I don't get it?

I don't get it?

Attached: Zac.jpg (739x415, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:


you can only get traps like that with steroids but that doesn't mean he didn't put the work in

His balls are probably grapefruits lmao

Penis stays the same size but yeah, also he's got a little bit of roid gut which is indicative of HGH. If this isn't not for a role he's stupid

LeBron James needs to stop taking HGH
His hairline fucked up from the HGH
He went from one headband to like 88

the chad who emotionally cucks you

the chad who physically cucks you


Steroid users without exercise gained more muscle than non-steroid users with regular exercise.

Your balls shrink when you take roids. Permanently, as well. It's because your body recognizes the huge testosterone surplus and your testes stop producing it.

People don't really know about just how badly roids fuck you up. Every organ in your body is affected negatively besides your muscles.

his abs are fucked and he'd look better with 5-10% more bodyfat

people are built differently

>Steroid users without exercise
Wait, steroids just grow muscles without actually having to work out? Sign me right the fuck up.

He was probably on gear in the first picture too, lol

Here is what a peak body looked like prior to the synthesis of steroids.

Note the small traps, non-capped shoulders and minimal vascularity.

Attached: champion bodybuilder pre-steroids.jpg (481x600, 31K)

that guy looks about 5' 2"

What the fuck happened to his abs in the second picture?

Also impressive how well-developed the guy's forearms are.

Forearms have very low androgen receptivity. If developing traps is 90% hormones 10% exercise, developing forearms is 90% exercise 10% hormones.

there was a study posted a few days ago that showed steroid use sans exercise to gain about the same amount of muscle as exercise sans steroid use, while steroid use while exercising led to about 2x the muscle mass increase compared to either of the former

some people don't have pretty abs
muscle insertion points(how your muscles look) are part of bodybuilding just as much as roids or doing the hard work
for a good comparison of good vs bad insertion points, just compare Jeff Seid's and Arnie's biceps. Arnies' muscles are long and Jeff's are short. The more aesthetic of the two would be Arnie.


Attached: image.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

t. doesn't know what palumboism is

who are your favorite roiders?

Attached: cortisol bumps.jpg (1024x738, 462K)

Janoy Cresva

physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for vaginas, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.

>peak body
imagine embracing the aesthetics created by homosexuals

>healthy food and walking
>"-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death"

Self-contradictory retard. Post discarded. Will forget you exist after I close tab. Closing tab.

I don't get it. What's the rectangle trying to tell me?

it is a mystery

Attached: cortisol bumps part deux.jpg (700x810, 164K)

seriously, what are they? Needle marks? What?

injection sites for cortisol, a substance injected into the abdomen to counteract some of the negative effects of steroids

He went from twink to daddy. What is there to get?

kek. untermensch

There's something insanely insecure and weird about the elites roiding. They lead such unnatural, feminized lives, but try to cheat their way to a masculine body anyway.

Attached: bezos.jpg (750x366, 134K)

t. got all his info about steroids from tv and soccer moms

Steroids are statistically far less dangerous than alcohol, drugs, smoking, and fast food. Also, they don't shrink your balls permanently. Only when your on cycle and even then it's highly individual. Mine remain big no matter what I take.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

>use roids, fuck up your body but attract the best pusy
>dont use roids, maintain healthy body but dont attract the best pusy and sometimes even die alone

Ironically roid chads are the ones thinking long term since they will enjoy superior offspring from superior mating partners

You better be fucking gay if you are using homoslang because if not you are a faggot

that body is just disgusting. Why would you want to look like you could collapse and die at any moment


get off gear. every day you remain on it, you are permanently damaging your body for fleeting vanity.

Tiny hands.

>“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable” — Socrates

I think I'll take his word over yours, dyel.

Steroids give you heart failure at a mean age of 50, and cause infertility in roughly 80% of cases. They will destroy your ability to produce testosterone, permanently shrink your testicles, and erase your sex drive. Do not take steroids. It's not worth it.

cope harder skelly

cope with what?

I don't take abuse amounts like these retards. In fact I had my physical and blood work done recently. I'm in perfect health. My blood pressure is 100/60 even on gear and my cholesterol and triglycerides are lower than average. There's literally nothing dangerous about roids if you use them responsibly.

Attached: 1977-2007-273x300.jpg (273x300, 32K)

>>use roids, fuck up your body but attract the best pusy
Women don't like roid physiques. Genuinely. Go look at spaces women inhabit, and look at the men they're attracted to. They aren't muscular men.

Why do so many roidfags die really young?

I’m currently working on achieving the body on the left. It seems realistically doable.

There is no such thing as responsible or safe use of steroids. The safe level of testosterone is the level your body naturally produces. You are destroying your body, and you are deeply delusional.

