, like oxytocin, which is very real and not "social". A lot of things happening in the brain.
It's not that easy brainlets, did you even read my post? the point is that society decides what "losing your virginity" means. it's a social construct. or do you think a passive gay dude who's only.. received his whole life is a virgin after 30 years of passive anal sex?
I'm not telling you what to conclude from this but it's just a fact that virginity is a social construct
How do you know if you weren't born yet faggit
>doesn't mean the whole thing doesn't exist
dude.. just because it's a social construct doesn't mean it doesn't exist. of course it exists. but that doesn't change the fact that society decides how it's defined. it's literally a social construct.
again, that doesn't have to mean anything. i myself don't conclude anything from this, and I don't want anyone to. it's just a fact.
When you have sex. No need to be a gross incel about it. You can't lose your virginity but you're obsessed with gay guys. You're gay.
>the alphabet soup crowd
Our enemies ending their genetic lines. Don't complain about it being "degenerate". We should be celebrating this and promoting more far left women to do it.
Okay that settles it I'm buying a ticket.
That's cringeworthy
>t. delusional mark getting WORKED
>you're obsessed with gay guys
It's an example, brainlet. What about muslim girls who only take it in the ass to physically stay virgins? so they husbands don't kill them the first night? You idiots don't get it.
>You're gay
You have brown hair.
Ummm where exactly are they all accepted as equals?
>We should be celebrating this
okay leftist
sorry, "accelerationist"
>everyone who offends me is a tranny
Fucking incels
Yes people who have sex are no longer virgins.
why is the lgbtgqgqiaiaia crowd so easy to exploit? corporations and "artists" like miley that fuck turbochads in mansions have made so much money off of them
>Everyone who offends me is a Incel
Fucking Trannys.
>you have brown hair
*tips fedora*
>Yes people who have sex are no longer virgins.
And who decides that? Society? Or nature?
pro tip: it's society
Incels are only offensive to smell, or when they shoot up a place. Otherwise you're just a joke really.
maybe read up on their theories and the kind of stuff they talk about. it's really not that funny.
>He wants mentally ill women bringing children into the world.
You are technically correct. However, saying "X is a social construct" implies that X isn't real in common parlance.
Nature can't talk dipshit
God I hate women
Because humans are innately good
only WWIIl can help now
Incel "theories" ? Now THAT is funny
Being liberal isn't a mental illness. Being an adult male virgin IS, however. You'd literally have to be a retard to not get laid now.
>Being liberal isn't a mental illness
actually it is and so is homosexuality and transsexuality
>who happens to be trans
And being an incel.
agreed if we're talking about actual self described incels because those actually want to partake in degeneracy
Flashing sexuality is The sign of a completly worthless artist
According to who?
no, me
Not having sex as an adult is degeneracy.
degeneracy is not only here to stay but it fits on the trendline thats been at play for centuries. the only thing that will change it is some kind of V For Vendetta future, otherwise just have fun guys.
"having sex" is degenerate
>it's another "musical artist steals visuals from madonna to make a shallow song deep and controversial" music video
I wish people stopped falling for this shit
sorry, you're a slut.
Let's not pretend Madonna wasn't every bit as vulgar as Miley.
Explain exactly why it's not deep and what visuals were stolen and not just similar. Back it up or you're busted for pretending to be intellectual when you're just another generic idiot.
Well I'm a guy. I'd have to be some kind of degenerate to not have sex with every woman I can.
thanks google
Who would you rather hang out with, the crazy fat dude in the fancy hat who would probably show you all the best places to hang out or the milquetoast family who keep telling you to stop touching their daughter and to get out of their house?
>what did i think of it?
It was fucking terrible.
But who says social constructs are abnormal?
>history is a subject in school
>he doesnt know how one can know something prior to their existence
kek fucking homeschooled retard
>I'd have to be some kind of degenerate to not [degenerate actions]
have christ.
Reading is hard
Being a virgin as an adult male is degenerate dude.
I don't think you know what that word means.
So nobody said it? Is that what you're saying?
America killed god
gotta admit the song is not that bad. first time i ever heard anything made by her, until now I just felt oddly attracted by her without really being able to say why.
>the crazy fat dude in the fancy hat who would probably show you all the best places to hang out
I don't think you do. Protip: it doesn't mean sex.
this, more of these idiots should do it, out generation is fucked, but maybe we can save the next one
>gotta admit the song is not that bad.
The song itself without the video? It's pretty bad. the melody is flat, the lyrics are repetitive and stupid and too many curse words to get radio play.
how provocative
it looks like she's doing a bad imitation of Lady Gaga
They barely breed anyway. Leftists reproduce by parasitically implanting their propaganda into unaware subjects.
Having sex with lots of women for its own sake is degenerate as it is a moral decline.
