>Here is your sexually charged, all female, SJW harry potter rip-off on a TV budget bros.
Here is your sexually charged, all female, SJW harry potter rip-off on a TV budget bros
she was so much hotter a few years ago
would it be ok if you turn off the volume and just fap?
asking for a friend
you could do that with her mad men scenes instead
Yeah I fuck the middle one.
but mad men has good dialogues
just oozes WITCHY energy yaknow?
>tfw we lost this for some silly SJW garbage
then you could watch it with sound. either way you're better off than watching this netflix trash.
point taken
Fuck off cunt, you can't cry about a series about witches being about social justice or women or sex.
Do you fucking know anything about Witch mythos?
So like.. why is it ok for the spazzy "trans" dike to harass the jocks and hit them? I have no sympathy for that character because she's a hateful sperg.
Also why does their inclusion shit end when it comes to men? Sabrina basically destroys her boyfriends memories without consent, and sexually harasses the jocks. Oh and mentally assaults her teacher to get what she wants.
Why is this show such fucking garbage?
Also it fucking attacks real satanism as too manly? Like these fucking wiccan cunts know a fucking thing about satan.
It's for teenage girls. Both the show and modern feminism arnt meant to be morally consistent.
sure. I concede the show isn't' for me. But it's garbage for anybody. At least shows like Nerds in the 80s had a fucking good message.
Don't be a dick to people. Everybody has a wild side. Ect. This is just toxic bullshit and anti-white male.
Good thing I dont live in mutt land.
It is the fate of all girls. They peak at 16.
She can't do shit without the aid of men, what the fuck are you talking about?
Hard reset when?
Season two was so meh, all that dicking around of coven politics only for most of the coven to die anyway.
>"sexually harasses" the jocks
She used magic to force them into homosexual acts. That was sexual assault, and the show acts like this is 100% justified. I stopped watching at that point.
Looks like the filter worked.
It's just too ridiculous making a major issue out of LGBT rights but then resort to sexual violence as retaliation for self-defense.
do you live in new-islamibad? IE europe?
plebs like sjw bullshit. try again faggot
There's an episode that shows how problematic sex transitions are, men are always there to do shit women can't, in the end, a man was the one that beat Satan, if you can't stand some pandering to the vocal retards, then you won't stand the future. This is all to appease them, make them shut up about their stupid ideas, learn to deal with it, stop bitching.
smash le patriarchy xd
I wish the nigger would have fought for the right to read banned books like mein kamphf
You mad?
Rise of the Cave People
No matter where you live, you live in America.
Someone said there’s an orgy scene in S1? Is Shipka in that? It any good?
dude what if we rehash Supernatural’s apocalypse arc but release satan and defeat him in a span of 2 episodes lmao
That's right, goy. Don't complain, just accept shitty shows as the new standard!
for women yeah
i am so glad melissa isnt acting anymore and left after her gig ended and settled down
she will always be the true sabrina
nah the little slut claims orgies are not for her
you make big issues about hollywood shows.
top kek
>let's make a YAAS QUEEN show with trannies, poc's and satan
I just wanted a funny dark humor Beetlejuice tier show with a talking cat. And they coudn't even get a talking cat.
Can someone explain to me how Kiernan Shipka and Emma Watson aren't literally the same person?