>Women don't like literally the most masculine physique, biologically determined

>Steroids give you heart failure at a mean age of 50
Kek. More soccer mom info. Most of the golden age bodybuilders are still alive in their 70s and those guys took A LOT more gear than the average gym rat.

>And cause infertility in roughly 80% of cases

> They will destroy your ability to produce testosterone,
Also false and irrelevant since TRT and HCG exist.

> permanently shrink your testicles

>and erase your sex drive.
If you think high testosterone will erase your sex drive you are an imibecile.

That's true, they don't.

They literally don't. Culture plays far bigger role in sexual selection than biology ever can

The type of person who is willing to take steroids is also the type of person who engages in myriad other extreme actions. It’s the same reason men die younger than women as a whole, they are much more aggressive. Men on gear are to regular men when regular men are to women.

Good for you but fuck man if this is your realistic goal i'd say you'd be surprised how easy it is. 12 weeks 8 if you try hard enough and eat super clean

>Men on gear are to regular men when regular men are to women.
that's deep bro

They don't. Even pro bodybuilders rarely die and they take dozens of times more than gym rats.

Provably false. That burger you had yesterday is far more likely to kill you than steroids.

Attached: most_dangerous_drugs.0.png (1601x1663, 85K)

Lmao, wrong as wrong can be.


Champion bodybuilder C.T Fletcher talking about steroid use.

>It really turned me into an asshole, man
>I couldn't get hard for a woman anymore

>Confidence boost
>My family is prone to heart attacks and strokes
>Bump my “league” up by a notch or two

That’s why I do it.

they don't because humans are a neotenising species, otherwise brow ridges wouldnt be restricted to chechen mma retards

>"ranked by drug experts"

AKA complete bullshit.

You are genuinely retarded and naive if you think marijuana is 50% as harmful as heroin.

>Women don't like roid physiques.

Kek. Is that why they're creaming themselves to Cavill, Hemstworth, Momoa and all the other roided up actors? You guys are coping so fucking hard right now.

Women are mostly creaming themselves to K-pop twinks. Have you ever looked at fantasy men created by women? Like shoujo manga, etc.? The men are not roidmonsters, just tall.

>tobacco more harmful than meth and ecstasy
>almost as harmful as cocaine
absolute laff of a graph you got there, boy

>study made by actual experts and scientists
>AKA complete bullshit.

>You are genuinely retarded and naive if you think marijuana is 50% as harmful as heroin.
Ah, that explains it. You're a worthless hippie pothead.

We're talking about normal, well-adjusted women, not the kind of smelly weeb women who read manga, you fucking autist.

I think for the most part they don't date those guys they just fuck them.

Millions of people die from lung cancer caused by smoking, but yeah, it's totally safe, bro.

>normal, well-adjusted women, not the kind of smelly weeb women who read manga
so they kind who get wet in the panties for the main guys in Supernatural?

they do to a point, enough that being built will get you more pusy than being skinnyfat or average

and being built is 10 times easier with roids than going full /fit/ regime. The healthy fitness stuff is all horseshit, normal people dont have time to dedicate their whole lives to achieving peak natty physiques. And even those who promote it are all juicing behind the scenes anyway.

normie well-adjusted women make boybands and justin bieber famous retard

Yeah. It's "alpha fucks and beta bucks" for a reason, mate.

No, nobody watches Supernatural anymore, only fat tumblr whores with colored hair.

Nope. Women don't listen to shit like Bieber and One Direction. 14-year-old girls do.

you sound like you know zero women below the age of 25 irl

>imagine embracing the aesthetics created by homosexuals

Imagine projecting this much

Well, that would be pretty weird considering my gf is 20.

yall niggas gay asf

The ultimate cope post

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Don't get what? He definitely juiced up for Baywatch. Pic related is him back in 2014. He maintained this sleek physique up until 2016 when he started juicing.

Juicing is gay as fuck. You're just cheating yourself, plain and simple and the shit is as obvious as plastic surgery.

I honestly wouldn't be proud of myself for being a pussy in a gym using anabolics.

Attached: 7f990af29a8b0f5e295ca6c5b53b116e--man-candy-famous-people.jpg (634x927, 91K)

>Balls shrinking is a good fucking thing

Where have I heard this before

You're an idiot. Juicing isn't cheating since it takes you beyond what's possible for you naturally.

If you got an ugly face it don’t matter what your body looks like.

>K pop twinks
>Fantasy men created by women in manga
>"they're just tall"

You need to leave your house and stop jacking off on nhentai for five fucking minutes, man

You just explained why it is cheating.

What if I put on the mask?

Not it would be cheating if you used to them get the same results easier and faster. If you're goals are going beyond that it's not cheating, it's a necessity.

Someone post that slim model /fa/ keeps memeing here

I don't lift because I want to be pretty.
I lift because I enjoy the pain.

