Was it Kino?
Was it Kino?
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Only one scene.
Y'all know the one.
I won't post it because there may be delicate people here.
Absolute Kino
No, it was lame shit that had a few good moments.
Even with all of its lameness, it still gives me a certain warm feeling that I can't put my finger on. Maybe I'm just a nostalgiafag
Lionel and the Wolfington brothers
This movie traumatised me as a child. Didn't help that I lived in a remote forest where UFO sightings were common at the time either.
I remember I stayed up all night when I saw it. Really scared me then, but it seems so tame now. Take me back...
one of the best alien movies, even if its not an "alien movie". The comedic undertones were really underrated, both Mel and Joaquin were pretty funny
>mfw 6 year old me watching that scene
still gives me the chills
If that ever happens, we'll know things are going to change.
Trash. Unintentionally hilarious. Only good thing is Saint Mel.
Scary Movie 3 is better.
Kino until the ending
Im guessing everyones' parents let them see this as a kid? It wasnt really scary, but the constant jump scares was ridiculous
I liked it. The film did a good job at creating tension and mystery. I also liked the weird comedy it had. When I first watched it, the movie scared the shit out of me and I probably would still feel uneasy going outside in the dark after rewatching it.
I went to it with my dad. We had to drive to a theater in a nearby town and on the way home it was dark and we were driving through the country in late summer so it was nothing but cornfields and i still vividly remember staring out at the fields feeling so fucking spooked. It was great.
anything with gibson is kino
it is unironically the best movie of the 21st century to date
Signs and The Blair Witch Project were two of my fondest childhood/adolescent memories of actually being scared watching a movie. It is kino for me.
Tales from the Crypt Bordello of Blood was also one of my favorites, for different reasons entirely.
What am I looking at here?
Lionel Pritchert and the Wolfington Brothers
You sure it's not a female scandinavian olympian?
Our roof is 12 feet high!
scared the fucking shit out of me as a kid
I'm going to explain this so poorly but that moment in the basement when they're barricading the open spot and Joaquin puts the little jar on top is so great. It really does have a lot of humor in it that doesn't feel out of place.
Look what happens to the taco.
Fire in the sky remains best alien abduction/ufo conspiracy film ever.
This board is full of plebs and larpers.
i watched that shit in the cinema not expecting there to be aliens because its fucking Shyamalan then the fucking corn field scene happened and i nearly shit myself
Just because of the abduction scene, thats the only memorable part of the film.
Fire in the Sky is Hollywood trash. This movie is unironically kino and based more on the supposed happenings
You know why? It's because Shyamalahack was a fucking great director at the time. Sure, it's tonally fucked up, some say he can't write for shit but boy, does he have a way to guide what you're supposed to feel at an exact instant. Signs is the one where he went full Hitchcock: The movie was pretty much finished before the shoot. Same structure as a symphony. The last 10 minutes is a audio-visual choregraphy that, if you're connected to the characters, can send fucking chills down your spine. He tried it again with Lady in the water, but this one was so fucking weird that everyone overlooked how visually striking it is. Shyamalan is the monstruous child of Spielberg and Kyoshi Kurosawa, you bet that in almost every one of his movies you have a scene that sticks with the audience.
Too bad he lost his mojo circa 2010.
>that fucken leg disappearing in the corn field
shit was scary yo
My only gripe is the vast majority of people don't understand the religious undertones of the movie.
>Mel was a former priest
>the 'aliens'(demons) react to water
>his daughter keeps tons of glasses of water around
>holy water
zzzz step up /teevee/
>christcucks believe water is "holy"
>being a nigger
big off bro nah mean
funny because christcuckoldry is the domain of the spic and the nigger nowadays
whites can actually perceive the inconsistencies in it
go home jamal
If you ignore like the last five minutes of it, once they leave the cellar, it's one of my favorite thrillers of all time. This is my favorite scene of the movie.
you're first written point makes it that he isn't a hack.
Term is greatly missused on this board
But yeah a few films he shouldn't have done, especially avatar: the last airbender.
Split was one of his better recent films
t. inferior religion worshiper or atheist who will beg for Christ's mercy on their death bed
christ has no mercy to give, he is a but a servant