Watch this show.
Watch this show
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Reminder the entire plot is in his mind. He's still in the box.
>Amazon original
what box?
herp derp
how is S2, S1 was kino af
The soundproof box they threw him in after he was caught trying to assassinate someone in some Middle Eastern country. It's shown in flashbacks. Do you even watch the show?
I didn't. Why would I?
Why are you so homosexual. No wonder your parents are so disappointment.
I liked it. It's a bit different in tone and the sense of comedy but at its core still feels like Patriot. If you liked season 1 you're going to like season 2 for sure. Also sadly, it's only 8 episodes so it's not the same pacing as 1 either. I think Amazon, despite doing no fucking advertising for their best product, actually likes the show and we'll be seeing in a few weeks if it gets a season 3, which it needs.
Does that guy have hot gay sex scenes?
He has a husband.
Oh. Now I'm interested in the show.
I mighta tricked ya user! I'm not lying though!! HEE HEE.
I am a mysterious asshole.
You made me look at show's Wikipedia page damn you.
I want you all to know why this is funny:
Is that any good?
Were half of those even real words? I'm positive Spurv Plinth is entirely made up.
I've watched 2 and a half episodes. It's the slowest, most drawn-out show you can possibly imagine. You will understand me if you watch the first couple minutes of the first episode.
It's obviously intentional, and everyone acts like a fucking alien. But I don't get why.
That being said the story is actually kind of interesting. And of course visually it's bizarre yet nice like a lot of Refn's newer shit. It's not "bad" but it's going to test your patience. Especially the entire second episode. But at least it has this scene and this song:
Probably not but I'm not a structural engineer. And neither is John Lakeman. You'll get the humor once you watch the show, trust me.
I watched like 5 episodes of it, and I even ripped off the intro song for a short thing I did:
I might have to try and watch it again, since I really liked it when I saw it.
Disney shill detected
Weird anti add.
It's good fag.
>I'll let corporations fuck the world over as long as they ain't jewish!
babby's first day on pol
Can you watch the show if you hate America? I mean it is called patriot after all.
Yes, it has nothing to do with america or patriotism.
Amazon is most kino streaming out there
why literally every single person who watched this show is all like "oh my god why is nobody talking about this why no one knows about this you have to watch it now", so fucking annoying
is it because it's audience is like 50 thousand people tops
like it can't be anything over a million
watch patriot
i honestly wish this show was on netflix or like, literally anywhere else because so far amazon is a place where shows go to die
netflix would've done a better job, they'd actually promote this show
Netflix would just cast niggers and nobody would watch it
Why do you hate America? Were pretty great, what's to hate besides the brown people and Liberals? Serious question.
It does throw you off a bit at the start.
But then you recognize it, and all the good that's in it.
S2 has a lot of it's own very nice and special moments.
the first half is good, they introduce a new character who is probably the best on the show. The second half is so bad I didn't finish it
does netflix has any saying in the production? or are they just buying shows from other independent production companies?
You can certainly judge media by its cover art. This looks like a show for cucks:
a) Adult bedrooms are for sex and sleep, unless the director wants a cheap attempt at intimacy and oddity.
b) Disinterested main character only attracts effeminate people who can't say no to a mystery.
c) The fetal position posture is placed in front of and as contrast against the title.
You didn't finish season 2? The shattered look on John's face was absolute kino. It was pretty good.