Attached: alex-jones.jpg (404x600, 30K)

That doesn't make a lick of sense.

literally this. pic related. She went beyond what was possible as well. Faggot.

Attached: 6-Worst-Plastic-Surgery-Fails-2.jpg (632x421, 45K)

Think about it, brainlet.

With wrestlers there's a load of other substance and lifestyle issues compounding things

I hope you’re joking, his traps are normal sized the rest of him is just very lean.

>5-10% more bodyfat

lmao that's enough to go from ripped to overweight

I did. That is how I came to the conclusion that it makes no sense. Are you okay?

Wrestlers don't even roid anymore. There's like 5 guys in the WWE who are actually big. Everyone is a skinnyfat manlet.

that's what your average navy seal looks like, idiot

Are you? I'll try to explain it as I would to a child. If my goals are to reach something that is unreachable naturally, I have to take steroids, because it's impossible otherwise. If I just used them to build muscle faster and easier but still remained within my natty limit then it would be cheating, because all I did was take a shortcut. And even then it's not really cheating because it's not against any rules or laws.

Now, I lifted natty for 8 years before I started gear. I had a respectable body. 200+ lbs 375lbs bench press, 550+ deadlift, 500lbs squat etc. But I wanted more. And I knew that I had to take gear if I wanted to achieve my goals because I was close to my natural limit.

do you even understand what 20% bodyfat looks like, idiot?

Not that guy but Effron wasn't playing a fucking Navy Seal. He was playing a swimmer and they're all very lean.

Attached: proud.jpg (628x471, 41K)

This makes no sense. You have a juicebrain.

Okay, you're either a retard or you're just trolling now.

>If this isn't not for a role he's stupid
baywatch 2017

I don't give a shit what it looks like.

Roidmonkeys are the easiest to infuriate on the site. It's low hanging fruit

>I don't lift because I want to be pretty.
>I lift because I enjoy the pain.

Attached: image.jpg (676x875, 40K)

so why do you run your mouth when you don't know the first thing about what you're talking about. imagine being this retarded.

This is actually true though. When you wake up aching from the lifting you feel like you're getting somewhere. When you stop aching it gets boring.

>goes from cute-looking young man to 30 year old boomer

Not a good look

Probably because my statement is founded in data that comes from a study done on the military and not from eyeballing dudes like a fag.
I didn't believe it either when I learned of it years ago either.

itt: dyel cope

Attached: fit.jpg (1200x1264, 229K)


What data? Show proofs faggot

I saw it like 5 years ago mang. I don't know where to find that shit.
seals/spec ops were like 18 or 19 percent bodyfat and normie grunts were like 22 or 23
and no it in no way implied they were dyel weaklings

Roids make you better in everyway. keep coping natty fags


this is a major cope, you should have went natty kiddo

Your a fucking retard, once your cycle is over your balls will return to normal after pct. They return to normal without pct but it will take a lot longer and youre stupid to not do pct after a cycle

first of all, they're nips. Secondly, they've done studies into this, when women select for longterm partners, they go for ones they feel will be least likely to leave them. Those girls might be picking the skinnier guy but they'd probably prefer to fuck the more muscular guy. Women are notorious liars when it comes to questions about sexuality

what kind of cost total for a cycle?

sounds like somone got cucked by a muscle chad, stay dyel faggot s o i boy

steroids frindo

Oh wow, how informative. Now I know that alcohol is at 70...somethings...and does a lot of...bad damage.

youre a spastic stop listening to your moms opinion on everything



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>have bigger pecs and triceps but only a 4 pack
Does that make me as attractive as zac efron?

>tfw you'll never look like breaststroke champion

Attached: 42B3FE9D00000578-4733682-image-a-44_1501106271101.jpg (634x984, 150K)

men with large chests dont look good

yes, just like Arnold, Styllone, van Damme

Im just doing a test cycle to get natty limit faster then in done with gear, fuck training for 10years to hit natty limit i wanna be young while i have a mega body

Why he couldn't of stayed natty like the rock?



>Note the small traps
are you kidding me?

im 25% bf but have a lot of muscle mass underneath, while its clear that i am carrying some bodyfat over my muscles i dont look fat (no belly or anything like that) its all depends on fat distribution and the muscle mass underneath

Well, I disagree

Attached: 2391624-49731250-2560-1440.jpg (1050x590, 89K)

Meh. I'd rather eat and drink what I want and still be in alpha shape.

Attached: eddie_hall.jpg (650x361, 71K)

What traps? His traps are average. Delts and low bf are clear signs of roid usage though.

he has a normal chest

im currently running 50mg of test a week cost me 160quid for 12 weeks worth which is a 3month cycle. Will have to soend a little more for the pct afterwards then im never touching juice again just wanted a boost to hopefully get me closer to natty limit

Walking is exercise for old people mate

Why do british retards roid so much?
Is it the low national IQ?