Whatever half-baked justification you present is no more valid than a woman trying to justify being a slut.
she was, Miley stuff is vanilla stuff compared to people's reaction to madonna's stuff back in the 80s/90s
>Hallelujah, I'm a freak
>I'm a freak, hallelujah
>Every day of the week I'ma do ya
>Like I want to
>I'm a Nile Crocodile, a Piranha
>Oh my God, she got the power
>Oh, look at her, she got the power
>So-so, so don't fuck with my freedom
>I came back to get me some
>I'm nasty, I'm evil
>Must be something in the water or that I'm my mother's daughter
Do you consider these lyrics "deep and thoughtful" in any way?
now consider this, the year is 1986
>He says that he's going to marry me
>We can raise a little family
>Maybe we'll be all right
>It's a sacrifice
>But my friends keep telling me to give it up
>Saying I'm too young, I ought to live it up
>What I need right now is some good advice, please
>Papa don't preach, I'm in trouble deep
>Papa don't preach, I've been losing sleep
>But I made up my mind, I'm keeping my baby, hm
>I'm gonna keep my baby, ooh ooh
on one side, you got
>dont fuck with muh freedom
on the other side, a well argumented thesis
>I'm young, pregnant, but I'm old enough to know what I'm doing, I don't want you to be upset father, but you have to acknowledge my choice
and pick related for the aesthetic
>still cant read
>how unfortunate
>thinks his retarded tactic is going to work
Maybe try plebbit
No it's being a man. Being a virgin, woman hating pussy is a moral decline.
That was just a reset so she could do it again.
So who said it?
C-section with a row of piercings to accentuate it, as far as I can tell. May be a hysterectomy scar, I guess?
As for the OP, what a shitty video. It apes the thrust of actual gender equality messages but tries to capitalise on Miley's own sexuality. And it does it unironically, ignoring how blatantly hypocritical it is of its own supposed "message."
I thought Madonna and then lady Gaga were garbage, but this makes them look like the very *souls* of deftly handling the topic.
But hey. Girl power, I guess.
>that like/dislike ratio
First one is deeper desu. Even you knew that with your cringeworthy assessment.
no justification?
Holding women and men morally accoutnable isn't hating them, if there's any hate it's the hate you have for yourself to not respect yourself more.
>I had an abortion and all I got was this lousy t-shirt
What's immoral about men being men? Are you a feminist?
But who cares about the morals of some incel?
>umm actually I'm being a man by degrading myself
What's with the shitty hair?
>first time i ever heard anything made by her
Nigga you been living in a bubble the last 15 years or sum?
But nobody is being degraded. It seems you're the only one who thinks it's degrading, and you're some creepy virgin judging people and acting morally superior when you're really not.
sounds like generic repetitive trash that could have been released by literal who in last 15 years and nobody noticed.
And into the trash she goes. Remember fellas, get you a respectable girl who has ambitions but also intends on letting you breed her.
>when you're really not.
careful buddy, your inferiority complex is showing.
why would you want to breed with some selfie taker?
The abortion rates per capita are literally the lowest in western Europe and North America. Asia can't stop killing babies.
>you'll never know how many young girls terry richardson banged
A man is inferior to a boy? That's a new one.
Britney wore it better. Check out the cameltoe
Everyone takes selfies. Where have you been for the last decade?
if you need to tell someone "you're not superior to me" that's a pretty obvious tell.
Maybe you're due for some introspection.
How did she make it in the music industry with such a barking man voice?
I didn't say that. That's what you have been saying.
I dropped him after I saw a thread of his photobooks on /p/ where he fucks and sucks some trannies
Of course the property of being chair is a social construct. Do you think it's natural? When is a chair not a chair anymore? When it loses one of its back? Only when it ceases to be possible to sat on? What about stools? Or any object that is able to be sat on? What about a bed?
As for chair legs, it's possible to have three or even two while still allowing for someone to sit down. Or they can lose one of them to a thousand different accidents.
The quality of being a chair is not something natural. It's a social construct. I first thought this was bullshit, too, but think about it for a second.
You looked up gay porn?
This. Ignore that clown. He's being contrarian for the sake of it. Besides, a lot of pregnant women take pictures like that to have memories of the progress and body changes they go through before giving birth. Nothing wrong with that.
Re-read the post. Terry Richardson's celebrity portraits were posted in a thread on . user posted several other photos he published in books. Some of them were Terry fucking or getting bj from female models, some general celeb portraits, some were portraits with nyc socialite traps. I didn't look up anything.
Pregnancy is beautiful, yes. But what happens after that? Somehow you prolifers always fail to mention that shitshow.
Oops! I fapped to it again.
>But what happens after that?
Umm...life. Who hurt you?
You looked at gay porn.
yeah i'm thinking he's based