Gym is really popular in the uk


Attached: 1507884371292.jpg (800x437, 96K)

then why the fuck do all their women look like sacks of rotten potatoes?

Sort of true. They like a good build and some muscle, but if you look like you round or live a life that revolves around the gym, it's a put off

Mainly because they dont train and binge drink every weekend, just common filth. Most girls in the gym have really good bodys apart from the odd fatty that comes in but at least they are making an effort to improve them selves

>thinking women actually work out in the gym
t. never been to the gym

They roid as much as everyone else. Slavs roid much more. Niggers too.

>left: before sneed
>right: after sneed

they cream for their faces first, and body second. is like a pre requisite

where do you find sources? Do you have to use tor?

for you

There plenty of girls who are into big ugly guys, though. Vin Diesel made a career out of it.

meant for

A 10/10 twink was molested and passed around by the gay Mafia of Hollywood so he tried to reinvent himself as butch and masculine. It’s a tragedy.

these guy's are on roids too, right?

people will care about who you are

What's with all this vascularity?
I can't help but be queasy about all these overly visible veins
, like you're advertizing a weak point that can be sliced with a knife.

is Alan Thrall natty?

Attached: thrall.jpg (480x360, 32K)

it's genetic bruh don't be a wuss with feminine phobias

Yes, his strength is extremely mediocre for someone at his bodyweight and training experience.

Nigger your veins would be just as easy to cut. You think having half an inch of fat on top of them would stop a knife?

You must know absolutely nothing about drugs to have posted this unironically.

Low testosterone is a social construct.


Actually user because our weight-training methods and equipment has improved, our max (of natty) muscle has increased too.


Nice counter argument, faggot. Not a single one of you have been able to prove this image wrong. All you kids have is mom science.

>ecstasy, ketamine, methadone and benzos lower than marijuana
you're clueless if you take this chart seriously

And you are a brainlet if you don't understand that the amount of users factors in as well. Virtually everyone smokes pot in 2019. Comparatively fewer people use ecstasy, ketamine, methadone and benzos.


and that's why the chart is completely irrelevant to the fucking conversation you utter dipshit.

i got one trap like that

brb buying some khat

He still looks dyel as fuck even with gear, he's probably doing something wrong.

No, it's not. Gear usage is extremely common these days. Every gym rat uses.

>Marijuana more dangerous than Ecstasy

Attached: 1559525510109.jpg (1024x762, 144K)

Fucking this, bloatmaxx is the ultimate redpill. Abs are for dyel twinks who can't gain weight.

Yes, it is, you dirty hippie.

It's nowhere near as common as most other drugs. To post a chart that's adjusted for how many people use a drug when trying to say the drug itself isn't dangerous is silly, it's not objectively about the harms of the drug itself. It has lower likelihood for abuse by the average person and the person who does abuse it is usually in otherwise good health.
I'm also not saying gear is some insanely dangerous drug or anything. If you want to use it go ahead. It's your body. But if you post a chart that says steroids, ket, E, methadone, benzos etc. are less harmful than pot as proof of anything I'm not going to take your argument seriously.

Marijuana does not fuck up your serotonin levels anywhere near as much, not even mentioning how some people freak out and have bad rolls where it looks like they're seizing

I do basically most of the drugs on that list weed is objectively safer than ecstasy pal

Attached: 1561876065257.gif (635x640, 3.28M)

>Abs are for dyel twinks who can't gain weight.

*blocks your path*

Attached: 5408726-6316731-image-m-3_1540482742715.jpg (634x576, 48K)

>It's nowhere near as common as most other drugs
If you honestly believe that you are extremely inexperienced and naive. The only more common drugs on that list are weed, tobacco, and alcohol. Everyone who goes to the gym uses gear. The only ones who don't are kids just starting out. Everyone else takes shit, even if they look dyel.

Keep smoking then, hippie. I'll laugh at your funeral.

And he looks like shit now.

and you spend too much time around gym rats to know what the rest of the population is up to.
I know exactly how common it is among gymrats because I have friends who are gymrats. But I also have friends who aren't. In the gym world, it's common, roughly 50% of gym goers I know use, but there aren't nearly as many people in the gym world who take it seriously enough to roid than there are in the gen pop popping pills 'n such.
The people I know who gym religiously and don't do roids do smoke pot and pop pills. Not everyone does it.

What I've also noticed is the ones who do use it are all manlets lol. Anecdotal, so it could be coincidence, but still funny.

I work out to be better at leading my troops and killing sandniggers.

On every site
They don't fully realize its all about the face and you're taking away their only cope

>Not eating healthy, walking AND lifting

Never gonna make it.

Lifting is bad for you. Do cardio if you want to be healthy. Vanity exercises are not the way.

imagine being so insecure that you're okay with sacrificing the literal source of your biological masculinity just so you can have a few hundred likes on instagram